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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
While Israeli commandos rescued a 70-year-old man and 60-year-old man who were being held hostage in Gaza, Hamas supporters in America were taking an 81-year-old man hostage in D.C.
Hamas may be losing in Gaza, but it’s winning in Michigan.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib is now the latest Michigan Muslim terror activist to urge Hamas supporters in the state to reject Biden in the primary by casting an “uncommitted” vote.
According to Rep. Tlaib, who became the only member of Congress to refuse to vote to condemn Hamas rapes of Jewish women, her goal is to “create a voting bloc” to stop Israel’s campaign to take down the Islamic terror group.
The campaign, misleadingly titled, “Listen to Michigan”, to pressure Biden into saving Hamas is being run by Layla Elabed, Rep. Tlaib’s sister and its spokesman is Abbas Alawieh, who had served as Rep. Tlaib’s legislative director and then as Rep. Cori Bush’s chief of staff.
The leading signatory of ‘Listen to Michigan’ is Dearborn Mayor Abdullah H. Hammoud (pictured above) who after the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7 had addressed a pro-Hamas rally declaring that Dearborn was “the city of resistance”.
That same rally featured Osama Siblani, the publisher of the Arab American News paper and with whom Biden officials had met in an attempt to end the pro-Hamas pressure campaign, who had previously told the Washington Post that, “Mr. Bush believes Hezbollah, Hamas and other Palestinian factions are terrorists, but we believe they are freedom fighters.”
The Dearborn mayor had spoken at a previous pro-Hamas rally at which Osama Siblani had threatened, “We are the Arabs that are going to lift Palestinians all the way to victory. Whether we are in Michigan, and whether we are in Jenin. Believe me. Everyone should fight within his means. They will fight with stones. Others will fight with guns. Others will fight with planes, drones. And others will fight with rockets. And others will fight in their voice.”
Michigan Muslims have decided to fight by taking Biden hostage while playing the victim.
Mayor Hammoud had recently convinced Biden to condemn a Wall Street Journal op-ed by a MEMRI counterterrorism researcher which exposed the level of terror support in Dearborn.
Hammoud then repaid Biden by doubling down on fighting to save Hamas from Israel.
The number two signatory is Michigan State Assembly Majority Floor Leader Abraham Aiyash out of Hamtramck, the first all-Muslim governed city in the country, who has accused Israel of “genocide” and promoted a message urging “context” for the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7.
(Rep. Aiyash was profiled in the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s Election Jihad report.)
The Hamtramck politician was rapidly elevated by the Democratic Party to one of the top positions in the state after first being elected in 2020. Rep. Aiyash abused that power to first block a resolution condemning the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7 because it did not also criticize Israel and complained that it neglected “the conversation around the Palestinian people, particularly in the Gaza Strip, who for decades have endured mistreatment.”
He has now decided to repay the Democratic Party by taking Biden hostage for Hamas.
Also signing on to the campaign is State Rep. Alabas Farhat, newly elected in the 2022 midterms, who claimed that asking him to condemn Hamas was a “racist dog whistle”, and who has accused Israel of “apartheid”, “occupation” and the “systematic murder of Palestinians.
Also listed is ‘Bill’ Bazzi, Dearborn Heights’ first Muslim mayor, as well as Dearborn Councilman Mustapha Hammoud, the son of Abed Hammoud. Abed Hammoud, a Lebanese immigrant and an “old family friend” of Gov. Whitmer, who had headed the Congress of Arab American Organizations alongside Osama Siblani, had complained that a government crackdown on the Hezbollah Islamic terrorist group was “smearing the whole community”.
“Now people are scared to even say `I want Hezbollah to defend Lebanon,’” he had objected.
Despite that, the Obama-Biden administration had made Hammoud an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan. Hammoud is currently listed as the lawyer for Hezbollah financier Mohammad Bazzi: a “specially designated global terrorist” who has been described as “a player for senior Hezbollah operatives and senior Iranian leadership”.
Hammoud, the other Hammoud, Farhat, Aiyash and multiple other Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and Muslim officials across Wayne County benefited from significant Democratic Party funding outlays. But they did not run for office or take power for the party, the country or for anyone or anything except members of their tribal group and its ideology of Islam.
Given a chance they demonstrated that their only loyalty was to Islam and Muslim terrorists, not America or even the Democrats who brought them here, nurtured them and funded them.
At a recent speech, Rep. Ilhan Omar, speaking in her native language, hailed Somalis as “people of one blood” and “people who know they are Somalians first”.
“The US government will only do what Somalians in the US tell them to do,” the translation describes the Somali Muslim congresswoman as saying. “They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders.”
“Sleep in comfort knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the US system,” Rep. Omar assured them.
That is the ‘Listen to Michigan’ campaign writ large.
“We are on the road to a great victory here in D.C. and there in Palestine,” Osama Siblani, who had openly expressed his support for Hamas and Hezbollah, boasted at the same rally at which Mayor Hammoud spoke and at which other ‘Listen to Michigan’ signatories were present.
To the Hamas caucus in America, they are fighting one war whether it’s in Israel or America.
