Muhammad Morsi is right now doing what any tyrant would do: use the emotions of the people to comply with what you want.
In his address to the senate, Morsi blamed the decrease in tourism (from which Egypt’s economy thrives) on his opposition, who “violated the peacefulness of politics.”
This accusation takes advantage of the current economic crises, which is a result of the Muslim Brotherhood, and sets a justification for violence against those who oppose Morsi. On December 26, the Egyptian pound fell to its weakest level against the U.S. dollar in almost eight years. The economy will not be getting any better, on account that the Islamists are making Egypt a very violent and dangerous country, scaring tourists away.
So what will Morsi do? He will blame his political enemies, and the Christians. This prediction is so obvious, because cases such as these have repeated themselves throughout history, from Nero to the French Revolution and onward, tyrants have used catastrophes to begin persecutions against Christians.
It is along the lines of Machiavelli’s guide for tyrants: they must always take advantage of an opportunity in which they can introduce whatever policy they want. (1) It is also in accordance with what Obama’s chief liaison Rahm Emanuel once said:
You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste; it’s an opportunity to do important things that you would otherwise avoid.
For Morsi, the economic disaster will be used to further enforce Sharia. Morsi has attributed the economic chaos to “the lack of political stability in the recent past,” and he already stated that his new Sharia based constitution will bring order to the society.
But his constitution will be what legitimizes his government, along with his constituents, to execute a slaughter of the Christian community, and any suspected enemies of Morsi. I would not be surprised at all to see in the future Mohammad ElBaradei, the father of the Egyptian revolution, put to death by the state, just as French revolutionaries were killed by the followers of their own cause.
While Morsi says the typical jargon, that all sides must “realize the needs of the moment” and have “mature democracy while avoiding violence,” what is not being noticed by the mainstream media is that the election of Morsi’s constitution was enforced by the Muslim Brotherhood, specifically against Christians.
Raymond Ibrahim has recently released a very exposing quote from an Islamist imam and supporter of Morsi named Safwat Hegazy:
A message to the church of Egypt, from an Egyptian Muslim: I tell the church—by Allah, and again, by Allah—if you conspire and unite with the remnants [opposition] to bring Morsi down, that will be another matter [screams of “Allah Akbar!” followed by chants of “With our soul, with our blood, we give to you, O Islam!”]… We say and I say to the Church: yes, you share this country with us; but there are red lines—and our red line is the legitimacy of Dr. Muhammad Morsi. Whoever splashes water on it, we will splash blood on him” [followed by more wild shouts of “Allah Akbar!”]
During the so called election for the constitution, the Muslim Brotherhood set up “observers” at every polling place in Egypt. Christians trying to vote received continued death threats and violence, and some judges even banned unveiled women from voting.
This violence is orchestrated and supported by the Islamists, and a video from a number of months ago shows an attacked church in Egypt:
While all of this happens, we cannot forget about the ongoing carnage in Syria, and some recent videos of it have been captured:
Also, we cannot read about this persecution without committing to action. I ask all of you to please support the organization Rescue Christians.
We must always remain vigilant in the midst of this coming Islamic tyranny.
(1) Machiavelli, The Prince, ch. 6, trans. Wayne A. Rebhorn.
Theodore Shoebat is the author of the book, For God or For Tyranny.
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