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Okay, so Pat and Mike walk into a bar — or they try to, but the bar is closed and Pat and Mike are canceled. Welcome to the new Ireland!
Remember when immigrants were expected to assimilate? Those days are gone, and we all know that anyone who wants them back is a racist and a bigot. Today, the migrants dictate terms to the native people, who better fall in line or else. In Ireland, a Muslim activist wants the Irish to stop cracking wise. Why? Because it offends her, and we all know who is in charge now.
Ala Buisir grew up in Dublin and now focuses on photographic and film projects that (surprise, surprise!) call attention to racism, the suffering that Muslims supposedly underwent during the War on Terror, and discrimination that new arrivals in Ireland allegedly experience. Yes, Ala Buisir is a professional victim, someone who whines for a living, and why not? All over the West today, victimhood is a growth industry.
Buisir’s latest target is Ireland’s legendary humor. Even though she grew up in Ireland, start talking about a couple of leprechauns walking into a bar and ordering a Guinness, and you’re sure to raise her hackles.
Just recently, video surfaced on X of Buisir complaining on RTÉ, Ireland’s NPR, about the Irish tendency to crack wise: “A person looks at you, and then he— they’ll give you that, some stereotype joke. And you’ll be like, sh— like it’s not a joke, it’s something serious that you shouldn’t be saying and everything. But then you’ll get, ‘Ah, but we’re Irish, we like to joke around, we like to have, make a fun— a laugh out of something.’ And that needs to change within the Irish community. As much as I am Irish, that’s the one thing that, it kind of annoys me.”
Irlande : une activiste musulmane se sent souvent offensée par l’humour irlandais et affirme que “cela doit changer dans la communauté irlandaise”
— Jean-Robert (@Jean_Robert_29) January 25, 2024
The solution for Ala Buisir is obvious: bid adieu to Pat and Mike, pack your bags, and get on the first flight to Lahore. There she will find innumerable people who, although they’re Sunni and he was Shi’ite, believe strongly in what the Ayatollah Khomeini memorably articulated: “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
RTÉ, which is as far-left as publicly-funded broadcasting stations are all over the West, deserves the lion’s share of the blame here for featuring Ala Buisir’s complaint as if it were something to take seriously, and not inviting anyone on who might have challenged her about her unspoken assumption that she is in a position to dictate terms to the Irish. It doesn’t even seem to occur to Ala Buisir that she may not be universally recognized as the one who is in charge in Ireland today.
She appears to be serene in the knowledge that the Irish have already surrendered to mass Muslim migration and that she and her allies are in the driver’s seat. So she casually and firmly issues orders for the subject people.
Buisir has ample reason to think this way. Back in November, a Muslim migrant in Dublin stabbed three children and an adult, and Irish natives, fed up with their woke government’s unshakeable commitment to mass migration, battled on the streets with riot police. Now, there is no excuse for rioting or vigilantism, but the foes of mass migration had very real points about the cultural and societal effects of that migration. Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, however, instead of addressing those concerns, vowed crackdowns on the freedom of speech to mute opposition to his mass migration agenda.
In light of that, it’s no wonder that the likes of Ala Buisir thinks herself to be in the catbird seat. And that reminds me of a joke: an Irishman comes home after a bad day at the office and says to his wife: “Get me a Guinness before it starts.” She dutifully brings him a frosty bottle, which he tackles eagerly. Just a few minutes later, he says to her, “Get me another before it starts.” She is not happy, but brings him another, and he slugs that one down just as quickly and says: “Quick, one more, please, it’s just about to start.” That’s the breaking point for his long-suffering wife, who shouts: “What is just about to start, you langer? All you ever do is drink beer! You’re a good-for-nothing, useless wastrel, a drunkard, a layabout, and what’s more…” The beleaguered man sighs: “It’s started.”
That’s what I thought when I heard Ala Buisir telling the Irish to stop acting in a way she dislikes: It’s started. And it’s not even close to ending.
