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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Morocco World News reported on Sept. 24 that Dutch human rights activist Edwin Wagensveld, whom it predictably called a “far-right Dutch extremist,” had once again torn a copy of the Qur’an “in a new provocative Islamophobic act” in from of Turkey’s embassy in the Netherlands. This was just one of many recent instances of desecration of the Qur’an, most of which have taken place in Denmark and Sweden. Several Islamic states are using them to attempt once again to intimidate the West into abandoning the freedom of expression and adopting Sharia blasphemy laws. This time, given the Left’s notable hatred for the freedom of speech, it just might work.
Morocco World News added that Wagensveld’s act “stirred outrage and frustration from many Muslim communities, who have repeatedly called on the international community to intervene to end such provocative acts.” Indeed. Turkey’s Daily Sabah reported on the same day that “in a statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that Ankara condemns the spread of these “provocative attacks,” which are allowed to be carried out in European countries under the guise of freedom of expression.” The Foreign Ministry stated that “the countries where such attacks have taken place must now take effective measures against these provocations, which are recognized by the United Nations as acts of religious hatred and violations of international law.”
The Jordanian Foreign Ministry issued a statement of its own, condemning these “irresponsible acts that provoke the feelings of two billion Muslims around the world, fuel hatred and threaten peaceful coexistence.” It added that religious symbols must be respected, and that this was a “collective responsibility that everyone must adhere to.”
In response to an earlier act of Qur’an desecration, Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry declared: “This senseless and provocative Islamophobic act hurts the religious sensitivities of over 1.5 billion Muslims around the world.” It insisted that such acts were “not covered under any legitimate expression of the right to freedom of expression or opinion, which carries responsibilities under international human rights law, such as the obligation not to carry out hate speech and incite people to violence.”
Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al Jaber Al Sabah said the burning “hurts Muslims’ sentiments across the world and marks serious provocation.” He said that the world should “shoulder responsibility by stopping such unacceptable acts and denouncing all forms of hatred and extremism and bringing the perpetrators to accountability.”
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said that Europe invokes the freedom of speech in order to “allow extremist and radical elements to spread hatred against Islamic sanctities and values.” He said that the burning was a “clear example of spreading hatred and fueling violence against Muslims” and had “nothing to do with freedom of speech and thought.”
Such responses demonstrate a superficial (at best) understanding of the freedom of speech, but as they come from Muslim countries, they’re understandable. Less forgivable was a recent statement of the High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations, Miguel Angel Moratinos. His office said: “While the High Representative stresses the importance of upholding the freedom of expression as a fundamental human right, he also emphasises that the act of Quran-burning, amounts to an expression of hatred towards Muslims. It is disrespectful and insulting to the adherents of Islam and should not be conflated with freedom of expression.”
In other words, the High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations does not really believe in the freedom of expression as a fundamental human right at all. He believes that when someone threatens to kill you over your expression, you should adopt a respectful silence. In other words, he wants the West to submit to Sharia blasphemy restrictions.
Moratinos and others issued these condemnations in the first place because of jihad violence. That’s the only reason. If someone burned a Bible, would the act make any headlines at all? No. Would any ambassadors be summoned? No. Would the High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations start huffing and puffing about how the burning of the Bible was “disrespectful and insulting to the adherents of Christianity”? No.
What’s the difference? If you burn a Bible, Christians won’t kill you. If you burn a Qur’an, some Muslims will want very much to kill you. If you give in to them and curtail your activities accordingly, you’ll end up encouraging more such violent intimidation. Once the jihadis see that the West will give them what they want if they threaten violence, they’ll threaten ever more violence. That’s why Miguel Angel Moratinos is a fool who deserves the condemnation of all free people.
