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The Biden administration is begging the Mexican government for help in stemming the tidal waves of illegal immigrants crossing into the United States from Mexico that President Biden set in motion from the first day he took office. Last month, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to ask for help. They came away with vague language of support but no concrete commitments.
López Obrador showed his hand at a press conference that he held on January 5th. Mexico’s willingness to assist is conditional upon the U.S.’s submission to a set of outrageous demands.
The first demand is an extortionate price tag of $20 billion to go to Latin American and Caribbean countries. This is more than eight times what the Biden Administration requested in foreign assistance for Latin America and the Caribbean in Fiscal Year 2023. No more U.S. taxpayer money should go to any country, including Mexico and the Northern Triangle of Central American countries, until they take strong and sustained action to stop the caravans of migrants moving through their territories.
The second demand is for the United States to change its foreign policy to suit Mexico’s desire to coddle two socialist countries that have among the world’s worst human rights records and are adversaries of the United States. López Obrador insists that the U.S. suspend its boycott of Cuba and remove all sanctions against Venezuela. This represents a direct challenge to the U.S.’s sovereign right to control its own foreign policy. The answer to López Obrador should be to mind his own business.
The third demand amounts to amnesty for at least ten million Hispanic migrants who have worked in the United States for more than ten years by giving them visas to remain in the country. López Obrador has the audacity to tell the United States which illegal immigrants it should allow to stay in the U.S., with visas in hand.
A senior Biden administration official would only say that President López Obrador “has a very ambitious agenda. For some of these things, we would need Congress to act. We share the vision that we need to lift up the region.”
The sad fact is that President Biden shares much of President López Obrador’s ambitious open border agenda. In fact, on his first day in office Biden proposed legislation that went even further than President López Obrador’s demand. His bill would immediately provide “temporary legal status” to virtually all immigrants in the country illegally as of January 1, 2021, with the opportunity for them to obtain a green card and ultimately become naturalized U.S. citizens.
López Obrador could care less about the havoc visited upon Americans resulting from his own failure to effectively combat the Mexican cartel criminals who regularly smuggle drugs and illegal immigrants into the United States. An open U.S.-Mexico border serves Mexico’s national interests by reducing the strain on Mexico’s social service resources and making the immigration mess faced by Mexico within its borders largely America’s problem.
But President Biden is supposed to be looking out for America’s interests, not Mexico’s. He has failed to fulfill this fundamental responsibility of his office as the nation’s chief executive and commander-in-chief.
The Biden administration’s catch-and-release policy is an egregious example. According to a post by a Fox News reporter based on his border agent sources, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted to border patrol agents in Eagle Pass, Texas during a meeting with them on January 8th that “the current release rate for migrants caught crossing the border illegally is ‘above 85%.’”
The Biden administration’s mass release of illegal immigrants into the interior of the United States under its catch-and-release policy, which attracts millions more immigrants to enter the country illegally, does not comply with federal immigration law. Biden’s failure to abide by and enforce U.S. immigration laws is a dereliction of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
Moreover, President Biden has ignored the U.S. government’s responsibilities to the states set forth in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution, which states: “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.”
The Biden administration has turned its back on Texas’s numerous requests to protect Texans by securing the border from invasion by tidal waves of illegal immigrants, some of whom have committed domestic violence on Texas land. To make matters worse, the Biden administration tries to stymie every initiative that Texas takes on its own, such as construction of barriers, to counter this invasion precipitated by the administration’s open border and catch-and-release policies.
Indeed, President Biden has joined López Obrador in opposing Texas’s new law that would allow Texas state law enforcement officials to prosecute migrants entering the United States from Mexico illegally.
Mexico’s president has vowed to fight the law that Texas enacted to protect Texans. No surprise there. Unlike President Biden, López Obrador puts his own country’s interests first.
“The foreign ministry is already working on the process to challenge this law,” López Obrador said last December. Whatever case the Mexican government decides to file against Texas should be summarily thrown out of court. Mexico has no standing to challenge a law duly enacted by a sovereign U.S. state that applies only to individuals caught within that state after having entered the U.S. illegally.
But Mexico’s president should not worry since President Biden is on his side, rather than on the side of Americans who demand that U.S. immigration laws be fully enforced.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters last December that the law “will not, and does not, make the communities in Texas safer.” “It just doesn’t,” Jean-Pierre added.