Balzoa says
Honestly, I have no sympathy for Muslims. I sincerely believe that they are a cult that worships Satan.
Domenic Pepe says
Believing that Islam is a religion is the biggest joke of all.
I can’t stop laughing every time I see Moo — Slums prostrating themselves on the ground,
banging their foreheads into the ground,
and elevating their arse-holes up in the air to Allah.
Depraved psychopathic murderous Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
Jeff Bargholz says
Islam is a cult of Mohammad. Of the three unholy books the religion is based on, two, the hadith and sura, are all about Mohammad, and the koran mentions Mohammad more than Allah, if I remember correctly.
That’s a cult.
Ken says
It involves a great deal of public piety combined with strong peer pressure and intimidation for everyone else to do the same. In that it resembles (alebeit on steroids) some of the more extreme evangelical sects, not to mention the Pharisees in the New Testament whom Jesus so memorably mocks by telling his disciples “I tell you solemnly, they have had their reward. “
Alkflaeda says
True. One of the hadiths states that the being who dictated the Koran crushed Mohammed’s chest. This is a classic sign of trance mediumship – and nowhere in the Bible is any prophet described as experiencing anything similar. So Mohammed was a medium, not a prophet, channelling a familiar spirit.
Rachelle says
Many years ago, there was an Irish Jewish columnist who worked for the Jerusalem Post. His articles were a ripple of laughter from start to finish, as he poked fun at his fellow Israelis, the government, tourists, and anything else he happened to think of. His articles were a highlight and a joy to read. Good old Irish humor. Nothing beats it, but nowadays he would probably be pilloried for making us laugh. We’ve come a long way down.
Tionico says
They surely ARE a cult. And they surely DO worship satan, the would-be god of this world. They certainly do NOT worship the God who made the universe and all it contains, including them.
Algorithmic Analyst says
“What do you call a fella from Dundalk with 400 girlfriends? A Muslim farmer!”
Jeff Bargholz says
That’s a good one! Did you make it up yourself?
F.R. Duplantier says
Have you heard the joke about the two Irish homosexuals: Patrick Fitzmaurice and Maurice Fitzpatrick?
Or the one about the queer Scotsman who went from Glen to Glen?
Miranda Rose Smith says
A lot of my friends are very straitlaced and I wouldn’t dare tell those jokes to them, but they’re funny..
Do you know the joke about the IRA terrorist who goes to confession? He says “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I have blown up 250 miles of British-ownedcrailroad track.”
“This is a very greivious sin, my son,” says the ptiest, “for penance, do the stations.”
Jeff Bargholz says
Did you hear about the IRA terrorist who blew up a car? He burned his lips on the exhaust pipe.
Tionico says
subtle but nice.
Miranda Rose Smith says
Very subtle, but funny
Jeff Bargholz says
You guys are cracking me up.
Siddi Nasrani says
Or how about the two homosexuals Jock Bendoon & Phil McCracken
Banastre Tarleton says
There’s an anti Globalist 1848 springing up all over Europe that will spread to N America
Jeff Bargholz says
It’s already here. Klaus Schwab is a Bond villain.
Miranda Rose Smith says
There she will find innumerable peoplw who, although they’re Sunni and HE was Shi’ite…?,”
“The LIKES of Ala Buisir THINKS?”
E. Phillips says
The ‘he’ refers to the ayatollah, not to the whinging subject of the article.
Miranda Rose Smith says
Thanks for the clarification.
Jeff Bargholz says
Ala Buisir’s face is a joke. She looks like Buddy Hackett.
Richard Johnston says
Here’s one for ya’! A guy marries a 6-year old, but, demonstrating incredible self-control, waits until she’s nine to consummate the marriage.
J.J. Sefton says
“Take my hymen. Please!”
– – Heinous al Youngboy
Alkflaeda says
Would that be the same man who had sex with a corpse, and when one of his followers said “Prophet, what are you doing?” he said “I am obtaining a better eternity for her.”?
