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After Oct 7, some purple-haired genderqueer activists on TikTok have taken to reading the Koran and are pondering converting to Islam. That may seem like a leap, but once you’re a teenage girl who decides to be a boy for internet clout, changing to Islam is less difficult.
Hijabs, like dyed hair and androgynous clothes, have long become just another accessory of restless social change. Commercials that claim to relate to the youth invariably include a woman in a hijab as a progressive marker alongside a purple haired they/them, an ascetic activist type in a t-shirt and random minorities laughing together while having lattes on a college campus.
Every generation in the last 60 years has grown up with less of a sense of who it is than the previous one. The intangible sense of being an American that once came from boundless frontiers, a work ethic, a sense of fair play and meritocracy was replaced by cultural programming distributed by daily newspapers, big publishing houses and movie theaters, then television networks and colleges, and finally a massive chaotic stream of social media sewage.
American identity used to be so strong because it was internal and acquired through hard work and the character shaping experiences of life in a country with many possibilities, but it became performative for those members of newer generations with diminishing frontiers who acquired theirs from following a script written for them by the entertainment industry and radical academics. Rather than learning who they were, they copied who they thought they should be.
Social media combined with academic theories that reduced all identities to a construct unleashed a generation of mutants who mimeographed behaviors on social media. Identity became a game. And identity could be gamed for maximum advantage. Socially astute and emotionally unstable teens spread social media diseases like transgenderism or facial tics
Politics became just another cultural identity that could be cosplayed at will. Some social media influencers played far-leftists and then fascists, putting on and taking off costumes, swapping t-shirts with different slogans, Antifa shirts giving way to farm dresses and then hijabs.
On Sunday, they’re wearing pink hats, on Monday, they’re attending alt-right art shows, on Tuesday, they have their fists in the air for BLM, and on Wednesday they’re waving ‘Palestinian’ flags. “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” segueways to “From the River to the Sea.” They rarely understand any of the causes they embrace, but politics to them is just a fashion show.
It’s hard to blame the mutants. They grew up on social media where the old high school cliques are about international politics, massive lifestyle changes or castrations and mastectomies. The outfits and the posturing are about getting attention, finding a group, and a lucrative side hustle.
Social media and academia turned millions of people into living viruses whose emotional needs drive them to find weaknesses in our existing systems and ways of living. Teenage girls who might have gone goth and flirted, but not too seriously, with suicide in a previous generation announce that they’re boys and encourage impressionable younger girls to join them.
People die and have their lives ruined, but teenage fads always did that. They rarely disrupted society on this scale, and the teenagers usually moved on and grew up. But that was when there was something to grow up to and a sane world waiting out there for them. In the age of corporate affinity groups and workplace DEI, the intellectual chaos of teenage and college years extends into their adult jobs. And social media continues to incentivize the same behaviors.
The adult world with its fixed truths and serious responsibilities is less present than ever. Rather than imposing the reality that so many had expected, dismissing campus antics with, “just wait till they grow up and get jobs”, that world is a reflection of the same cultural chaos and instability. What is truth, morality, love, family, right and wrong, or even a woman, are up for grabs. And social media has become the battlefield for the endless debates about every element of reality.
The essence of ‘mutantness’ is that change has become its own identity. Radicalism exists for the sake of radicalism. The culture war was always about making leftist politics into the source of identity, but much as in Weimar Germany, this didn’t lead to dominance, just instability. What does perpetual rebellion turn into when there is nothing to rebel against? A broken society eventually slides into communism or fascism just so someone will finally end the chaos.
The ideal recruits for totalitarians are believers who can latch onto any mass movement at the drop of a dime because they desperately need something to believe in to fill the hole within. The leftist culture war has left behind generations of cultural orphans, robbed of faith, family and country, who veer between causes and identities, changing politics, religions and genders with total ease because they want to believe, yet they were born without anything to believe in.
Academic theories have taught them to see everything from the outside, not the inside. Gender, race and sexuality are mere constructs. So they become genderfluid and invent minority roots. Politics is all-consuming, but also meaningless, so they scream for the ‘current thing’. They’ve been robbed of the ability to feel so they go to extremes to try and briefly feel something.
