There are numerous lessons to take away from the Marathon Massacre, but one of these is that it’s time to rethink our immigration policy, especially when it comes to refugees.
The Tsarnaevs came to the United States as refugees. And like so many other Muslim refugees, they brought terror to our shores.
Tamerlan fled Chechnya with his family because of the conflict in the early 90s, and lived for years in Kazakhstan before getting to the United States as a refugee.
There are basic solutions to Islamic terrorism. One of the most basic such solutions is to stop bringing in population groups linked to terror.
The misplaced sympathy that allowed the Tsarnaevs access to America led directly to the Marathon Massacre. The experts will shortly begin talking about integration and Tamerlan’s failure to fit in. And that’s nonsense.
America has integrated or failed to integrate millions. There is only one group that repeatedly seeks to kill as many Americans as possible.
Europeans have chased the phantasm of integration after every terrorist attack, but the issue is not integration. The terrorists are usually men with degrees or a place in a good school. They’re quite capable of functioning in society. They choose not to, because their worldview, as Dzhokar Tsarneav wrote is Islam.
We don’t need to do a better job of integrating people who might kill us. We need to decide if the integrity of our cities and country is worth more than the false moral superiority of importing more Tsarneavs to America.
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