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It’s been a good summer for climate activists who are pushing the false narrative of “climate change.”
We had the Canadian wildfires with smoke drifting into other parts of North America. Then there were hotter than usual temperatures in many parts of the country (it’s summertime and I predict temperatures will drop this fall, winter and spring, as usual), followed by a devastating fire in Maui, and then Hurricane Idalia.
Never mind that the fires in Canada might have been prevented if environmentalists had not opposed clearing underbrush and removing old trees. The same goes for Maui, along with better management of the fire when it first broke out.
President Joe Biden added to this fictional summer storyline by embellishing an often-told story about a fire at his Delaware home. We’ve heard several versions, the latest being firefighters “ran into flames” to rescue his wife and the house “almost collapsed.” Previous stories put his 1967 Corvette and cat at risk after a lightning strike.
Much of the media are hauling out one of their favorite words – “unprecedented” – to describe the force and destructive power of Idalia, which is not true. Hurricanes happen during the summer and early fall and some of the worst occurred long before the Industrial Age. Let’s not forget the “experts” who swore in the 1970s that the Earth was headed for a new ice age in which we would all freeze to death. Trust the science we were told.
The deconstruction of this latest chapter of fiction begins with this: According to the Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization, “98 percent of all Hawaiian fires are started by people, of which 75 percent are due to carelessness.” Bring back Smokey Bear who said: “Remember, only YOU can present forest fires.”
Returning to those Canadian wildfires – common across that country during summer – the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that half were caused by lightning strikes while the other half were caused in different ways, from discarding cigarette butts to sparks from passing trains. While the newspaper includes “climate change” as a contributing factor, better forest management would have helped reduce the risk.
Concerning the predictable hysteria from some TV reporters standing in ankle or hip-deep water, the climate Chicken Littles are wrong again. According to the webpage Advancing Earth and Space Sciences: “Global hurricane counts and Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) have significantly decreased since 1990 likely due to a trend toward LaNina. (The) decreasing trend in global hurricanes and ACE is primarily driven by (the) downturn in western North Pacific activity.”
CNN went full crisis mode when its top climate “expert” Dr. Bill Weir said:
“The cost of (using fossil fuels) is becoming bigger with every storm. Science has been warning about this for a very long time, in many ways it has been predicted…”
Not all “science” and not all scientists, especially those who are in the field of environment and not receiving grants from the federal government, which could skew the credibility of their findings. The organization Climate Intelligence has published a letter signed by 1,609 scientists who say there is no climate emergency. Their letter is loaded with scientific facts and not statements by politicians and reporters who repeat familiar lines.
In addition to their citation of scientific facts, they write:
“To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in. This is precisely the problem with today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science. Should we not free ourselves from the naive belief in immature climate models?”
It’s a good question and one purveyors of the “climate change” storyline should contemplate.
Mo de Profit says
Web search “what do climate scientists actually do” and discover that they simply justify their own jobs.
These are the same so called scientists who tell us that a hurricane is started by a butterfly wing on the other side of the planet. Complete theoretical nonsense.
The environment is far too chaotic to predict anything, if there’s any evidence that man is causing climate change it comes from aircraft travel and geo engineering but the elites don’t want to stop flying in their private jets and helicopters.
David Ray says
It’s worse.
Proven fraud Michael Mann who got caught manipulating data at East Anglia University actedout by suing Mark Stein.
The chickenshit Mann was “cleared” by Penn State the same way Hillary was “cleared” by James Comey.
(Hillary & Mann got glowing press over the matter, of course.)
Warren Zoell says
I believe Mann lost another court case to Tim Ball (RIP) because Mann refused to show his research (The hockey schtick graph) to the court.
Brian says
Nowadays the elite has been very good at keeping their lies in the public schools that are run by the socialist crowd of unions…the teachers and professionals who have brainwashed our children were the first to be killed by the likes of Stalin,, etc etc..hahaha..
They are so stupid in the belief that it will be different this time
Chief Mac says
Where I live we have had milder summertime temperatures than normal. I expect a colder than normal winter. That is all climate change amounts to.
The chicken little syndrome of LeftTwats to make a conflagration of every normal change into a disaster of earth shaking proportions means that they have one agenda that they are pushing or they will be out working on the taxpayers dime
their using this fake crisis on Global Warming/Climate Change to effect the way we live without Meat Dairy or Cars its all part of Agendas 21 and 2030 just what Big Brother wants the UN and absolute power and control more reasons to totally pullout of the UN period
Norman Smith says
I have read articles that say evs are deadly. They catch fire when they get too hot or come in contact with salt water. A electric bike shop in New York caught fire after a battery got too hot. They are death traps
CowboyUp says
“To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in. ”
There are too many unpredictable and unquantifiable variables for a climate model to be accurate or predictive. That’s why even the old Farmer’s Almanac is more accurate than their models.
It amazes me that so many otherwise intelligent people, who should know better, fall for AGW nonsense.
Jimbini says
In other words, GIGO – garbage in, garbage out!
Good Luck says
I do not believe in Climate change. We have had changes in climate for hundreds of years .
George says
I would say many thousands of years. As in darn near forever.
It’s leftists using crises (real and imagined) to increase their power and control.
Americans are good and often great people. But many DO NOT RECOGNIZE this incessant power drain which is destroying our country.
GRob says
NASA:Since 1850, Earth’s global average temperature has increased by over 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit). Furthermore, recent scientific assessments show that Earth is expected to warm another half a degree Celsius (almost a degree Fahrenheit) as soon as 2030.
According to the University of Alabama in Huntsville, since the IPCC’s First Assessment Report in 1990 there has only been 0.136 K warming per decade. … which is small, harmless, and net-beneficial.
NASA: Relying on nearly a 30-year record of satellite measurements, scientists have measured the rate of sea-level rise at 0.13 inches (3.4 millimeters) per year.
From the 1609 scientists of the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL):
“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm.”
“There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent.”
The push for net-zero carbon emissions is not only “unrealistic,” but harmful to world economies.
The earth’s temperature is increasing slightly due to natural events (e.g., volcanos), Milankovitch Orbital Cycles (a 10°C change every 100K years!), and human production of greenhouse gases. Among these, the human cause might be the least significant. All together they are not catastrophic.
Rick Perry commented recently:
“The US could export 50 bcf (billion cubic feet) of natural gas to replace all the coal generation in China and India. This would benefit the environment as much as all the cars in America going electric. This is doable, needs more infrastructure for LNC.”
Additionally the US could simultaneously supply LNG to Europe and eliminate their dependence on Russian oil.
The US has resources to supply enough natural gas to China, India and Europe to eliminate all of their coal-based electricity. But the Warmists want to cancel even natural gas.
CharlieSeattle says
…but, …But, …BUT! …Arson is Democrat Climate Change!
Cliff Howard says
“Man made global warming” is simple for me. In my back yard I have what is called an erratic, an erratic is a very large rock. I was left some 10-15,ooo years ago by a glacier that was over a mile thick and covered the whole Island that I live on and went all the way to the South of Puget Sound before retreating.
I say global warming is real. It is a good thing otherwise where I live would still be covered by an ice sheet a mile plus thick.. As for “man made” global warming I say nuts. The volcano’s put out much more than man ever could…
Craig Austin says
Climate stasis is the myth, no evidence exists that indicates there has ever been a static global climate, over an appropriate timescale. Change is constant. Man up Buttercup.