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The first rule of Islamic fight club is that non-Muslims aren’t allowed to talk about it. And if it must be talked about, it has to be treated as a local phenomenon. That means insisting that Hamas is attacking Israel for political reasons, the Houthis are shooting at ships for political reasons, the Fulani are massacring Christians in Nigeria for political reasons, the Pakistanis, the Taliban, the Iranians, the Syrians, the Iraqis, ISIS and Mohammed who decided to stab someone on a train are all doing it for completely unrelated reasons.
On the other side, devout Islamic leaders focus on the linkage. Every battle is a step toward global conquest and the Fourth Reich of the Ummah.
They’ll say it out loud too. (MEMRI)
Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar And Muslim Brotherhood Leader Tareq Al-Suwaidan bragged that he had met with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh a week earlier.
“I was just last week with my brother Ismail Haniyeh, so I got the details of what is going on. Istanbul, Allah be praised, is now in our hands. Rome will one day be in our hands, and every house and every tent will have a Muslim in it. Palestine will be free – there is no question about it. It started by the way – October 7 was a very clear start.”
It’s not about oppression. It’s not about “open air concentration camps” or any of the other lies. It’s about the Islamic manifest destiny of conquering the world and subjugating all non-Muslims.
Istanbul is viewed as a model for the conquest of Europe. Islamic leaders dream of turning Rome and every non-Muslim city into another Istanbul.
That is what Oct 7 was really about.
Oddly enough, my Holy scriptures depict an entirely different outcome. Maybe they shouldn’t have parsed their source material through a pedophile.
This article is proof positive that depraved psychopathic murderous Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
That Mo-Ped was rejected as a prophet by those relying on scripture.
Ah yes, one of the elephants in the living room that we are STILL not allowed to talk about–the fundamental incompatibility of Islam and Western Civilization..
The depraved psychopathic murderous Islamic “Mind”
misuses facts and reason and logic ad common sense.
Here’s how the Islamic mind reasons ….. another misuse of words and the US Constitution:
The First Amendment states that …
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
If Islam is a religion (which it is not) … then it follows that ….
The Islamic Quran, the “Bible” of Islam commands all followers of Islam to kill/murder Jews and other non-believers of Islam.
Therefore, Moslems who practice Islam, and “freely exercise their religion” by killing/murdering Jews and other non-believers, cannot be prosecuted for murder because the First Amendment of the US Constitution prohibits doing so.
Therefore, Moslems are free to kill/murder Jews and other non-believers because they are commanded to do so by Islam itself.
If Islam is not a religion, which it is not …. Islam is a depraved psychopathic murderous cult ….,
then Islam and Moslems can be dealt with properly for the horrific crimes they commit.
Depraved psychopathic murderous Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
Islam, I would argue, is indeed a religion. But it’s a malevolent one. It doesn’t necessarily follow that a religion need be benevolent. Ancient religious creeds, now fortunately swept into history’s dustbin, included the faiths of the Aztecs and Mayans, which demanded human sacrifices and probably cannibalism. And then there were the votaries of demon gods such as Moloch and Baal. Islam fully belongs with these repulsive, pre-civilizational belief systems.
So, who should we believe? The Muslims who say they want to conquer us or the “woke” among us who tell us they don’t mean it?
I know who I believe.
Expell them. ALl of them.
Retake historic Christendom.
Conclude the Crusades with complete victory.
Radical Islam does not know the plans that the God of Israel, Jehovah Jireh, has for them. He is more powerful than any false God, and will overcome all obstacles. The God of Israel is distinct and separate from all false gods of the world.
El Shaddiai…The All Sufficient One. The God of the Mountains, God Almighty.
The fact that this guy is an Islamic Scholar pretty much tells the story of why he believes the crap he is saying. Only someone who has had Islam pounded into his brain every day of his life could spout this sort of garbage with a straight face, although I imagine he rarely smiles.
Gee, they sound like colonizers to me.
Totally delusional. This douche meets Haniyeh and they talk about Hamas and how things are going in Gaza and he publicly states that next is the defeat of Rome (i.e. the West)? Based on what? What a total deek.
Don’t be too confident about our ability or will to defend ourselves forever from Islamization and the eventual triumph of Islam in the West. Please read this article posted yesterday at Jihad Watch
This Jihadi thinks the catacombs can be used like the terror tunnels in Gaza. He will have more luck crawling through sewers
My link to a jihadwatch org article did not post. I’ll try again here:
We all know about the horrific Islamic inquisition and the expulsion of over a half a million Jews [Hebrews/Israelites – all the same meaning for the same people] over 500 years ago .
However, today in age, there is only one religion that actively VIOLENTLY acts for world domination- aka Jihad.
Re my previous comment, i meant to say Spanish inquisition.
The article I’ve been trying to post here from is “Pedator and Prey: Before the Jump” by Alexander Maistrovoy. Please read!:
Grrr…”Predator,” not “Pedator.”
I agree with almost everything the author says in the article. I loathe the events of October 7th and I hate all Islamic terrorists. To be fair there are two sides to the Israel/Palestinian conflict. We can’t forget the fact over 800,000 Muslim and Christian Palestinians were brutally forced from villages in 1948 their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years to make way for survivors of the Holocaust in Europe after WW II and other Jews who wanted to return “home.” It was an ethnic cleansing operation on a huge scale and without compensation for the victims. The cruelty and harshness sowed the seeds of hatred we see in the Gaza Strip and West Bank today. I hope Muslims never have the immense power to influence our culture and politics in Washington the way the Israeli lobby, ADL, and AIPAC. enjoy. today in the United States.