Beez says
Germany is already an Islamic state. The churches are empty monuments to the piety of the past. Look up; this deceased German: Horst Kasner – communist, apostate “Christian,” and Multikulti lunatic. Then you’ll understand why his daughter was Germany’s ‘Manchurian Candidate,’ and why she destroyed Christian Germany.
puzzled says
Ain’t the curran filled with hatred towards all of humanity? All of civilization? SATAN, disguised as the Judeo-Christian Throne Archangel GABRIEL, got mohammyman to “write down” many words of hate toward humanity. The UN should BAN the curran itself.
Andrew Blackadder says
At the highest Peak in all of Germany is a mini mosque, put there for the muslim Staff working at the Hotel atop the mountain known as the Zugspitize on the southern border with Austria outside the town of Garmisch.
Beside this ”Prayer Room” is a Toilet with a sign outside stating ”Toilet for use by muslims ONLY”.
The Staff were given this Prayer Room due to their inability to get off the mountain in time for their sniffing rectum times however when they looked out the one window they noticed a Crucifix on the other mountain peak and DEMANDED it be taken down however the Hotel Management told them to just close the curtains..
Germany has a mini mosque at the highest peak in Germany but no Church so I ask you folks…
Who rules Germany today?.
Ask any German you may know about this and do not be surprised if they tell you they have never heard of this nor do they think its a big deal and then realize how so many Germans blindly followed an evil wee man with a bad haircut and a silly wee mustache.
Annie45 says
It is amazing to read the many articles on FPM documenting what happens
to European cities with an escalating Muslim presence. In Norway, Sweden,
Germany and France to cite only a few examples. The European population
experiencing daily violence and intimidation – felonious crime – rampant
gang rapes – explosions, car burnings – and terror at speaking out against it
are what happens. All while these Muslims of the ‘Religion of Peace’ push
their way into organized political power – and eventual takeover.
I remember when Pamela Geller had her art exhibit in Garland, Texas
depicting images of their prophet Mohammed. Two Muslims were sent to
murder her and those at the exhibit but did America condemn them? No,
they – including Congressional and other political leaders – roundly
condemned the courageous Ms. Geller. And when aren’t the always
potentially threatening Muslims not offended by something? They seem to
be the only so-called religion requiring sensitivity training for their non-Muslim
fellow employees.
It is not as simple as being aware that Muslim outrage and threats of violence
– with the full support of the United Nations – are inevitable if their Quran is
burned. It is more necessary to be aware that the tactic of eliminating free speech –
of which there is none in Islam – is only one part of a determined Muslim goal
to impose their religion of tyranny on the rest of us.
Johnnie the jew says
Well said Annie 👏
Sharia is a barbaric totalitarian ideology that doesn’t do equality just submission or else. Simples here as you know. I love Danish cartoonists . As Robert Spencer alludes here we can burn a bible without Christian’s going on insane murder missions . We can critique Christian theology as an atheist without death threats..
Think Victor J Stenger here but we don’t hunt such people down to kill them. Ditto, Islamic apostasy laws. Judaism and Christianity don’t issue death sentences to those who turn their backs on the faiths they were born into. Islam, as always, takes it to another level. After all you can’t even draw a picture of their most peace loving profoundly literate prophet.
And these troglodytes want to suppress our freedom of expression and curiosity.
What I’ve got to say to that is unprintable, if you know what I mean
Jeff Bargholz says
Islamopithecines commit atrocity after atrocity and pretend to be victims. They’re like Dirtbagocrats and other leftists that way.
The cult of Mohammad can’t be wiped out fast enough.
Camel Jockies Go Home
Jeff Bargholz says
They need to go commit mass suicide.
Mo de Profit says
Whilst I understand the sentiment that if someone burns a bible nothing will happen. This guy is not really helping anyone but himself. He is deliberately trying to create tension and division. There are many muslims who do not care about the burning of their books but this sort of provocation is far more likely to encourage them to oppose book burning.
The British government has just introduced an EU driven law that prevents free speech online and this guy is justifying the law which is also affecting Americans because the tech companies will be forced to implement the same rules worldwide or effectively have two separate companies.
cedar9 says
” deliberately trying to create tension and division” ????? Why because he is pushing back against a filthy terrorist cult that is crushing cultures world wide? This is how terrorism works . The filthy 7th century cult of death and enslavement is on the march and this lone man makes a world wide reported tweak to the inferiority complex most islamist thugs have and he’s the problem. Garbage. It’ s way past time for western men to FIGHT these animal into the sewer the slithered from.
