This week could mark the most consequential development on the U.S.-Mexico border since January 2021, when President Joe Biden essentially opened the nation’s doors to millions of illegal border crossers. Depending on how court fights turn out, Title 42, the Trump-era measure that allows the U.S. government to quickly return illegal crossers to Mexico on the grounds of preventing the spread of COVID, will likely soon expire. After that, officials expect a flood of illegal crossers, all coming into the United States confident that they, like hundreds of thousands before them just this year, will be allowed to stay.
The disaster will come on top of the Biden administration’s currently disastrous border policy. In fiscal year 2022, the period from Oct. 1, 2021 to Sept. 30, 2022, Border Patrol agents encountered a record number of migrants crossing illegally into the United States — 2,378,944. Add onto that the estimated 600,000 illegal crossers who got away without any contact with the Border Patrol, and that means close to 3 million border crossers in a single year. The two months since the beginning of the new fiscal year have seen crossings at an even higher rate. And that is before the Title 42 change.
Already, the numbers have risen to unheard-of levels. Recently the Border Patrol reported encountering 16,000 migrants in just 48 hours — 8,000 per day. Compare that to the assessment of Jeh Johnson, President Barack Obama’s head of homeland security, who once said that 1,000 encounters a day constituted a crisis. Now, there are predictions that post-Title 42 encounters might hit as many as 14,000 a day.
Cities and towns along the border have been overwhelmed since the Biden changes took place. Look at these figures from El Paso, Texas, in a story by the Washington Examiner’s Anna Giaritelli: “According to all the data that are publicly available from the city, the 678,000 residents of El Paso have seen 84,082 immigrants released into their town between August 22 and December 11.” That’s an extraordinary influx in the last few months, repeated in other U.S. communities along the border.
But perhaps just as extraordinary has been the decision by many major media organizations that what is happening on the border is no big deal. In particular, major television news networks, with the notable exception of Fox News, have virtually pretended that the crisis was not happening. Recently Fox’s Bill Melugin, who has covered the current crisis close-up since it began, was asked about coverage on the national networks. “I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve seen them down here in my 19 months of covering this,” Melugin said.
Now, we are seeing what happens when so many in the media ignore a story. A new Harvard-Harris poll shows that Americans have no idea how bad the crisis is. When asked how many illegal crossers are entering the United States, they grossly underestimate the number. They are, in short, in the dark about what is happening on the border.
The pollsters asked: “How many border crossings by illegal immigrants do you think are occurring each year?” They were then given several ranges of numbers to choose from. Now remember, the correct answer for fiscal year 2022 is nearly 3 million.
Sixteen percent guessed that less than 100,000 illegal border crossers entered the United States in a year. Another 21% estimated that somewhere between 100,000 and 250,000 entered the U.S. Another 18% guessed between 250,000 and 500,000. And then 20% guessed between 500,000 and 1 million.
After that, 12% estimated between 1 million and 2 million cross in a year. And then 6% said between 2 million and 3 million. Finally, 7% said the number was over 3 million.
Remember again that the correct answer is about 3 million. All told, 87% of those surveyed underestimated the number of illegal border crossers each year. Significant groups of Americans really underestimated the number — about one-third believed fewer than 250,000 crossers are coming each year, which is a remarkably uninformed opinion. More than half believe less than 500,000 are coming, another remarkably uninformed opinion.
How is it that so many people are so ignorant of what is happening? Might the answer have something to do with the fact that so many news organizations have ignored the problem? Ignore the story and you’ll have ignorant viewers.
The information deficit among so many Americans favors the Biden administration. If more people knew the true scope of the problem the president’s policies have created, then more would likely be concerned, and more would oppose the administration’s actions. Indeed, the Harvard-Harris pollsters, once they informed respondents of the correct answer, asked, “Given these numbers, should the administration continue its current policies or issue new, stricter policies to reduce the flow of people coming across the border?” Sixty-seven percent of those polled favored new, stricter policies, while just 33% wanted to continue current policies.
If more people knew what was happening, more people would demand change.
No border no country. As simple as that. The USA is done.
Once the drip-drip tactic of releasing illegals into towns and communities across the country turns into a flood of illegals that can’t be hidden here and there, Americans will wake up to what is going on. Of course it will be too late by then to do anything about the many millions who are now here permanently. The end of the United States is at hand.
That subversive, Un- American impostor “president “ Joe Biden got into the White House Oval Office and ruined everything and likewise wrecked all the good that President Trump had accomplished.
