While the left side of the political spectrum responded to the mass shooting in Las Vegas with fevered calls for gun controls, which even Democrats admit would not have prevented the massacre, they have done nothing to rein in their hateful rhetoric demonizing Trump supporters and providing clear incitements to deranged individuals like Stephen Paddock to commit heinous acts of violence. Leftist celebrity Nancy Sinatra notoriously tweeted “Murderous members of NRA should face firing squad” – to express her politically correct assumption that a gun, rather than an individual incited by hateful comments like hers, was responsible for the slaughter.
Nor are Democrats unaware that their reckless rhetorical attacks can have deadly results. Republican Congressman Steve Scalise nearly lost his life at the hands of a Bernie Sanders supporting Democrat, James T. Hodgkinson, during a baseball game this summer. Just last week a local prosecutor officially found that the shooter committed an “act of terrorism” that was “fueled by rage against Republican legislators.” Nonetheless Union County, New Jersey Democrat operative James Devine tweeted his support for the assailant. “We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent?” he wrote, adding the hashtag “#HuntRepublicanCongressmen[.]”
This was at least honest. The moment Donald Trump was declared the victor in November, Democrat leaders launched a “Resistance” to his presidency. Not a democratic opposition to policies he might enact. But a resistance to his presidency. Consequently Trump was the first president since Abraham Lincoln to get no “presidential honeymoon.” Congressional Democrats even boycotted his inaugural, and instead of confirmation hearings they mounted a witch-hunt against his nominees, painting colleagues like Jeff Sessions as a “racist” even though they were well aware of his stellar record on civil rights.
Instead of uniting the country behind its new duly elected president – a crucial responsibility of the opposition party in a democracy – the Democratic leadership then embraced a series of mass “Not My President” protests. The largest of these was the so-called “Women’s March,” which was held in cities across the country and whose two chief organizers were a convicted Islamic terrorist, Rasmea Odeh, and an Islamic terrorist supporter, Linda Sarsour. Months later, speaking from a platform provided by the Muslim Brotherhood, Sarsour said I hope, that when we stand up to those who oppress our communities, that Allah accepts from us that as a form of jihad. We are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only abroad in the Middle East but here in the United States of America, where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House.
In Washington the Women’s March featured celebrity entertainer and Hillary supporter Madonna, who, wearing a black pussy hat, announced she had thought “an awful lot about blowing up the White House.” At the same demonstration, actress Ashley Judd proclaimed “I am a nasty woman,” then added “I am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny, ignorance, white privilege.” A month later, Judd said of Trump’s election victory, “It remains for me the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my lifetime.” She also grotesquely compared the election result to sexual assault. “Raped as a child – bad. Re-raped by a political system that ordains a clown – really bad.”
We don’t yet know the motive or motives behind Paddock’s Vegas attack. But the fact that he chose a country and western concert rather than a rock concert or hip-hop event may indicate an animus against possible Trump supporters.
Whatever Paddock’s motives, Democrats and their left-wing supporters have been exploiting the tragedy to whip up more hatred against their Republican opponents such as that expressed in Nancy Sinatra’s murderous tweet. Trump’s defeated Democratic opponent, Hillary, was quick to use the massacre as an excuse to bash Republicans and the National Rifle Association (NRA).
“The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots,” she tweeted the morning after. “Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.” Of course, a silencer, also called a suppressor, would have melted as a result of the intense heat generated by a continuous-fire weapon and would have only muffled the sound a little. Moreover, a silencer would not conceal the hundreds of wounded victims falling alongside those not yet hit and warning them of the peril they faced. “Our grief isn’t enough,” Clinton added one minute later in an extravagantly hypocritical afterthought. “We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again.”
Hillary supporter and CBS executive Hayley Geftman-Gold used the massacre to rant against Trump and Republicans. She blamed Republicans for the deaths caused by Paddock because they wouldn’t endorse stronger gun control as she expressed indifference to the murders because the audience, she guessed, was probably composed of Republicans. “I have no hope that Repugs [sic] will ever do the right thing. I’m actually not even sympathetic [because] country music fans often are Republican gun toters.” CBS executives immediately fired Geftman-Gold, showing a concern for public civility that Democratic Party leaders would do well to emulate.
While Democrats call for gun control they project a steady stream of wild-eyed rhetoric and venomous rationales for violence against their political opponents. This is not only not useful in a democracy. It is downright dangerous.
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