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A mass shooting at a concert hall in Moscow killed more than 130 people. With many others seriously or gravely wounded the number of dead is likely to rise.
The Islamic state released a statement claiming “credit” for the incident. Eleven suspects have been arrested. Early reports suggested the U.S. Embassy in Moscow had advance warning of the attack. The Daily Mail reported White House Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby said: “Right now we don’t know to what extent this warning [from the US Embassy in early March] and this attack are related. But we had some concerns about the possibility of a terrorist attack in and around Moscow earlier this month.”
The question that must be asked, as it has been suggested for some time, due to our open southern border, is this: Could it happen here? The answer must be an unequivocal yes. In fact, it has already happened here on Sept. 11, 2001.
Does anyone seriously think America’s enemies would not be encouraged by that previous attack and the Moscow atrocity to conduct a repeat operation in America? With such easy access to the country and with so many fanatical beliefs floating around the world, what would deter them?
The Cato Institute has noted that since 2017,”US Border Patrol has apprehended 342 border crossers who were on the Terrorist Screening Dataset, also known as the terror watchlist. Those numbers have shot up in recent years to 169 in FY2023 and 49 to date this fiscal year. Last month, The Daily Caller reported that Border Patrol apprehended an al Shabaab terrorist and released him into the United States in March 2023 after a mismatch on the watchlist. Later, the government discovered that he was on the watchlist, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested him within 48 hours. The Daily Caller’s headline was “ICE Confirms It Finally Nabbed Terrorist Allowed To Roam Free For Almost A Year.”
FBI Director Christopher Wray has testified several times before congressional committees about his belief that a national security threat exists because of the 1.8 million “known gotaways.” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is unable to confirm that every suspected terrorist who crosses the border without proper documentation has been detained by Border Patrol. It doesn’t take many as we saw on 9/11 and have seen in the Moscow concert hall incident to produce mayhem.
While 9/11 was predictable – Osama bin Laden and other members of al-Qaida issued fatwas calling for attacks on the U.S. and American citizens and declared war on the United States and the terrorists trained in how to takeoff in airplanes, but not land – so the warning signs will have been seen should infiltrators pull off another 9/11, or worse. If that happens, count on the Biden administration to blame Republicans as they are currently doing for refusing to vote for a bill that would legalize 5,000 migrants per day coming to America.
In 2003, Tom Clancy published a timely novel titled “Teeth of the Tiger.” The plot in part is about Islamic terrorists who make a deal with Colombian drug smugglers. Crossing the U.S. border, they head for four shopping malls in Middle America where they murder innocent civilians. Again, it doesn’t take much to wreak havoc, tank the economy and strike fear into the hearts of everyone.
It could happen again here and likely will unless this or a new administration moves quickly to find the suspected terrorists who have already snuck in before they can activate a plot worthy of a Tom Clancy’s novel.
Could it happen here? Umm, 9/11/01 – and about at least quite a few other incidents afterwards says it already did, But with an open border and ZERO interest in defending it from this junta, what happened in Moscow for sure will happen multiple times here, and far worse.
Without a doubt it is going to happen here, Im sure that all of the preparations and details have been taken care of.
The terrorist are just waiting on the right moment, a moment and time that have some reason or meaning to their cause.
But they are 100% preped, all location for the terrorism have been fully scoped out, likely have insiders already working at or near the targets.
Open Borders leads to this more walls no more Bridges at the Borders
There is no doubt there will be numerous dangers to America perpetrated by large factions of the illegals who have breached our borders Which faction is the mystery. Will it be from the thousands of military aged Chinese men? Will our tormentors come from the sand pits of middle eastern countries? Will our next disaster be hatched in Venezuela or some other country south of our borders.
They are not all well intentioned as we witness more gang violence every day. The question is–Who started this worldwide invasion of other countries. It isn’t just happening here in America. It is happening in Europe, Britian, Canada, it is a worldwide phenomenon. Is Globalism on the march? Wiser minds than mine have suspicions.
There’s still 30 tons of ammonium nitrate missing since last may. The feds say no worries it must of leaked out somewhere between Wyoming and California.
It *will* happen here; just a question of when.
And the next attack will not be upon a major city. They next stack will target middle America: 20-30 small dirty nuclear devices smuggled into the country via southern border and deployed in 20-30 small/midsized towns during a Friday night home game to irradiate a couple of thousand people each. The rest of us will then have to watch as 40-60 thousand of our fellow citizens die agonizing deaths over the course of weeks/months.
It can and it will happen here. No doubt about it. With the amount of terrorist, many with military training, the hair sniffer is letting pour into this country, it’s not a matter of if, but when.
It isn’t a matter of “could”, it’s a matter of “when”! Many of those millions flooding over our borders are not here for our good health. One even went so far as to voice his threat against America.
Las Vegas 2017
Not only can it / will it happen in the USA, I’m betting we can predict when… On or around Nov. 1, 2024. Just in time to ‘postpone’ presidential elections indefinitely and shut down all objections.