Secure strong borders was a great achievement of President Trump. The tragic reality is that also very dangerous
Furthermore, President Trump understands the need for a good strong US/Mexican border control, likewise he cares. In contrast Biden doesn’t care at all the safety of the American people and is probably is intentionally attempting to harm America. Those porous borders are really an invitation jihad operatives for Iran and jihadists of Hezbollah and Hamas as well as jihadists of al Qaeda and ISIS to enter the United States an inflect mass murder , destruction and mayhem upon the US.
In conclusion, Joe Biden and those who uphold him in power and dangerous treacherous subversive villains of the must horrendous sort that there can possibly be.
Walter…. Is your real name Donald Trump?
What do you mean, “probably” ?
The sad a terrible porous border situation is that the horrible reality first started because that corrupt and unethical politician, Joe Biden became the De facto “President” of the United States.
This is tragic. meaning It’s tragic fir America, it’s tragic for Americans and it’s tragic for all those people existing in those horrendous conditions at the Mexican /US border places because of Biden’s “No secure border policy.”
The harm President Imposter Biden is doing to America by his “open door” policy or better termed “No border policy” is totally despicable”.
Since Biden entered the White House and is sitting in the Oval Office and he has now reversed all the good former President Trump did by his secure border policy .For when Biden stopped the construction and even destroyed some of the wall of the US/Mexican border wall. Now there is has been and is now drastic increase in many heinous and vile crime and also a sharp rise in the drug trafficking.
Joe Biden refuses to visit the US/ Mexican border because he feels that he has more important things to do.
All those more “important things” that Biden does invest him time in are things that are outright evil.
As his striving to support and uphold that anti-America tyrannical oppressive and murderous Islamic regime of Iran may insidious ways as his attempting to go through with that so called “nuclear deal.”
Likewise another wicked thing that Biden feels is very important is working with that President /dictator of Communist China ,XI Jinping to further uplift Red China ’as great power and degrade the United States as a world power.
Those are two of things that considers better than his visiting the Southern border.
That “No secure border policy” of Joe Biden and his leftist’s political comrades are totally disaster for many reasons.
It was discovered that twenty – three Muslim terrorists just captured crossing the Mexican/US border that really be a wakeup call. Before that a jihadist who was captured who had originally come from Saudi Arabia, earlier yet, two Iranian jihad operatives had also been captured.
First, there are also those jihadists of ISIS al Qaeda and other similar jihadist terrorists may now more easily infiltrate into America and there is drastic rise in drug cartel trafficking .
Second, in opens the door in an “invitation for malicious violent criminal gangs enter America through the US/ Mexican “border.” As the murderers rapists and drug dealing heinous gangster who a call themselves MS- 13. Likewise, now heinous rise in the drug cartel trade because of porous borders.
Third, because the criminals now entering America because of Biden’s porous border policy there is also a terrible increase of murderous violence and vast destruction in America cities.
In conclusion, Biden will have the blood of many good, decent American citizens across the United States on his wicked vile hands.
That a falsehood speaking and possibly irrational character Kamala Harris is, as when she says that the US/Mexican border is “secure and under control.” That terrible woman is, indeed, very irrational and must have serious cognition problems if she really believes that outlandishly absurd fool statement she said.
Furthermore, if VP Harris, by any means, by hook or by crook,, actually does become the next US President then I’m glad that I’m no longer a young man and I’m also very sorry for the children of this country..
I agree with your reply. The gullible American people don’t realize that allowing more than five million illegal aliens to come across the border will cost billions of dollars to educate, provide food stamps, free phone service, rent subsidies, and many other social programs that will be available to them.
Our federal budget deficit for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, was 1.3 trillion dollars. Once, several millions more illegal aliens arrive here, America will be finished. America will become a crime ridden third world country where the majority will live in poverty. Remember, the illegal aliens have come from 46 different countries so far.
“Imagine all the people Living for today, Imagine there’s no countries, It isn’t hard to do. You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one, I hope someday you’ll join us, And the world will be as one. Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world,
You may say I’m a dreamer, But I’m not the only one, I hope someday you’ll join us, And the world will live as one.”
John Lennon’s “Imagine” is becoming America’s new national anthem. It’s the Hippies’ Revenge. The Hippies’ Dream Come True. The Hippies are now in charge.
