I got this email this morning from the notorious jihad leader Anjem Choudary, and since I know how “journalists” lie, especially the hopeless Daily Mail, I’m allowing him to correct the record here. You can judge for yourself about the ingenuousness or lack thereof of his explanations.
1. Anjem Choudary to Robert Spencer
I just saw your ‘article’ https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/01/uk-muslim-cleric-responds-to-prince-harry-claiming-he-killed-jihadis-by-calling-on-muslims-to-kill-british-troops with you copying and pasting what the well-known liar Abul Taher printed in the Mail on Sunday.
I think you’ll find this is closer to the truth Robert:
But then again, verifying the truth has always been a problem for Christians hasn’t it?
Look forward to you discovering that the arch enemy of Essa (as) Saul/Paul also fabricated the real message of Jesus/Essa.
Perhaps you will also have the decency to print the truth that I did not actually call for anyone to be targeted (I’m sure you received by rebuttal, although I re-paste it below for ease of reference).
Today’s Mail on Sunday contains an article by Abul Taher, their security correspondent, claiming that my latest press release on Prince Harry’s comments in his book ‘Spare’ relating to his time in Afghanistan, amount to a call to target British soldiers around the world and the Royal family. As usual this is in the fabricated and wild imagination of Abul Taher and the Mail on Sunday, spread no doubt in order to gain circulation. My actual quote from my press release is:
“The latest honest outpouring from Harry should serve not just as evidence of the motives and objectives behind the British occupation of Afghanistan but also as a wake up call for Muslims and non-Muslims to do all they can to end the occupation of foreign forces from all Muslim countries, including Syria, Iraq and those in North Africa where many British soldiers are deployed.”
The Irony is that despite every news commentator, former soldier or MP stating that the risk to Harry and former soldiers in Afghanistan has increased since his statement, when a Muslim makes similar observations and calls for British troops to return home and to stop occupying Muslim land, this is perceived to be a rallying call for war!
Comments by Iain Duncan-Smith for me to be locked up, Khalid Mahmood that I’m putting lives at risk and calling for people’s heads, Dr Alan Mendoza that my comments have led to terrible crimes and Tobias Ellwood that I’m stirring up hatred expose the lack of integrity prevalent amongst MPs and commentators nowadays who will all too readily believe the hype in newspapers from untrustworthy and unverified sources and jump onto the bandwagon to demonise and call for the arrest of Muslims rather than look at our views objectively and expose the real injustices and oppression which have been and are being perpetrated by the British regime and its army in Muslim countries.
If honest journalists or commentators wish to print the truth then, as always, I’m available for interview.
2. Robert Spencer to Anjem Choudary
Thanks, Anjem, I can’t see the Telegraph article, as I’m not a subscriber and don’t plan to become one. For whatever reason, either because you’re a jihad terrorist or because I’m an undesirable in the UK (and the US) as a foe of jihad terror, your messages go to spam, and when I moved this one to the Inbox, it was blank in my ordinary Mail program and thus impossible to see. I could only see it when I opened another Mail program. This may be malicious as I noted, or it may simply be a function of your email list being loaded with dead addresses and in dire need of cleaning, which is why I mention it to you at all.
Anyway, thanks for your statement, which I will certainly publish, since as you know, truth has always been my sole objective. I do have a follow-up question for you, however: how exactly do you envision Muslims and non-Muslims working to end the “occupation” of foreign forces from all Muslim countries (an objective with which I agree, albeit I expect we disagree on how it should be done)? Are you explicitly stating now that you envision this being done entirely by nonviolent means? I’ll await your on-the-record response.
Meanwhile, it is preposterous to think that Paul fabricated the message of Jesus as found in the Gospels, as even the most cursory reading of his Epistles demonstrates that all those around him, even those whom he opposed in various disputes, shared the understanding of that message as he articulates it. As you look forward to me making the spurious discovery of a falsehood, I look forward in turn to your discovery of the truth that Muhammad did not exist, and that the voluminous hadith material about him is a ninth-century fabrication. Bukhari found 600,000 ahadith and judged 593,000 to be forgeries; he was right about those, but the other 7,000 were forgeries as well.
Kindest regards
3. Anjem Choudary to Robert Spencer
Hi Robert,
I appreciate you saying you will correct the errors being made in the media. Thank you.
As far as foreign forces are concerned in Muslim lands, I think for them to just be withdrawn by the likes of the US and British, especially with the heightened security risk would be ideal. As with Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, they will eventually leave anyway but then only after more blood and mayhem.
Maybe this extract from a latter press comment is also useful in this regard, on my latest blog:
I believe that now is the ideal time for the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to call for the withdrawal of all British soldiers from Muslim countries. As many security and military experts have concurred, the presence of British troops in Muslim countries will now be a cause of heightened insecurity and instability and an increased risk to their safety in light of Harry’s provocative and hurtful statements.
You may also wish to listen to an honest and fair interview I did yesterday on the Richie Allen show as well for more views regarding Prince Harry:
From 27 mins in to about 51 mins.
As for your comments about Muhammad (saw) existing and Bukhari, all I can say Robert is that sanity is a great blessing from Allah. Next you’ll be asking for proof that the sun exists.
4. Robert Spencer to Anjem Choudary
Thanks, Anjem. I’ll set up a post with all this in it to run this afternoon at Jihad Watch.
Meanwhile, re Muhammad’s existence, I admire your rhetorical flourish (“next you’ll be asking for proof that the sun exists”), but ultimately it’s an empty statement. If you ever get around even to attempting to refute the evidence I present in my book “Did Muhammad Exist?,” do let me know.< Cordially Robert
Robert B Young MD says
Glad to read a polite exchange for once. (Not about you, Robert — you always are.)
Mo de Profit says
|I can’t see anything he said as being inherently violent, he’s right, one day the armies need to leave hopefully with more control than the Afghanistan debacle.
Spurwing Plover says
Biden withdrew us from Afghanistan left behind weapons now the enemy is using them and selling them as well Biden the Blunder