And Democrats are learning the hard way that their new Muslim constituency has no loyalties or allegiances to anything except, as Rep. Omar put it, “people of one blood” and, as has been made clear in Dearborn, people of the same religion. And the issue goes far beyond Israel.
Hamtramck Amer Ghalib, the mayor of the first all-Muslim governed city in America, is one of the ‘Listen to Michigan’ signatories. Democrats squirmed when Ghalib banned flying gay flags, compared black people to animals and attacked Christians. He praised Saddam and Iran.
These are a few of the other things that Democrats have to accept from their new electorate.
‘Listen to Michigan’ and you can hear the mayor of the first all-Muslim governed city thanking a Sheikh and celebrating the “young people from the Salafi stream who came out with great enthusiasm and elected me”. Salafis, like the Al Qaeda group, are a Jihadist movement.
‘Listen to Michigan’ and you can hear the Dearborn mayor hailing his city as a “city of resistance” at a pro-Hamas rally.
‘Listen to Michigan’ and you can see Michigan being taken hostage by Islamic terrorists. And that same movement is now bent on hijacking the 2024 presidential election. With Biden polling poorly, the Hamas supporters in Michigan are betting that they can either force Biden to save Hamas by imposing sanctions on Israel or that they can take credit for his election defeat.
The emerging narrative is that the Democrats aren’t turning out voters because the party hasn’t come out strongly enough in support of Hamas and against Israel. If the Democrats lose in 2024, that narrative will solidify and future Democratic Party presidential candidates will be warned to support Islamic terrorism and oppose those like Israel who resist it or lose
A handful of Muslim settlers in Michigan built up their state within a state, they’ve taken the Democratic Party hostage and now intend to take the United States of America hostage.
And the Jews of America, sleepwalking as always into oblivion, will vote for that POS-in-Chief.
Get rid of the 44+ Jews, highly placed in the Biden administration, destroying America.
jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jews-in-the-biden-administration
Ron Klain Chief of Staff (2021-2023), replaced by Jeffrey Zients.
Janet Yellin Secretary of Treasury
Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security
Tony Blinken Secretary of State
Merrick Garland Attorney General
…and many more traitors!
20 years ago a little sweet Gazan baby boy, indoctrinated from birth, grew up to be a rapist and murderer. So will the little boys in Gaza today.
Egypt and Jordan refuse to take these animals for the threat they pose to their rule.
KiII’em all Israel.
Hamtramck is all Muslim in city leadership? What happened to all the Pollacks? Maybe we should hand Wayne County over to Canada, if they would take it. Justin seems to like terrorists, and forbids anyone from criticizing them.
Dear Hannah, please do not dump your trash up here. We have more than enough and our clueless leader pays them $10 million a shot if their feelings get hurt.
Most of the original Polish population moved to Warren and Sterling Heights.
Here’s the SIMPLE SOLUTION : EVERY US Public Office Holder is REQUIRED to Swear an OATH to the US CONSTITUTION – NO OTHER!! If the muslims cannot or WILL NOT do so then they are DISQUALIFIED and not allowed to hold an office! AND if they LIE or “taqqui” or whatever, and then show ANTI-AMERICAN policies then they should be REMOVED – FROM THE USA!! We either get Our NATION back peacefully or !
Why wouldn’t they just lie and take the oath anyway, which is meaningless to them?
There is no point in letting them take office at all. Halt the damage before they can demonstrate it. Certain behaviors need to be identified as anti-American, and those people need to have their citizenship revoked and then be deported.
They need to be tried as traitors. Of course, being sentence by a jury of their peers they will be exonerated. The jury voted for them in the first place.
Won’t work. I take it you have never heard of Taqqiya.
There are portions of Michigan and Minnesota that need to be surrounded, walled, and turned into Islamic ghettos. This is what you do with invasive species.
You’re being much too kind to these RABID ANIMALS.
Not a word from Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Cuban, David Geffen, Steven Spielberg, and dozens of other Jewish multi billionaires who could stop Biden in his tracks if they weren’t afraid of being identified as Jewish Jews rather than the go along-get along “cultural” Jews who stand for nothing.
JINO jews in name only. RINO’s of a different stripe.
Fornicate the Michigan Muslims and the remainder of The Democrat Communist Criminal Terrorist Organization of America.
Michigan muslims are taking side-hustling a bit too far!
Well, Biden can side with them for their votes. I’m sure, however, as a proud former Michigander, that many others will vote for his opponent if he does. But Joe is pretty stupid so he’ll probably side with the loudest people even if it ultimately hurts him with people for which he cares nothing.
I’ve lived in The People Republic of Gretchie most of my life. I need to GTFO to Free America. Hoping to be able to afford it before 2025. Maybe I should start crowdfunding.
At a recent speech, Rep. Ilhan Omar, speaking in her native language, hailed Somalis as “people of one blood” and “people who know they are Somalians first”.
How about we as European decent claim that we are a people of one blood (which basically we are), and reclaim our USA. Remove all these moslims out of our country. How is it that this nation has allowed moslims to even be in any form of authority, even on a school board. They are not believers in our Republic or the democratic process as evidenced.
Damn Clinton for allowing them to come here.