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Sweden has the highest sexual assault rates in the EU. When researchers tried to unravel the cause of the sexual assault epidemic in the country they discovered that “first- and second-generation immigrants constituted the majority of the rape offenders”.
Over half of immigrant sex offenders came from the Middle East and Africa.
In Malmo, the largest ‘Muslim city’ in Sweden and Europe, where a quarter of the population is Muslim, the study found that 71% of the convicted rapists were immigrants.
Swedish authorities tried to prosecute the female lead researcher for releasing those numbers.
Sweden’s sexual assault numbers rose sharply after the Muslim migrant crisis, going from around 16,000 in 2015 to over 23,000 in 2023. A previous survey by Sweden’s SVT television after the migrant crisis had found that 58% of convicted rapists were immigrants and that 80% of the rapists who attacked women whom they did not know were immigrants.
Assuming that these numbers hold for the general population, Muslims have been responsible for some 40,000 sexual assaults in a country of only 10 million. Those are equivalent to the number of rapes that allegedly took place during the fighting in the former Yugoslavia.
A EU parliamentarian noted that “Sweden has the second-highest Muslim immigration rate and the second-highest sexual assault rate in Europe.”
In one survey, over 1 in 10 Swedish women reported that they had been raped.
In the UK, rapes more than doubled from over 16,000 to over 36,000 during the Muslim migrant crisis. Today they stand at over 67,000 for an increase of over 50,000 or over 300%.
1 in 10 women in the UK reported that they were raped.
During this same period, the Muslim population rose by over 1 million.
In Ireland, sexual assaults rose by 50% from 2012 to 2022. During this same time, the Muslim population in Ireland rose by 60%.
The EU’s own statistics report admits that the trend in sexual assaults has “been on the increase since 2015” across the European Union.
But not all European Union countries are created equal.
Western European countries have some of the highest sexual assault rates and Eastern European countries have some of the lowest rates.
In Germany, 8% of women reported they had been raped while in neighboring Poland, only 3% had. Germany has millions of Muslims while Poland has tens of thousands.
In 2021, Germany was forced to grapple with the fact that the migrant invaders were responsible for over 13% of sexual assaults despite making up over 2% of the population.
At the peak of the migrant crisis, 1,200 women were assaulted in Cologne over New Year’s Eve. The vast majority of those arrested were Arab Muslim male migrants from North Africa.
Before the migrant crisis, Germany recorded around 7,000 sexual assaults. By 2023, the numbers had risen to over 12,000.
Cultural stereotypes about Europeans have little to do with the defining numbers. In ‘hot-blooded’ Greece, less than 4% of women reported being raped, but in the ‘colder’ Netherlands nearly 14% of women did. The one determining factor is Islam. The Netherlands have a 5% Muslim population while Greece holds a less than 2% Muslim population.
To understand the scale of the problem, Western European nations invaded the former Yugoslavia over reports of tens of thousands of rapes, and considered that to be ethnic cleansing. In those same countries, Muslims have carried out far more rapes than that.
The UK’s Pakistani Muslim grooming gang scandals alone exceed over 1,000 girls victimized in the town of Telford with a population of 153,000. In Rotherham, the estimated number has been set at 1,400 in a population of a quarter of a million. And these are only pieces of a larger crisis.
The UK’s annual rapes have increased by 50,000 from before the Muslim migrant crisis. Since then there have been an excess 330,000 rapes. While it’s difficult to estimate what the numbers might have been if not for Muslim settler colonialism, the UK’s population increased by 6% since then and 60% of that growth was due to migrants.
The native population has not grown in any kind of numbers that would account for even a small percentage of an increase in rapes. Indeed, the native population actually statistically shrank.
A 300% increase in rapes cannot be accounted for by the native population. And that 300% adds up to hundreds of thousands of women raped in the UK in less than a decade.
That’s over ten times the rapes reportedly at issue in the former Yugoslavia. They exceed even the UN’s estimates of 100,000 to 250,000 rapes in Rwanda. And that’s in the UK alone.
In Germany, excess sexual assaults since the Muslim migrant crisis amounted to around 27,000. And with migrants accounting for at least 10% of overall assaults, that is over 1,000 annual sexual assaults by migrants. The New Year’s assaults in Cologne, Germany resulted in over 500 sexual assault complaints alone.
Rape rates in Germany have doubled since the late 1990s and with negative native population growth that increase is most likely due to the migrant population. That would amount to tens of thousands of sexual assaults attributable due to changing demographics from the Muslim world.
These case studies from only a few European countries show the severe scale of the crisis.
In European country after country, governments have covered up, dismissed, silenced and ignored these numbers. Researchers, activists and journalists have faced prosecution for merely mentioning what is not simply a crime wave, but a campaign of ethnic cleansing.