They act out political and gender roles from the outside: they imitate because they have been made incapable of experiencing. With no identity of their own, they’re all ‘Obamas’, trained to see the culture from the outside, fitting in by sending cultural signals, gaining social clout by manipulating people on social media, and yet remaining cold and unfeeling inside.
You might say that a generation raised on social media is a generation of Obamas.
Leftist culture warfare and extremism has created a culture that no one can fit into except by mimicry and running along to keep pace with its latest shifts. The pop culture of last year is this year’s hate crime. Yesterday’s virtue is today’s vice. The best way to adapt is to just shout along. And that is how you end up with mobs chanting in support of Hamas. You could just as easily get them to rally in support of burning witches or killing all the children because most of the participants don’t understand the cause and have learned to internalize a barrage of memes and first-person emoting without feeling the reality of the cause or grasping the consequences.
Nothing is real to them except their own internal unreality and the emotional pain they feel.
Mutants are too busy running away to want to think about what they’re running to. Today’s cause will get tiring soon. It will require too much commitment and then grow stale. They will have to look at themselves in the mirror and see that they are the same people they were yesterday. And then they will find a new cause to champion and a new disguise to wear.
Today they’re transgender, tomorrow they’re Muslims. And the day after tomorrow? Maybe they’ll be Nazis. There are so many possibilities, so many shades of eyeshadow they can put on while listening to lo-fi beats derived from 1920s music: a new reinvention is just waiting for them.
This one, the next current thing, will surely work and make them feel like they matter.
The first casualty of a culture war is the culture. People who derive their identity from the culture, become mutants, changing all the time, zombies, shambling soullessly along, or grab a piece of the culture to recruit their own mutant and zombie armies to gain power.
Or they unplug from a culture gone mad and reach for the truths of their own character.
Know thyself, an old dead white man once said. That is still the only bulwark against mass cultural programming and a society gone mad. We are entering a world of knowers and mutants, those who know what they believe and those who will believe anything. Those who do and those will do anything so they never have to look themselves in the eye.
The business of a healthy society is expecting each man and woman to know themselves. Those who believe in nothing, can become anything, but those who know themselves, can become who they are and fulfill their potential. Mutants can’t change the world, only destroy it. To change the world, a man or woman has to first deal with their greatest enemy: themselves.
The mutants are willing to do anything to avoid being themselves. They will disfigure themselves, tear down our society, or kill millions so they never have to know themselves.
In this process, there are fewer and fewer healthy role models and healthy families
The family role model is when teenagers actually grow up, men tend to grow up when they become fathers and women when they become mothers.
These days they don’t do either of them and stay childish.
That is a major factor.
A generation of boys doesn’t have healthy male role models. And I’m not just talking about divorce. A lot of the wokes come from two-parent households. But what they see at home and in pop culture is degradation and ridicule of masculinity.
Thank you, Daniel, for you astute and outstanding writing…
This is what our police and military recruitment has to deal with day in and day out.
PLEASE keep up the great writing and insights that our indoctrinated nation desperately needs to hear…
Please read the below article that I wrote for our police/military heroes…
Also, what problems the father can deal with and what he can teach the kids is different from what the mom can do.
The last time you saw a real man in commercial was the Marboro man and he smoked.!
Today we have so-called influencers. People no one knows weilding so much power. It’s insane.
The public schools have degraded even further into chickenshit incubation centers were students (as early as 1st grade) are marinated in socialistic hate-America crap.
One facet is children of Cuban immigrants don’t know the evils of totalitarian communism that their parents who escaped it do. (Log that as one more example of why home-schooling / private schooling is absolutely necessary.
(Socialists hate home-schooling; hence the upstanding Romeike family, who were adamant home-schoolers, were finally deported by Grifting Joe’s administration.)
The Romieke family were deported? While criminals and lunatics are welcome and given everything they need or want? Man, what a country! I no longer recognize it as the one that I loved so much and mourn for daily.
Matthew 7:13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.
Jesus the Christ is the answer, the anchor; filter all the info thru the Holy Spirit living in you when you get saved and be loyal, read/study the Bible.
Also Matthew 15:8 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but the teachings taught by men.
Man has attempted to override the will of God, and claim to be smarter than God.
“ Social media combined with academic theories”
So, which of these two caused most damage?
I vote for academic theories because social media is influenced more by them than the other way round.
Having said that, most so called research is just collecting data from social media.
