Why revive Murphy Brown, a hoary old sitcom that barely had any reason for existing back when it was on? Why did Dr. Frankenstein assemble a corpse into a monster. Sometimes stupid ideas exist for their own sake. That, and much more obviously, hating Trump.
There was literally no other reason for bringing back Murphy Brown.
The cast is about 50 years older than CBS’s average millennial skewing sitcom. And CBS’s target audience would be more likely to watch an infomercial for do-it-yourself contact lenses than an episode of Murphy Brown in which the old cast totters around.
So, Murphy Brown exists as a fantasy for Trump haters of a reporter who can take on Team Trump and win.
The season premiere sees Murphy swapping insults with President Trump during a live broadcast. The second episode has her lecturing Sarah Huckabee Sanders about the dishonesty of her press briefings while the third sees a takedown of a Steve Bannon-like character.
When the Murphy Brown revival promised to take on Fake News, the irony was delicious. Murphy Brown is fake news. A fictional show about the media embraced by the actual media, to such an extent that 60 Minutes offered Candice Bergen a gig.
But now the show will be little more than fantasy camp for Trump hating lefties in which a fictional character berates real people, whom its producers hope will respond, while allowing lefty viewers to believe that they’re defeating them in real life.
It doesn’t get any more fake than that.
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