Jeff Bargholz says
That’s the guy. And if I remember correctly, the corpse was his dead aunt. You know a guy is depraved if he can manage necrophilia and incest in one debased act.
Jeff Bargholz says
The Islamic definition of a gentleman.
Tionico says
have you read your history? he english king Henry Four married his wife when she was nine years old. She conceived then miscarried while she was still nine. She conceived again when she was ten, bore her firstborn, a son, who was named after his Father, and was thus Henry Fifth. He was born when she was ten or eleven, In the years following she bore I think it was five more children, and she died of an infectious disease when in her mid-twenties.
Don’t believe me? Find and read the biography of Henry Fifth. That’s where I got it.
I neither condone nor condemn, only repeat what history has brought us. And NO ONE thought that strange. It was normal in that time and culture.
J.J. Sefton says
And the difference between her and the easily offended deplatforing censorious wokesters of the Left is? . . .
Jeff Bargholz says
A hijab. Otherwise they’re identical.
Noah Andeark says
That ackbarbarian in the video is Hillaryarious!!! Does she know that she (and (p)islam) ARE the joke??
THX 1138 says
Reminds me of the Calvinist Puritans.
“They for whom all days are holy can have no holiday,” was a common Puritan maxim. Puritans were particularly contemptuous of Christmas, nicknaming it “Foolstide” and banning their flock from any celebration of it throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. …
Cotton Mather, New England’s most influential religious leader, told his flock in 1712 that “the feast of Christ’s nativity is spent in reveling, dicing, carding, masking, and in all licentious liberty…by mad mirth, by long eating, by hard drinking, by lewd gaming, by rude reveling!…. Can you in your consciences think that our Holy Savior is honored by mirth? . . . Shall it be said that at the birth of our Savior . . . we take time . . . to do actions that have much more of hell than of heaven in them”…
The main reason Puritans didn’t like Christmas was that it was a raucously popular holiday in late medieval England. Each year, rich landowners would throw open their doors to the poor and give them food and drink as an act of charity. The poorest man in the parish was named the “Lord of Misrule,” and the rich would wait upon him at feasts that often descended into bawdy drunkenness. Such decadence never impressed religious purists. “Men dishonor Christ more in the 12 days of Christmas,” wrote the 16th-century clergyman Hugh Latimer, “than in all the 12 months besides.”
David Mu says
Indeed. Islam is a Puritanism made so much worst. This aspect of it is what draws the non-Islamic puritan to it, and that includes both the other religious and leftist.
Show me a humorless kill-joy, and I will show you someone who will kill you – with either making a life a pain or just kill you right-out.
Del Varner says
Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious. Islam does not allow swimming in the sea and is opposed to radio and television serials. Islam, however, allows marksmanship, horseback riding and competition .
from an Ayotollah
Jeff Bargholz says
Islam IS a joke and so is that fake Irishwoman.
Tionico says
well I would have to agree with that priority….. that marksmanship IS a better past time than numbing one’s mind on the telly. Furhter, with so many minds rendered comatose by the constant indulging the telly, the skills and will needed to best the mozzies will be sorely lacking.
Intrepid says
Here’s what you wrote on 1/21/24 (your big mea culpa): “I respect the right of those who believe, to believe. Those who don’t believe, not to believe. So long as no one initiates physical force against another, initiates no physical compulsion, or threat of violence against another, I now prefer to just leave the subject alone.”
Obviously you can’t leave it alone so you are a liar.
Well old man, Another Christmas season has come an gone. And another failure for you. You were the first person I thought of, reading about busy body Buisir. Telling everyone how to think, how to behave, and what to say,
You dishonor Christmas 365 days of the year. Why did you wait until February with your Hugh Latimer shtick this time? You also dishonor yourself
Sounds like Objectivist style atheism has a lot in common with this Ala Buisir and her Islamic whining about Christmas in Ireland. Maybe you two could team up and do an “I hate Christmas” act every year. What a hoot that would be. Of course that would be fun. Not allowed in Islam and Objectivism.