Up here in Co Durham we have always been ”backward” but when I watch whats going on in London, or Londinistan then I’m very relieved to be up here
London’s lang been takn ower wi gaumless workey tickets man.
Social media helps popularize destructive academic theories, e.g. how critical race theory was distilled into things like anti-racism and pop politics and BLM.
It was Judai-Christianity that built the moral scaffolding of the West; it put the ”moral true north” on the moral compass but in the postmodern West the Left is determined to replace these old values and morals with something completely different, but in doing so postmodern man is becoming cast adrift, nay marooned in an archipelago of existential despair in a ”merry-go-round” effect where he loses his sense of moral balance that leaves him staggering around like a drunken sailor
That’s by design.
The Left is its own secular religion. It promises redemption or apocalypse, imposes guilt and builds cults of personality.
By destroying rival religions, the Left wrecks society and gains more recruits for its cult.
Identity Politics found a place to play with and within “social media”! Add to that their borrowed non-thinking philosophical journeys! What do we get? No age of any enlightenment; that’s for sure! Good article, Dan!
Mr. Greenfield, how do we turn this ship around? We all know and understand the root cause—leftism. We, on the right, talk about what the left is doing but it seems nothing is ever actually done to push back. I, for one, fully believe that once western civilization decide to chuck God out the school/society window, we were all doomed to this inevitable fate. Thank you for your insightful articles.
This will probably come off as generically analogous but, there’s a God-shaped hole in every person’s life that is waiting to be filled. It’s there by design. Once we’re old enough and wise enough to understand something is missing, we try to fill the that void.
In times past, it was the job of Godly parents to guide their child into that ultimate fulfillment, but with each successive generation, more and more parents are still trying to fill their own with anything that’s not nailed down. Thus, generations of the unfulfilled have created a generation of “vacuum cleaners” that, much like a black hole sucks up all the light around it, vacuum up ANYTHING that might fill the space.
From Che Guevara to purple hair, supporting unsupportable causes like Hamas, celebrating the killing of innocent babies through abortion…they search. “Maybe pretending to be another sex is what’s missing?” Like a ship without a rudder, they voyage aimlessly through life in their quest…but the God-shaped hole remains.
As Dr Frankenstein created his monster, so too have we created these mutants through spiritual ignorance and neglect. God is the missing puzzle piece to our lives and without Him nothing makes sense…including us.
You’ve gotten to the “root cause.”
It’s either the Creator or the prince of darkness.
We all must light a candle in the darkness.
The Light of the World is coming soon.
Thank you for such a truth filled comment!
God certainly is the missing link to life!
The strong minded – who begin to question if a biological male can
really be a woman or why summers are still hot and winters still cold
in spite of climate change – versus the weaker minded who are unable
or unwilling to question anything. Especially today since the weak-
minded “were born without anything to believe in” and are dangerously
nutty and mercurial and prone to communist takeover because of it.
It is unimaginably hard for any young person today to question or to
“know him or herself”. As Daniel Greenfield points out, this is an age of
corporate affinity groups and workplace DEI. Not to mention the
propaganda from media and entertainment. A young person cannot
even find refuge in the military which bombards all members with the
anti-White CRT and is backed fully by Biden and other corruptocrats.
Why is it crucial for young people to know themselves? Because they
will know what they want. What the Globalists want is for the young
future adult generation to accept that they will own nothing and will be
happy. They do not want them TO PURSUE THEIR OWN HAPPINESS.
Because that would require them to think and question how to attain it –
rather than mindlessly submit to the Globalists’ version of what happiness
is. Or to submit to them by force into owning nothing.
To thine own self be true, young people. Your freedom, your happiness
and the future of your country depends on it.
A word of caution to those contemplating converting to Islam: Note that their serious members feel an obligation to murder you if you subsequently leave the “religion of peace” so make sure you really want to limit yourself to their rules before making any pledges.
Daniel Bravo that is your best piece ever
Thank you, Jaybo.
Have Muslim Understanding Days at schools. COVER THEM UP, only eyes showing and if anything else is showing, BEAT THEM!
Show them videos of women getting whipped on the public square, on sidewalks, at intersections!
Show them being kicked and beaten by their husbands!
Show them Honor Killings that are allowed!
Show them videos of women being beaten and hanged at soccer fields.