It is the Biden administration that has made the communities in Texas and all across the country far less safe because of its open border and catch-and-release policies. Nevertheless, the Biden administration is suing Texas for allegedly interfering with the federal government’s exclusive authority to enact and execute America’s immigration laws while the administration itself has endangered Texans by failing to properly execute those laws.
America needs a changing of the guard at the White House to fully secure the border. This means ending catch-and-release, reinstituting Remain in Mexico, immediately removing illegal immigrants with questionable asylum claims when they are first apprehended, and deploying as many border agents as needed to do their real job of guarding the border.
Go Pound sand Pond Scum
Through the woke leftists dems, and DEI and CRT, etc.etc.etc., America has become almost as berserk and depraved as Islam itself.
The leaders and ruling class of the USA have deliberately eliminated and destroyed the US border, and now encourages, facilitates and permits an outright INVASION of America by millions of illegal aliens and the crime and social upheaval that comes with it.
The US political and cultural and corporate leaders do absolutely nothing about the murder each year of more than 100,000 US citizens by Mexican manufactured and distributed drugs.
The American ruling class does not even care presently to protect its own US citizens from widespread murder and millions of invaders, promoted and facilitated by Mexico and the Mexican government.
So I don’t expect that American leaders and ruling class are really going to care enough to protect Jews and Israel from the depraved Islamic hordes either.
America can’t even see that Mexico is its enemy.
And America will never recognize that Islam is its enemy and Israel’s as well.
We should not have ‘a ruling class’ in USA. We despatTely need to boot the lifers out. TERM LIMITS people. We need a Convention of the States NOW!
According to the US Constitution, any US state can itself take action on its own to stop an invasion
if the Federal Government will not, does not, or can not stop the invasion.
US Constitution …
Article I, Section X, Paragraph 3
“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace,
enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War,
unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”
Texas and Arizona and California, and many other US States are now being invaded from Mexico.
The political leaders and politicians and the courts refuse to enforce the US law and the Constitution.
Also, according to the US Constitution, Congress has the power to repel and stop an invasion of America.
US Constitution …
Article I, Section VIII, Paragraph 15
“The Congress shall have Power . . . To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union,
suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions;”
Texas and Arizona and California, and many other US States are now being invaded from Mexico.
The political leaders and politicians and the courts refuse to enforce the US law and the Constitution.
One problem, a huge problem if true – is the new report that House “Republicans” just voted with the Dems to provide the 8.000,000 to recently reported 15,000,000 illegal aliens invading this Nation with APPROVAL to WORK here.
IF this is true, it comes from a credible source, it is a stab in the back of Citizens by the House.
IF true, then what good is it to have laws of immigration, laws commerce, laws of crime?
IF true, what does the Republican Party stand for since they support most big measures proposed by the Democrat Party. They are traitors to citizens.
Sorry, i was wrong.
It was NOT the House,
It was the Senate’s plan and apparently approved by senior scumbag, the Turtle.
Break out the claymore mines.
The answer from our government to their government should be the US Army parked on our border preparing to shock and awe them. The US Navy and Marines to their east and to their west, and the US Air Force dominating their air space. Their invasion stops or ours begins. We annex northern Mexico 5 miles in, fence it, mine it, patrolled it with armed predator drones.
“Why is the United States the World’s Trashcan?”
This commenter was in Chiapas, most state of Mexico bordering Guatemala, and a man in the park said, “I’m glad we’re getting rid of our ‘basura’, trash.” He was angry.
A TV news program in Tapachula showed a large parking lot with many white unmarked buses with lines of ILLEGALS getting in them. The host said that the buses were going to be escorted, “by the Army to the border.” So you see, Mexico is directly helping them.
The road from San Cristobal to Palenque, and the Mayan ruins, is “Travel at your own risk.” No public buses or taxis. This due to the ZONES OF THE COMMUNIST ZAPAPTISTAS that our universities are still sending students on fact-finding missions. Same for Cuba. You have to have your Communist admiration facts straight first though. While our Communist Brainwashed Cults are approved to go into the Zone, others are robbed, and since there are huge mountain cliffs, surely some of the travelers take an extra detour to the bottom of the cliff. I bet those facts are never revealed when the students return to give speeches on the Glories of Communism. Notice, they never stay.
BIDEN WILL GRANT AMNESTY TO 30-40 MILLION and the Democrat machine will help in the paperwork and mostly importantly, to register them to vote giving the Democrats the numbers to win every race resulting in the American Dream of One-Party Rule just like the Dictators they support!