Too bad. Altruism wins again.
Intrepid says
Sorry avid this was meant for THX, not you.
THX, Here’s what you wrote on 1/21/24 (your big mea culpa): “I respect the right of those who believe, to believe. Those who don’t believe, not to believe. So long as no one initiates physical force against another, initiates no physical compulsion, or threat of violence against another, I now prefer to just leave the subject alone.”
Obviously you can’t leave it alone so you are a liar.
Well old man, Another Christmas season has come an gone. And another failure for you. You were the first person I thought of, reading about busy body Buisir. Telling everyone how to think, how to behave, and what to say,
You dishonor Christmas 365 days of the year. Why did you wait until February with your Hugh Latimer shtick this time? You also dishonor yourself
Sounds like Objectivist style atheism has a lot in common with this Ala Buisir and her Islamic whining about Christmas in Ireland. Maybe you two could team up and do an “I hate Christmas” act every year. What a hoot that would be. Of course that would be fun. Not allowed in Islam and Objectivism.
Too bad. Altruism wins again.
THX 1138 says
I’m just telling the facts of how the Calvinist Puritans viewed having a good time, Not only the Calvinists but many other medieval Christian sects,
Medieval Christianity was no laughing matter. Medieval Christianity and today’s Christianity are interpreted and practiced in quite different ways,
If you have a problem with those facts that’s your problem not mine.
Intrepid says
Looks like Objectivism is no laughing matter either.
As usual you just can’t pass up an opportunity to bash Christmas and Christianity, Renaissance or modern. Or, somehow, tie it to Islam. As if bashing late 1500’s Christianity will make us all reject the church because of what happened in the late Renaissance/Early Baroque and join your ever shrinking intellectual sect.
No one cares about Calvinists or your so-called “facts”.
And, as always, you are off topic because you actually believe the article is about you and your effed up religion…Objectivism. Fortunately it is not about you. It never will be. It is astonishing how small minded you can be. Do us all a favor and go away again….this time permanently
Can’t wait for Easter. I wonder what you have in store for us this year? More of the same irrelevant twaddle? Or do we get a break from your monumental stupidity this year? As usual you are racking up the downvotes, as always.
Hint: doing the same thing all the time and expecting a different result…….well, you know the rest of it Mr. Potato Head.
Richard Terrell says
All of that is interesting, but really, scholar Perry Miller exploded the myth of the dour and humorless puritan decades ago.
Domenic Pepe says
America needs more Puritans like John Winthrop and William Bradford today than ever before in order
to save itself from the depraved psychopathic woke leftist dems and DEI racist CRT lunatics.
Without people like John Winthrop of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and William Bradford of Plimoth
Plantation, America probably would never have happened.
Also, the Mathers did much good in the development of Colonial Massachusetts.
The Puritan’s legacy in the founding and development of America was most important and essential.
So don’t trash or disparage the Puritans.
America needs them more than ever now.
Hannah Katz says
Hey Ala, here is one for you. What is an Irish seven course dinner? A boiled potato and a six pack of beer.
Jeff Bargholz says
What’s the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish wake? One less drunk.
Richard Johnston says
I’m stealin’ that one!
Chief Mac says
The reason Islamofascists wear dresses is that sheep have incredible hearing and can hear a zipper from a kilometer away
Steve Chavez says
Jeff Dunham and Ackkkkmed the Dead Terrorist would not be allowed in Ireland?
Ackkkkmed complains about a misunderstanding when a Martyr, a suicide bomber praised by the Muslim/Arab world, is to be rewarded with 72 Virgins in Heaven: “There weren’t 72 Virgins…. instead, there was a 72-year-old virgin.”