Johnnie the jew says
You appear to be going a bit soft monsieur de profit.
What you say has a resonance of what the multicultural MSM elites supinely quiver in their woke light sleep, but never surrender
Mo de Profit says
I might be going soft, but is anyone anywhere actually going to deport the Muslims? The answer is no, it ain’t happening.
If we want to keep our Judaea Christian values then we must encourage Muslims to value freedom too, burning books hasn’t ever worked out well in the past.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, as if islamopithecines need to be provoked to go ape shit jihad.
They need to be smashed on sight.
Noah Andeark says
Slightly OT…….I get Hillaryious calls from scammers from pakistan. After playing along for a bit, I ask the caller if they are muslim…….allahu akbar and all that. If they respond to the affirmative, I ask if they know about mohammed, and that he’s a pig faced dog that likes to fuk donkeys. Can’t say for sure why, but they’ll take offense to that. If they respond to the negative, I tell them “good. You know how muslims are”. Then I try to get them to repeat after me….”mohammed is the pig-faced dog who likes to fuk the donkeys”. They won’t.
Daniel says
Yeah, sure you do.
Noah Andeark says
I sure do, Bobo!!! I sure do!
allahu’s snackbar!!! The place for pork!! Fit for a prophet, and mohammedeliscious!
Daniel says
What’s the problem? The west gave up free speech a long time ago.
Johnnie the jew says
We just need to elevate ourselves above the lions den Daniel and deal to these delusionist degenerates. Good Muslims should stand up and be counted. Buy the next round at the bar and sort the minority jihadists out with all it takes
maria says
there re no good muslims . They are all like nazis
ed says
But where are these “good moslems”?
Jeff says
Great article! A few years ago I needed a sign made and the sign maker was Muslim. Since the sign was for a church, the sign maker’s father’s sarcastically asked me shat I thought about the Florida pastor who had burned about 100 Qurans in public. I replied that I did not agree with that, but asked him what he thought about 80 churches being set on fire in Egypt. The old bigot didn’t answer my question but only said, “How do you know about that?” It was a classic case of someone seeing the moat or speck of dirt in someone else’s eye but not seeing the log or beam in his own eye.
Viet Vet says
Islam is a cancer on the world. It needs to be shut down completely not accommodated in any way!!! And the western nations should have NEVER allowed the invasion of their countries. Should have shot them at the door if need be.
Aebe mac Gill says
It will require a war to put islam down hard enough to make a difference, think of Romans abusing Christians, before the 4th century.
Hard part is that China, Russia and Europe will need to be our allies to get the deed done.
Jeff Bargholz says
China is in on it. So is Russia to a lesser extent. Both countries rightfully hate Islam and in China’s case, is expunging it. Most conservatives whine about the Uighers but the Chinks are doing the right thing to those Islamic scumbags.
Western Europe is lost. It’s been assimilated. Eastern Europe will endure.
What about the US?
Walter Sieruk says
George Washington had, very wisely, declared, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter.”
Geezer says
I’ll take “terrorism” for 100, Alex.
“The world’s foremost purveyor of violence, aggression, and intolerance since the seventh century.”
RS says
Cover up your faces, give up your rights and freedoms, and deny the One true God, the Messiah, Yeshua, the Creator. That way people who hate the West, especially our freedom and our prosperity, can overrule us.
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, and its nothing it if ain’t free. So True. Vanishing freedoms and the right to self defense bring misery, chaos, and bondage.
ed says
It seems the Biden/bHo fraudulent “administration” are on board with that
John Blackman says
bridgitte gabriel puts to bed the false belief of moderate muslims in her u tube clip as she dismantles a muslim in her audience that not all muslims are radical . anyone who really wants to know what is happening needs to read her book ” because they hate ” perhaps some will wake up , but then i won’t be holding my breath .