For the next two or three generations the Dems will dominate. By then, we will be ancient history.
Just heard that the House voted to support the Dems’ wish to provide Work Permanents to the invaders. Next, drivers’ licenses and registration to vote.
The American Citizen has no representation in Congress anymore.
I posted a LONG time ago that we should treat Mexico as an ENEMY! We should give them a two year period to change or we would make the changes. End their corrupt Government (we have a lot to end too), destroy the cartels, protect their Southern Border, end the drug trafficking, keep THEIR CITIZENS at home and repatriate the MILLIONS here ILLEGALLY, and a few others. If they don’t do that then we will step in and when we’re done then Mexico would be in “receivership” under US control. Mexico has the resources to take care of THEIR CITIZENS! They have MANY of OUR JOBS and FACTORIES!! But then it would take a strong LEADER to do this!
Mexican president Obrador is a mass murderer of more than 100,000 US citizens every year with
Mexican manufactured drugs deliberately pushed into the USA from Mexico with the approval and
facilitation and encouragement of the Mexican government.
Mexico is the enemy of America and US citizens.
Few do not realize how much of America’s automobile manufacturing is done by Mexico. Trump will have a heart to heart talk with their new president in January of 2025. She has been selected by Lopez Obrador and she will have a Come to God moment in Trump’s eye opening talk with her.
The confrontation between the states and the federal government has now arrived.
Texas National Guard has just seized control of Eagle Pass from the Federal Government…
“It’s like a modern-day showdown at the OK Corral, but this time it’s in Eagle Pass, Texas. The face-off is between the Texas National Guard and the Biden regime. Thanks to a fully fed-up Governor Greg Abbott, Texas has now taken control of Biden’s “New Voter” invasion.
As it stands now, the Border Patrol union has officially confirmed that their agents are being blocked by Texas National Guard, and the union is actually praising Abbott for seizing control. In addition, the Mayor of Eagle Pass has revealed that he too was made aware of the plans to take control of his city.”
Understand now why the dems cheated in the last Az. election to prevent Kari Lake from becoming governor of Az? Kari would have sealed off the Az border to illegal crossings just like Abbott is doing now in Texas – too bad Abbott didn’t do this 3 years ago, but it’s nice that he finally woke up to the destruction of America.
Meanwhile in Cal, little Fidel Newsom says: “don’t worry my amigos at the Texas/Mexico border – the Cal border will always be open for you – and remember, 2024 is the year that all of my illegal amigos get free health care for life in Cal.!!”
Mexico is the enemy of America and US citizens.
Mexico murders more than 100,000 US citizens with Mexican drugs every year.
Mexican president Obrador is a mass murderer of US citizens
Mexico encourages and facilitates and promotes the invasion of millions of illegal aliens into the USA.
Mexico is the real insidious enemy of America and especially US working and middle class citizens.
Put 500,000 US military troops on the Mexican border,
and deport all illegal aliens from the USA,
and shut down the anchor baby racket.
and shut down the anchor baby racket.
simple: all that needs to happen (but likely will not…) is to enforce the full text of that Fourteenth Article of Amendment. It only provides that those born here AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF” are US Citizens. Mamacita dropping her latest kid north of our southern border is NOT “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” at all, she is a criminal tresspasser/invader and her sprog is NOT a US Citizen, just like she is not
my dream for California – little Fidel is abducted by space aliens – never to be seen again (miracle #1); then a conservative governor is elected to take his place because even the pot smokers in Cal realize that America is being destroyed by illegals (miracle #2); and finally, Cal puts a bounty on the heads of all illegals – find an illegal, turn him in, get a check for $2000 (miracle #3).
True points, sir.
But also the USA Democrat Party is fully, completely complicit with each one of those crimes too. In fact, they with the rino establishment financially fund a large percentage of those crimes.
The Dem Party acts like a foreign enemy completely.
As a Mexican traveler due to my music, they also have Montezuma’s Revenge in a bottle given to all cooks so they can give Americans something to remember them by. No matter how hard you try to not get it, you still get it.
Do you know what Geronimo’s Revenge is? CASINOS!
A Mexican President, while still in Office, stated that they (Mexico) would never allow people to cross in illegally. He said this while pressing for more illegal aliens to come here from south of our (former) southern border.