Show them videos of Women’s Marches in Iran and then one where Neda is shot in the back of the head.
Show them CHILD BRIDES forced to marry perverted old men that look worse than Billy goats!
THEN SHOW THEM MUSLIM WOMEN IN ISRAEL, even in the highest levels of Government and even one female in the Supreme Court.
“WHAT’S YOUR CHOICE NOW? Purple hair, tattoos, and piercings? Drugs? Alcohol? Sex with anyone, anywhere, anytime? Major in Women’s Studies? YES, PLEASE CONVERT!”
That will work with some, but here’s the thing, some of them (more than many people realize) will actually get off on those things.
Consider the leftists who joined Jim Jones’ abusive cult or cheered the USSR well after everyone knew some of Stalin’s crimes.
Yes, some liberals become hard leftists because they believe their cause is just, some enjoy the abuses, the strict discipline and the lack of freedom.
On a tangent, the Jim Jones cult took in a lot of gullible older black females from Oakland.
Since the biden bunglers wanted a “Ministry of Truth” I think it’s only fair and WARRANTED that PRESIDENT TRUMP establishes an “Insanity Czar”!! Yes, have a Czar to oversee the issues of INSANITY, the root causes, and recommended LAWS to begin the RETURN to SANITY! #1 on my list would be to put this mutilation of CHILDREN to bed (figuratively) and pass a LAW that no SURGICAL or HORMONAL treatments could be performed on anyone under the age of 18! The law would require PSYCHOLOGICAL treatment and allow a CHILD to outgrow peer pressure! #1A would be the SCHOOLS – they HAVE to return to TEACHING the BASICS and leave the perverted propaganda out – anyone discussing sexual preferences/activities to CHILDREN (sex ed CLASSES excluded) would be subject to Sexual Assault Charges – immediately fired and prosecuted! #2 would be ABSOLUTE SHUTDOWN OF IMMIGRATION both LEGAL and ILLEGAL until we remove MILLIONS who do not belong here! #3 would be the elimination of ANCHOR BABIES! How many Nations give your citizenship and BENEFITS due to your location of birth? NOT MANY!! #4 Elimination of about HALF of our Gov’t! Too many people with nothing to do but watch porn or look for ways to waste US TAX PAYERS’ money!! #5 Immediate shutdown of Tik Tok or a conversion to the same content as in China! HUGE difference – look it up!! #6-PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! Using our existing laws to assure people are held PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for their actions! The biggest area here would be to hold the young “men” accountable for their BABIES! US TAXPAYERS did not get you pregnant and should not support you – be more selective of your sex partners!! #7-#999999 are your choices! Now awaiting Moderation!
Sorry, but your recommendations are too sane for anyone in power to implement around here. Maybe in Russia or India, whose leaders have spoken out against our loony-toons culture and government, but not here in the good old USSA. Not anymore.
“How do you create a generation that will believe in anything?”
Hand them a cell phone and a social media account, and send them to a public school controlled by Marxist , America-hating teachers’ unions.
Daniel, קול הכבד ( All the honour ) to you, absolutely brilliant. If this essay was put into cartoon form on social media
& TicToc, hopefully the mutants will understand & make sense of it all, & then inspire them to become their true selves. Then it will give them hope for the future & aspiration for a fulfilled & happy life.
Thank you so much, Siddi.
I blame the Republicans. They sat back and did virtually nothing for decades, as the extreme left assumed control of education institutions and the media. And now we’re all wondering why all of our teens seem to need therapists.
All too true. Mostly still the case. Republicans outsource things and then expect them to get fixed.
A basic difference between the left and conservatives is that the left personally shows up and works to get the results they want.
Conservatives think that if they vote for X, he’ll fix the problem, and then they’re furious that it doesn’t.
This applies to a whole lot of areas beyond education. But also to education.
Leftists went into the schools, conservatives complained about them.
Guess who runs the schools.
Don’t blame solely the Republicans. Americans keep voting for the Dems, time and time again, even in the face of the damage that they are doing to their country.
We should ENCOURAGE “trans” to convert to Islam. Once they are immersed in that group
they will meet the pavement after being flung off a tall building.
Now THAT would be quite a lesson in life…or death…
Magneto is a mutant in X-Men. The idea is that his experiences in a German concentration camp turn him into a monster. The movies are supposed to promote tolerance and diversity but If we invert everything we get the actual unsurprising results on college campuses and in schools.