It’s hard to imagine but what sustains religion, socialism, and globalism is an infant’s and a Hippie’s magical, mystical, thinking. Jesus was a Hippie before there were Hippies.
This writer was in Chiapas, the most southern state of Mexico next to Guatemala, and on TV was a news report of a large stadium parking lot with about a hundred unmarked white busses with thousands of people boarding them. The reporter said that the Mexican Army was going to escort the caravan to the U.S. border.
This writer mentioned this to a man I had met and became friends with at the main plaza. He was the former director of the Palenque ruins which this writer wanted to go to but it was dangerous through the Zapatista zones and going around was about a sixteen-hour trip. Instead of the four the direct route plus on the way is Aquas Azules. I told him about the busses. In Spanish: “Good. We need to get rid of our trash.” The thought was, “Why is the United States the world’s trashcan?” SO, THE MEXICAN ARMY IS HELPING THEM, MEANING APPROVAL FROM THE PRESIDENT!
“Immigrants from all over the world leave their countries due to the corruption and the lack of the Rule of Law to come to a country envied for its Rule of Law. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS stand in line to do it The Hard Way, The Long Way, The Right Way and they’re very bitter at the help given for the ILLEGAL WAY when there was no one there to help them do it THE HONORABLE WAY! THE ILLEGALS, AND THEIR SUPPORTERS, want the United States to overlook our Laws for them making exactly like the LAWLESS COUNTRY THEY JUST LEFT!” SC
My history professor said that bad things happen when you let the Goths cross the river.
I understand also that some 60-65% of all illegals are young, single, healthy military aged males. Hmmmmmmm ????
Rev. Roy……….<
I believe the invasion at the border will be the Biden Administration’s (and the Democrat Party’s) undoing. Eventually. But by that time, it will be too damn late to fix the situation. When the illegals cannot find work or housing, they will simply take what they need. The USA will become utterly chaotic.
Most Americans are ignorant because they have either been indoctrinated through the school system or by our totally propagandized mainstream and social media. Is it shocking that only 7% know the true extent of our open border? It seems that only accidentally, because of COVID and “zoom” learning, did parents discover the CRT and sexual identity indoctrination that is widespread across the country and has been going on for years. Just like they are feeling the effects of massive crime surges brought about by the Soros backed prosecutors that they elected. Or seeing the effects of the BLM promoted riots and “defund the police’ and “no bail” policies after they opened their wallets and sent 90 million dollars to the race baiting grifters who founded BLM. Information that was openly available if they had just bothered to “Google” BLM and see that the founders were anti-white, anti-family, anti-Christian, and openly Marxist. Just like they are discovering the massive inflation imposed by the feckless Joe Biden who said when he was running that he was going to “destroy fossil fuel in America” but they didn’t pay attention.
The only question now is it too late to take back our country after the rule of law has been destroyed in America and the Democrats, in a conspiracy with the mainstream and all social media have weaponized all the three letter agencies (the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, the IRS, and even the DOD) against the political opposition.
Good question… I fear that it is too late to “take back your country”. That’s 3 million people who will have major issues with integrating into American society They will breed; a huge percentage of them will become welfare recipients, permanently. Once-beautiful cities are already becoming sh”tholes and danger zones. No president who takes power, no matter how committed he may be to make America great again, will have the will or the power to return all these illegal migrants to where they came from.
Remember that “3 million” are just the latest invasion, but is just 3 million on top of the tens of millions already here. Remember that around 400,000+ new USA citizens are born every year to these foreign non-citizens (both legal and illegal) and all at the horrendous expense of American taxpayers……the pregnancies, births, aftercare for both mother and baby, plus forever financial support for that baby US citizen and its foreign family, support that increases with each subsequent birth. This policy forces USA citizens, NOT THE PARENTS, to be responsibile financially for each of these foreign babies AND their fireign families forever.
This is ENTIRELY caused by the democrat party and the complicit democrat-MSM. They are intentionally undermining the the foundations of our Constitutional Representative Republic.
Because Marxist have taken over mainstream outlets for the news.
I know people at the border areas. It’s all hype. Seriously people, no matter where you live in America you have to ask yourself, “where are the so called millions?” They don’t exist to the extend of the Right’s wishful thinking. It’s the same photo of the same crowd. It’s not real, just like the global warming scam, and all the covid bs.
“Most Americans Don’t Know How Bad the Border Crisis Is”. Well I believe most Americans don’t know how bad anything is. I believe that once these Biden communist / islamists get all our money then they plan to just kill us.