_“We knew that once there was no moral confusion…once good and evil were kept separate, the Soviet Union’s days were numbered.”__
Natan Sharansky_
In the above illuminating quote, former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky reveals the satisfaction, triumph and elation he felt as a prisoner in the notorious Soviet Gulag after he learned President Ronald Reagan had called the now defunct Soviet Union “an evil empire.” He and other incarcerated dissidents, he relates, were “ecstatic” when Reagan dispelled with his unqualified statement, once and for all, the “moral confusion” existing between freedom and democracy on the one hand and “the most fearsome totalitarian empire in human history” on the other.
It is this dispelling of moral confusion that also emerges as the outstanding characteristic and purpose of Jamie Glazov’s new, captivating and very informative book, *Showdown With Evil: Our Struggle Against Tyranny and Terror*, in which the Sharansky quote appears. In 29 highly interesting interviews with prominent writers and thinkers, Showdown With Evil deals smashing blows to civilization’s implacable enemies: Islamic extremism and its radical leftist ally, the book’s main targets. Divided into eight parts, the last entry being an interview with Glazov himself, _Showdown With Evil_’s bare-knuckle, head-on approach to the weighty problem of liberal democracies’ maintaining their freedom in the face of these dangers is both refreshing and one of the book’s high values.
[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2011/01/diversitylane_glazov-ad_for-websites.jpg)[Many thanks to Diversity Lane for the cartoon.]
This twin menace, radical Islam and the radical left, provided Glazov’s work with its title. As the book’s interviewees make abundantly clear, Islamic extremism and the radical left are both evil and tyrannical. And while the “terror” in the subtitle concerns radical Islam, after reading the book one would agree Glazov could easily have added the word “treason” for the hard left. And it is between the book’s covers that the hard-hitting and merciless showdown with the evil they represent takes place.
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