A bunch of drones chanting genocidal slogans they may or may not understand along the hallways. So who are the mutants they’re after? Who are the monsters? That’s what Hollywood, the media and the intelligentsia have accomplished.
Racheal Carson and Silent Spring Paul Ehrlich and The Population Bomb Al Gore and Earth in the Balance just about the whole entire modern environmental movements based upon Lies, Junk Science, and Politics
Also the paid-for Puff Pieces on JFK by well-respected (at the time) liberal writers. Books that were taken so seriously by liberals at the time, but turned out to be BS.
How do you create a generation that will believe in anything? Dostoyevsky knew the answer more than a century ago. If there is no God then everything is permitted. And as a corollary, everything is believable. Someone wrote after the Holocaust, “Once God goes, everything goes” or as Cole Porter said “Anything goes”. That’s why Communism is officially atheist.
A society of mutants is easy once faith in God is destroyed.
For years, pretty much on a daily basis, I marvel at the brilliance of Daniel Greenfield’s mind.
Thank you so much. I’m glad you’ve kept reading over the years.
They are not the only one I am sure. I still read you daily and usually read you first. It helps to tolerate the rest.
Thank you again.
The easy answer to that question is: give your child a cell phone by the age of 10. The brain rot sets In almost immediately.
you nailed it again. A psychotic level of arrested development on an unimaginable scale.
And I thought I was the only one that witnessed the disintegration of the reality check of the real world. Shelby Steele once noted that normally the son would grow up and realize the father was right and wiser than he. But then it happened – the son as an adult still claimed superior understanding and knowledge. (either in his book Shame or White Guilt). This is further intensified by child rearing practices that are the reverse of Provers 22:6 – Raise up a child according to their childish bent and when they grow up they will not turn away from those childish ways. The result of this is 4 year olds at 30. Immaturity runs rampant and adults spend years ultimately going in circles and sowing destruction. And society as a whole is degraded. God bless those who are trained in the way they should go and have the humility to acknowledge reality as it really is and live wisely.
A wonderful article, Mr. Greenfield. This should be required reading for every junior high student in America. Assuming of course they can read…
Humans are competitive carnivore pack animals. They compete hierarchically in a a “pecking order” as individuals and as packs, and they are territorial. But Western Intellectuals prefer to substitute reality with touchy feely “multiculturalism” and so import conflict.
The West only knows the Von Clausewitz “Vom Kriege” method of ware fare whereas the rest of the world uses psychology and behaviour to undermine the opponent: Sun Tzu for the Chinese, Lenin et al for the Communists and Mohammed for Islam.
In addition, we misunderstand the purpose of religion and the legal system of the culture. In both cases the purpose is to moderate interpersonal conflict ( Ten Commandments for Christians; the law courts for mediating conflict between persons and juridical persons etcetera.
Like Reptilians. Even a metaphysical group that believed in flying saucers and such couldn’t handle it when a guy who believed in Reptilians joined.
Then there are “targeted individuals” (targeted by rays from outer space). The Progressive City Council voted to make the city a sanctuary city for targeted individuals. in short order the police switchboard was swamped with phone calls from around the world from targeted individuals who wanted sanctuary.
Tom Wolfe, is that you?
I really don’t think these mutants are going to alt-right art shows, or have any idea what the alt-right is beyond how left-wing propaganda describes it. And don’t forget about Ukraine and Covid as causes du jour.
All the madness that is now unfolding, is the inevitable consequence of our unconscious involvement in what I call Disembodied Language (DL), which was never properly addressed. DL can only be addressed if we stop it, so that we can have Embodied Language (EL). This is not a spiritual, political or philosophical matter, but a skill, we have yet to acquire, Please, read my blog about Language Enlightenment (LE).
There are so many of them among us (“mutants”)… It’s tragic. They are growing in numbers and changing the face of our society (and not for the better). It’s easy to blame the parents (and no doubt many parents have no clue how to instill values in their children), but it’s a combination of factors – the pervasive garbage on social media, taught in our schools and spreading like wildfire among teenagers themselves. “If you stand for nothing, you will fall for everything” applies in this scenario.
Thankfully, there are still legions of healthy teenagers out there to balance things out. Otherwise, our civilization would be truly lost.