NO JOKES! NO CARTOONS! NO CRITICISM! NO ISLAMOPHOBIA! She demands tolerance and understanding.
I wonder what she would do if a person walked up to her wearing a MAGA HAT!
Try wearing a MAGA HAT anywhere in the United States; “MAGAPHOBIA!” They’re attacked, no crime, but dare rip off a scarf and see what happens!
internalexile says
We probably all remember the old one about a suicide bomber who fulfills his task, goes to heaven, and is shown a room with a table, around which sit people like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
“Wha–who are you?”
“We are your 72 Virginians!”
Always liked that one.
Steve Chavez says
“72 GOATS? I thought they were SHEEP! Where’s the Big Mo?”
Tionico says
I like that one. Those Virginians will set you to rights, and that right quickly.
David Mu says
When a Muslim tells me what I must do – I know that is a Muslim who needs to be disappointed. And that better be all the Muslim is not getting when denied another chance to own and control others.
Ready, Islam needs to be forced to follow all the demands it wants over non-Muslims. First, let’s start with that tax paid to allow them to exist – and clearly that other one where the Islam walks in the gutter when a non-Muslim is walking by. The Muslim needs a taste of this submission, and we can start with the Muslim learning – no-one gives a d*mn what it wants.
internalexile says
So, she is Muslim first, and Irish second?
George says
No she is a Muslim first, and a Muslim second.
Tionico says
Mark Sochor says
The so-called “peaceful” Muslims are irrelevant. The radicals control the agenda. Peaceful Muslims define “sleeper cell”. Robert Spencer’s books should be required reading for all politicians in the west. Any politician promoting Muslim immigration should be rejected and removed as a traitor to God and mankind. Somewhere Satan is smiling at our suicidal tendencies.
Ed Snider says
Today, no jokes. Tomorrow, no Guiness. Ireland brought it on herself.
Intrepid says
I have turned down several invitations to visit Ireland. My three favorite Irish folk bands are The Bothy Band, Planxty and Altan. Wonderful music but it was disheartening to know these bands were born out of the “troubles” in the 70s and 80s. And their leftist politics makes it tough to listen to sometimes.
Islam has practically destroyed that country. The men of that country had better get off their arses and throw these Muslim bums out. Same with Scotland. They did it once in the time King Edward. England may already be a goner.
Jeff Bargholz says
Altan is good. I’ve never listened to the other two. I have a CD called “The Celts Rise Again,” and every Irish and Scottish band and performer on it is excellent.
Intrepid says
It’s getting harder and harder to find Bothy Band CDs but you can find some live performances on Youtube
Tionico says
I am happy to have acquired a number of them, and similar, back when they were new releases. Excellent listening. And playing along….
Jeff Bargholz says
I’ll look for them. There’s a big used CD and DVD store here in San Jose called “Rasputin’s” that has a great selection. Most of the stuff is dirt cheap, too.
Tionico says
I know and appreciate Planxty and the Bothies. Patrick Street are also very good. Kevin Burke is one of the best of Ireland’s fiddlers. I have heard him live a few times, touring here this side the Puddle.
I have learnt the stories of a number of my forebears, both of their tie in Ireland and also after they managed to escape, mainly during the English occupation during the Potato Famines. There is the wonderful account of the “horse thief” who managed to outfox the Brits, besting them as they came to arrest him for some inane non-crime. Certain death was their end game. He stalked round to the front of the house as they searched for him near the barn, stole one of their horses loosed the rest and rode off to the nearby seaport town. Rode the horse right up to the quay just as a ship was singling up and making some sail. He got aboard, asked where bound.Amerikay, they said. May I work for my passage? Certainly. And welcome. Landed in New York and made a new life here. He is in my ancestry on my Mother’s side, I believe in the Coleman line. .
Intrepid says
I have to put Tommy Robinson in with the Irish, although he is British. They jailed him, hounded him, he had to go into hiding. But he can’t be erased. I see him ultimately as a general for the Ireland, Scotland and England when it comes time to throw these Muslim vermin out.