Jack Wisdom says
Great article! A few years ago I needed a sign made and the sign maker was Muslim. Since the sign was for a church, the sign maker’s father’s sarcastically asked me shat I thought about the Florida pastor who had burned about 100 Qurans in public. I replied that I did not agree with that, but asked him what he thought about 80 churches being set on fire in Egypt. The old bigot didn’t answer my question but only said, “How do you know about that?” It was a classic case of someone seeing the moat or speck of dirt in someone else’s eye but not seeing the log or beam in his own eye.
Brian Ozzy says
What causes outrage and frustration in me is certainly not the desecration of islam’s vile, despicable book of hatred. It is the continual never-ending barbarity of muslim’s killing kuffirs from one end of the world to the other following the demands of said repulsive book while the world kow-tows to them and pretends it is not happening.
The slaughter of Christians in Africa and now Armenia has reached indescribable levels but as ever when it comes to “the religion of peace” the world is now too cowed to acknowledge it.
Look at all the once Christian lands that have been taken by the predatory islamic hordes that are now muslim.
Fred A. says
The governments of Jordan, Morocco, Iran, Pakistan, and other Muslim countries have no ground to complain in light of the fact that their own countrymen have killed thousands of Christians in their countries every year. None of them have been put on trial for their crimes. They burn thousands of bibles and have destroyed hundreds of Christian churches over the last twenty years. If you want to read about all their crimes: Scroll down a few pages for their recap of Christian persecution for the month of August 2023. At the end of that article is a list of all their other articles of what Christians have endured over many years. It is a real education that every European should read.
My advice, the European governments should deport every Muslim before they turn their countries into a living hellhole.
Victoria says
Please all of you Jews and Christians, read Matthew 24, this is what’s coming up, the world under the leadership of the Anti-God. All of it is already foretold in the Old Testament, which is a shadow of the New. Both are in agreement, the End is near. Messiah is coming, this earth is the heaven of idol worshippers and depraved religions, the Pope today said homo / sodomite marriage must be blessed, he couldn’t care less of what the God of Israel SAYS of it. A new Heaven and Earth is the Promise for believers in the One True God of Israel. Wake up and let not souls go to perdition, there is an eternal Heaven and eternal hell. Satan’s days are numbered and the son of hell and hater of mankind is on a rampage to kill us all. If one isn’t God minded, then he and she is hell minded and bound. Look around you, there are nothing but DEAD people walking about, lost souls, drugged, oversexed, depraved, full of venereal diseases, transgenderig here and there, LGBTQ etc. wanting to deprave our children’s minds into sexual filth, YES God has a Day of Reckoning, that will surpass anything supernatural that can be imagined. Reconcile yourselves to God, confess all sin, depart from it and submit to His Loving Laws, starting with the foundation of the 10 Commandments. Get to know Him, the End is described in Matthew Chapter 24, compared to the Days of the Flood. Hear and listen, put into action and live cautiously. The laws aren’t on our side.
Verneoz says
“Several Islamic states are using them (recent instances of desecration of the Qur’an) to attempt once again to intimidate the West into abandoning the freedom of expression and adopting Sharia blasphemy laws.” These Islamic states are replicating the same tactic that left wing radicals use to intimidate/silence their opponents by actually being guilty of the same sins as they accuse their opponents of. Islamists and their left wing sympathizers repeatedly insult Christians and Jews by calling them infidels, pigs, and other names, and burn/destroy churches and synagogues. Islams followers contribute virtually nothing to the benefit of mankind in the hard sciences. We cannot say this about Christians and Jews. Western freedoms of speech and expression should be aggressively protected.
Andrew Blackadder says
Perhaps these muslim leaders and the UN should scream loudly about the beheading and slaughter of non muslims, mainly Christians, and not be screaming about a Book being burned, as cutting off a head is a bit wee worse that burning a Book in the minds of most people.