Our Nation has been stolen beneath our very noses.
that’s why we need Trump in 2024 – without him, we become a third world cesspool before Biden dies from old age.
Any Texas rancher, or American tourist, who innocently makes a wrong turn in the middle of the night and accidentally crosses one inch across the unmarked border in the desert into Mexico is instantly surrounded by Mexican troops and Federales pointing guns in his face and arresting him.
So nobody can tell me that the insolent Obrador “can’t” control the flood of illegals transiting Mexico from south to north (a journey of about 1,000 miles) and then across the (now non-existent) border into our country.
A REAL U.S. President would invite Obrador to a meeting with him in the White House. When the Mexican arrives and is shown through the door into the Oval Office, the American President remains seated behind the Resolute Desk, and tells him to sit down in front of it.
Then the President points to a small display on his desk, with the international semaphore flags for Golf, Foxtrot, Yankee on their 6″ plastic sticks mounted on the base.
The President points to them, grins, and tells Obrador, “Get the message? This meeting is now over. You are free to go, President Obrador.”
I have a better idea, United States implements a trade embargo on Mexico, which will completely devastate Mexico’s economy. If Mexico doesn’t do its part in preventing a flood of illegals swarming to its border with United States, all movement of economic goods will be blocked from entering the United States. This would also aid in closing all the greedy U.S. manufacturers who moved their factories to Mexico because of cheap labor. Their entire business model has been to build products that were once made in America, to be manufactured cheaper in Mexico, then reimport their finished products to United States and make a higher profit. This trade embargo would force greedy American manufacturers to return their manufacturing base back to where is belongs.
The other thing United States should do is force the countries that willing dump their poor on our country to make them pay to deal with this crisis opposed to placing the burden on the American taxpayers. Why should Americans pay higher taxes to deal with the flood of the poor from foreign lands who are gaming the immigration system with their bogus asylum claims? The flood of illegals are just the poor from other nations and it’s not our responsibility to take care of the world’s poor population! You want to send your poor to our borders, no problem – you reimburse our expenses.
Perfect … A US economic embargo against Mexico … perfect.
NAFTA was a big big mistake 30 years ago. Ross Perot was right.
Mexico must be recognized as a physical and economic enemy of the USA and US citizens, and treated as such.
Also, the USA must eliminate the anchor baby racket and deport all illegal aliens.
True points, for sure.
Anyone here see the report yesterday of a Mexico political near their southern border with Guatemala who expressed his relieve that they are getting rid of their trash – the criminals and the insane. It’s a lot like what Castro did to Carter except this is is happening daily now approaching 4-years while the Castro diss of Carter was a one time event.
A civilized nation cannot sustain such harm as the Dem Party is doiing here – lawfare against political rivals, the minimum of a 2-tier justice system, destruction of sovereignty and borders, allowing so many invaders in by supporting financially the invasion, dissing legal, taxpaying citizens for illegal alien invaders.
If there is no Party change in November, it will be over the America. Other nations recognize what has happened. Only dimwit Dem and rino voters do not.
DACA – Deport All Criminal Aliens, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Excellent article Mr Klein!
Good example of the arrogance of our enemies. Mexico is not our friend! They aid and allow the manufacturer and distribution of the poison fentanyl in the form of pharmaceutical counterfeit pills that are killing Americans. It is time Mexico is treated like the little Chihuahua Narco State that it is.
All wire or money remittance to Mexico must stop! Remittance in the first half of 2023 was 30.2 billion dollars, a 9.9%increase. Also charge Mexico for the prison upkeep and prosecution of all their beloved Mexican nationals, which they are so quick to take proud credit for if we should try to execute one. Start subtracting the cost off the top of any aid sent to them.
And last but not least, Abbott needs to stop facilitating, aiding and abetting illegals across this country. Fly them back to Mexico immediately! They very much helped to facilitate and create this mess! Dump them at their border (it’s their border too). Block up the works. It’s past time this splatters back in their face.
I’ve got a better idea. You help, or Mexico loses territory until you do. It’s what Israel should have doing all along. Then the problem solves itself.
A US economic embargo against Mexico … perfect.
NAFTA was a big big mistake 30 years ago. Ross Perot was right.
Mexico must be recognized as a physical and economic enemy of the USA and US citizens, and treated as such.
Also, the USA must eliminate the anchor baby racket and deport all illegal aliens.
Birds of a Feather? Hardly even Vultures would avoid these two