His English Defence League will be the entity that saves the Isles.
Jeff Bargholz says
Tommy Robinson is super cool. And he does remind me of the Irish persecuted by the Brits back in the day. He reminds me of a better Michael Collins.
Jeff Bargholz says
That’s a really cool story.
Patrick Street are on my Celts CD.
Jeff Bargholz says
I don’t know if I could live without Guinness, and I’m not even Irish.
Atikva says
No, I hadn’t heard it yet, but anyway, there is nothing, absolutely nothing in terms of blind stupidity, arrogance or ugliness that could surprise me from the members of the totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religion that is islam. Nothing. I am past being surprised or even curious.
Alkflaeda says
Buisir sounds like Islam’s answer to Greta Thunberg. Since Thunberg has espoused the Palestinian cause, perhaps the two could work together….
dennodog says
The Irish sold their souls to get into the EU and ended up taking in “refugees” from Africa and other places to pay for their entry. Then they took in Muslims who are also imposing their wills. If they thought the English were bad, wait’ll “islam” tries to take over.
CharlieSeattle says
Exactly! Where is the IRA now?
Angel Jacob says
Those filthy critters are enemy agents. Not migrants.
They have no reason to be in the free world if they like sharia.
Anne-Marie says
The Muzzz limmms don’t like Irish jokes? Gee, what a shocker.
Intrepid says
Wait’ll they hear anti-Muslim jokes
David says
Meanwhile, the Islamic victims continue their efforts to colonize every nation and continent. Like leftist democrats, Islamists engage in the criminal and radical activities which they accuse their opposition of doing.
Spurwing Plover says
Get a Life Camel Jockey the biggest joke sits in the Whitehouse
Carlos Rodriguez says
The Irish need to elect Irishcentric officials. Right now, Ireland is a virtual caliphate.
Ernest says
Wherever they are found, chase the Musselman into the sea and let them swim for it.. Allah will know his own.
Richard Terrell says
Ireland’s changing, all around. Here’s something for it’s embrace of Gay Marriage
Ireland’s so green, they always say,
And now the country’s really gay.
From Donegal to the Ring of Kerry
Now ya might actually see a fairy
Walkin’ hand-in-hand with his partner so sweet
Without even havin’ ta be discreet.
No longer ’tis a matter for sayin’ “haw! Haw!”
For now it’s enthroned in the rule of law.
So man, while yer in Ireland, have a Guinness so black,
But when leanin’ on the bar, ya better watch yer back!
Keith Reese says
Just going to get worse and worse….protect yourselves.
Darrel says
The 2nd Amendment. will do the job.
Tionico says
Ala Buisir is like he Irishman and his donkey. Whenever he rode the donkey it was wrong, and whenever the donkey rode the man it was wrong.
Her safest route would be to simply return to the sandbox wherein she was spawned.
Jeff Bargholz says
More like a kitty litter box. Animal turds should be buried.
CharlieSeattle says
Deport all Muslims, citizens or not, from the West. Islam is antithetical to everything America and the west stands for.
Islam continues to attack the Christian world for over 1400 years after Christianity was established peacefully in the middle east 600 years before militant and political islam was spawned from hell.
Ron Kelmell says
Sand clown or towel head are racist…the head cloth is more like. a small bed linen. The proper term is “little sheet head”.
Darrel says
I am so fed up of these Islamic rats.
jeremiah says
Now, there is no excuse for rioting or vigilantism, but the foes of mass migration had very real points about the cultural and societal effects of that migration.
Ireland made it’s own problem. They got bamboozled. Look who they elected.
1916 turned out a waste, sorry Micheal Collins and gang
The top statement couldn’t be more wrong or misleading, the noble lords will go as far as they can until they feel fear. Same is true here.
TruthLaser says
That is a ranchy remark!
Domenic Pepe says
Depraved psychopathic murderous Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.