Muslim perpetrators have repeatedly justified their actions by asserting cultural differences. Imams and community leaders made excuses for them while claiming the stories were ‘Islamophobic” lies. The perpetrators taunted their victims in racial and religious terms similar to those that were at issue in the war crimes trials out of Yugoslavia, but instead of war crimes trials, Europe surrendered and began to appease the perpetrators and cover up their crime.
After a series of rapes, Norway tried to ‘educate’ Muslim migrants about acceptable behavior toward women, but the number of assaults since then have only grown worse. The UK police responded to Muslim grooming gangs by threatening victims and their parents to fight ‘Islamophobia’. Sweden threatened to prosecute researchers exposing the scale of immigrant sexual assaults because this was considered ‘sensitive’ data that should not be published.
Europe has been subjected to ethnic cleansing by Muslim migrants and their political apologists on a scale greater than Yugoslavia or Rwanda. The crime is horrific and the cover-up is even worse. When there were rapes in Yugoslavia, Europe went to war, but when there is ethnic cleansing across the UK, France, Belgium, Sweden, Norway and Germany, there is silence.
Those penetrating Europe do so only in part by penetrating individuals.
Europe should start making Rape a Automatic Life in Prison Punishment without all the Liberal Human Rights idiots getting involved and to Tear Down the Bridges and Build Walls
Rape destroys lives. Rapists need to be given an automatic death sentence.
Agree with you and that is the only way, prison is too good for them.
Lifers are a wasteful expense. Automatic deportation is cheaper.
I can think of an even cheaper alternative,
Such as between the eye.
Death immediately, they will never rape again or cost money for room and board. Dead criminals commit no more crimes
Prison for life will cost your country way to much money. You could offer them surgery or the death penalty!
War crime tribunals for the enablers. Tommy Robinson, you are a saint.
Great article, thanks Daniel !!!!!
We know that feminists (big surprise!) also deny or minimize rapes of Israeli women taken hostage on October 7th. But the Phyllis Chesler related how Gloria Steinem and Robin Morgan refused to support her when she was raped by her boss, an African Muslim diplomat at the UN. The Left always gauges everything based on standing on their Oppression Olympics, so Muslims are always excused for anything they do, no matter how horrific.
When you import savages into your country, you get savage results. This surprises nobody of even average intelligence.
Pay attention, this is what is coming to the shores of the U.S. Until we see term limits for Congress, all SES positions, and all Generals nothing will change.
October 7 demonstrated clearly that Muslim rape gangs are acts of Islamic jihad. Death penalty for stranger rape and racially and religiously motivated gang rape is a start.
When Muslims globally celebrate rape, death is the answer.
Why just stranger rape? And how is it proven a rape is racially motivated? Rape is mostly a crime of desire for power and control. It’s not usually about sexual desire but a man who feels the need to show his dominance. Especially if he his pride or ego has been hurt by a woman. Maybe the freedom and equal treatment of the countries native woman is an assault on a Muslims man entire belief system. So is that racially motivated or a much deeper issue of culture and education availability or lack there of in Muslim nations. We police the world for oil but equality and basic human rights aren’t our business..anyway all rape is wrong not just stranger rape
Thanks for this article. This needs to be discussed widely. Also a concern is rape at the southern border. Of women and children, even babies, I’ve read.
Islam pretends it has some religious imperative to rape. Whoever is operating at the border does not even try to cloak their savagery.
And not a peep out of all these “feminist” groups about the tidal wave of rapes perpetrated by MEN against WOMEN. Sure, they talk about “toxic masculinity” while referring to our relatively very civilized men, but I haven’t heard a single feminist accusing these m*sl*m rapists of toxic masculinity for seeing women as objects to be used .
The explanation is that leftists are, despite all pretenses to the contrary, profoundly racist. Non-white crimes are non-crimes to leftists.
It should be recognised that human rights are a two way process. Compromise someone else’s human rights, and you lose some of your own. Rape, serious assault or murder should lead to automatic deportation.
The factor that needs addressing is why do the governments condone rape of their citizens. What is the agenda across the continent that permits this and even prosecutes the victim? It’s something larger, what is it?
Th elites are afraid to condemn this as it would support Israeli claims of Arab violence and rape. That Oct 7 was real .
I stumble at the focus on native population decrease and this possibly equating to ethnic cleansing. While I see the point being made has fair logic and facts behind it I worry the decrease of the native population is not the affect that is a main priority. Obviously its a culture problem. These men are taught from birth how to treat women and a women’s worth/role in society. How can we as a society work toward the availability of education to all. Not just religious familial passed on lessons but other world knowledge from every country culture available. It is education that breeds tolerance Equality acceptance. Having an opportunity for education is how we will advance humanity
Europe needs a second amendment and close its borders and execute rapists and kick out the immigrants
How long are you Europeans going to put up with that crap?