Urooj Rahman is an attorney, not a bartender, but she knows her cocktails. She tossed a Molotov cocktail at an NYPD cruiser during the 2020 George Floyd riots in New York City. But now, in asking for a light sentence, she is serving up a different cocktail: vodka with a dash of Islamophobia. And really, it’s the Islamophobia that gives it its flavor.According to court filings, Rahman is asking for a light sentence because, she says, she was very drunk on vodka on the night that she firebombed the police car, and making matters even worse, she is dealing with all kinds of “unprocessed trauma.” A good deal of it, her attorneys claim, stems from being taunted as a Muslim after 9/11. Vodka-and-Islamophobia is not as popular as vodka-and-tonic, but you never know, it might catch on.
Rahman’s lawyers say she was “numb, disassociated, and inebriated” back in May 2020 when she was spotted in the front passenger seat of her friend and getaway driver Colinford Mattis’ SUV, holding a Palestinian scarf over her face with one hand and a Molotov cocktail in the other. Soon after that, she threw the firebomb into a New York City police car, but don’t you see, it was all about racism: “Tossing the Molotov cocktail was a way of expressing anger at those police officers around the country for whom Black lives did not matter,” her attorneys claim. “It was an act of protest intended to avoid exposing others to harm.”
How someone can throw a bottle filled with gasoline and topped with a burning rag into someone else’s car and then claim it was done in order to “avoid exposing others to harm” is beyond me, but then again, I haven’t suffered the way Urooj Rahman has. The court filing claims that “at 11, when the World Trade Center was attacked, Urooj experienced the harassment that was all too common for Muslims living in the city. She was called names (‘ugly Indian,’ ‘hairy monkey’) and begged her mother not to wear her hijab on the street.” A clinical psychologist and “leading expert on trauma,” Dr. Leslie Lebowitz, claims that this “compendium of adversity” left the young adult Urooj Rahman “without the ability to adequately manage and regulate her feelings” as well as “subject to incapacitating depression, panic and uncontrollable obsessional thinking.”
Because of all this and more that poor Urooj has suffered, her lawyers say she should be released (she’s under house arrest, with electronic monitoring), for “her conduct that night was a marked deviation from her otherwise exemplary life.” Meanwhile, the Washington Free Beacon explains that this “request for a special dispensation builds on a sweetheart deal already reached by Justice Department prosecutors in the case. In June, Rahman and Mattis entered into a second plea agreement that broke their potential 10-year sentences down to a maximum of 5 years. Prosecutors want Judge Cogan to go even lower, arguing for just 18 to 24 months based on the ‘history and personal characteristics of the defendants.’” We’ll see just how low Judge Cogan can go.
18 to 24 months, despite the fact that “Rahman and Mattis each confessed to counts of conspiracy to commit arson and to making and possessing an unregistered destructive device, dodging a previous domestic terrorism sentencing enhancement. The two had pleaded guilty in October 2021 to one count of possessing or making a destructive device, which could have earned them each 10 years in prison.”
But don’t you see? Rahman was teased as a child. Probably every eleven-year-old on the planet can say much the same thing, and few have thrown Molotov cocktails into police cars. But since Rahman’s was taunted in an “Islamophobic” manner, and had some rough relationships on top of that (another thing that can be said about millions, if not billions, of people), we are supposed to believe that her suffering was so acute, so unique, that she deserves to suffer no penalty for her crime.
And above all, “Rahman’s attorneys also say their client’s ‘commitment to social justice’ should earn her a more lenient sentence.” Ah, yes, of course! She’s a good Leftist! Let her go! She was working on the side of the angels, and is a victim of “Islamophobia”! It’s an absurd defense, but it’s a canny one: In today’s overheated political climate, if she gets the right (that is, the Left) judge, Urooj Rahman’s new cocktail will work just fine, and she will be out on the streets and back working for “social justice” in no time.
She should be taken out and shot. Publicly.
This is why all islamic terrorists should be shot dead on the spot.
Noone understands Freud, which allows crooked lawyers to make up all kinds of excuses.
No one understands human nature anymore. And it looks as if no one understands law, either.
I experienced anti semitism as a child and adult. Wow all those missed opportunities to get my frustrations out with no consequences! I should have only known!
Give them the 10 years and make her pay for the vehicle the city had to replace. 10 years solitaire, and no laptop.
No solitaire either. Take her deck of cards away!
(Sorry I gave you a downvote by mistake. I had accidentally given you two upvotes and wanted to cancel one out, but apparently that can’t be done yet.)
“She’s just a poor boy from a poor family spare him his life…”
She screams about being a good muslim however she wasnt wearing any head gear AND was drunk of Vodka when she destroyed the Cop Car.
If she wants sharia then she should be whipped in the public square at her request.
These two really are a result of the educational level in America today as she is actually a real lawyer… Go figure…
She’ll probably get what she wants. She checks enough of the right boxes (except for the lawyer one) to garner sympathy from the woke legal system.
How does she or anyone know the police who rode in that car didn’t care about black people’s lives? Why is that false assumption the basis for any legal “plea” or argument?
In NYC where this happened, in many neighborhoods, it would be unusual to find a white/ light skinned police officer. Police tend to be from the neighborhoods. Black, Hispanic, Muslim and all other ethnicities. Whatever the race or appearance, how can anyone know an officer’s heart and mind? They cannot.
Fantastical assertions of racism is why she threw. the deadly bomb. No doubt when released she will be a radical who supports all kinds of unfair fantasy-based attacks on innocent people.
If she stated she was wrong and realizes that her assumptions were false, I might believe it. I might not.
The “ racism” “ Islamphobia” argument repeats the lies that caused her leftwing violence.
Shame on the psychologist involved.
These two attorneys should not only be disbarred for their illegal actions -they should serve time in jail The arguments set forth by this lawyer are rooted in fake or junk science snd should have been rejected by both the prosecutor and the court
Demonic people have figured out how to use the law to their advantage.