The media has lately been trying to associate “conspiracy theory” terms with any reporting on the mass migrant caravan.
The caravan is not a conspiracy theory, it’s a fact.
Despite Shepard Smith’s sneering, it will arrive here. And it is a threat. At least to those of us who, unlike Smith, are not insulated by wealth, privilege and power, from the real world. And those of us who believe in America as a nation, rather than a network of vacation resorts for Smith to visit.
There can be debate and discussion over who exactly is backing it.
But to call claims that Soros is backing it a “conspiracy theory” is a misuse of the term. Soros and his network grantees have been heavily involved in migrant issues. Their level of involvement is a matter of debate, but not a conspiracy theory.
A conspiracy theory is wildly implausible and assumes uncharacteristic behavior by the accused.
Neither is true of the idea of Soros grantees aiding a migrant caravan in some way, shape or form.
While the media has come to routinely traffic in conspiracy theories about Trump, Russia and assorted third parties, it deploys the term “conspiracy theory” from a moral high ground of fact and reason that it isn’t within a million miles of occupying.
When the Washington Post, a media outlet that accused Trump of being complicit in hurricanes, whines about conspiracy theories, the absurdity is obvious to anyone outside the media bubble.
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