Texas and Arizona are sending Biden’s open borders flood of illegal migrants to New York, D.C. and Chicago. And Chicago’s Mayor Lightfoot decided to deport them to the suburbs.
Somehow no Texas lawyers are investigating her for “human trafficking”.
There, housed in a hotel, they turned out to be infected with burrowing parasites that, unusual in Cook County, weren’t already registered to vote twice for Mayor Lightfoot.
Officials in northwest suburban Elk Grove Village have confirmed that two migrants who were bused to a local hotel from Chicago are infected with scabies.
Only two migrants are confirmed to have scabies, but more migrants were experiencing symptoms, officials said.
Scabies is a contagious, intensely itchy skin condition caused by a tiny, burrowing mite.
The La Quinta is working to clean and sanitize the hotel, officials said.
Good luck getting anyone to stay there.
Elk Grove’s mayor welcomed them in.
“These migrants are human beings,” Elk Grove Village Mayor Craig Johnson said, adding that President Joe Biden declared them legal migrants, meaning they are able to work in the United States.
“This village takes pride in welcoming and working with every person,” Johnson continued. “These migrants have a right to be treated with dignity. We care about them as we care about everyone else who comes to this village.”
Now everyone who truly cares can have scabies too.
Johnson said Gov. JB Pritzker said, “Xenophobia has no home here.
Xenophobia may have no home here, but scabies do.
My ex-wife was a CNA in a nursing home for a long time. The nursing home had an outbreak of scabies and the ex got them who then gave them to me. They are no fun. Pretty easy to get rid of just some cream that you put on them but it was like having chiggers. But like chiggers i would prefer not to get them.
Thanks FatherGuido, always interesting to hear from you!
Probably the cream had permethrin in it.
Hazards of staying in hotels these days.
Scabies is miserable. La Quinta might as well throw out those linens as well as the pillows and mattresses.
But did somebody remember that the buses need to be cleaned too?
Leftists are a pox upon the world…..
A gem from the unscreened illegal immigrants, courtesy of the Biden administration.
Send them to Martha’s Vineyard…..A great taste of scabies will really send them “over the moon”!