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As leftists go about remaking reality to suit themselves or fooling themselves into thinking they’re getting away with doing so, there are still a few pockets of resistance here and there. But Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-New York SSR) has just done his part to shore up the party line, insisting that “men do not compete in women’s sports.” Back in the real world, meanwhile, men who demand that the world treat them as women have now won nearly 300 titles in female sporting events.
LifeSite News reported Tuesday that during a recent congressional hearing, Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-Wyo.) “wanted to enter into the record stats on females injured by male athletes as well as stolen titles.” This was reasonable; after all, for decades, Roger Maris’ single-season home run record carried an asterisk, because he took 162 games to hit 61 home runs, while Babe Ruth had hit 60 in just 154 games. If the record books could remind the public of such distinctions, why not notify them also when the holder of a women’s sports title was really a dude?
Nadler, however, was having none of it, declaring peremptorily that “men do not compete in women’s sports.” How could Manhattan’s legislative hero claim such a thing? Well, you see, trans women are women, in Jerry’s conformist world, and so as far as he is concerned, all those men pretending to be women in women’s sports are really just women. He did, however, go so far as to add a small caveat: “Transgender women [sic] may compete in women’s sports.” He also huffed, in reference to Hageman’s attempt to put statistics about men winning women’s sports titles into the congressional record, that he objected to filling the official account of the learned disquisitions of our patriotic elected officials with “mistruths.”
It was Nadler, not Hagman, who was filling the congressional record with falsehoods by pretending that men could become women and indeed, champion female athletes. But Nadler is a party man, and the party line is that a hulking bruiser who comes down with a case of “gender dysphoria” is and henceforth will always be a woman, and anyone who breaths even the slightest hint of a contrary opinion will be demonized as a bigoted “transphobe” and driven from polite society.
Since leftists are totalitarians who can’t abide dissent, it drives them crazy that there are still some people who believe that men can’t become women or women men. But there are. In fact, The Washington Stand noted last week that “25 (going on 26) states” have “stepped in to stop this madness from overtaking their girls at the pool, track, court, field, and gym.”
The very fact that any state has done this sends a devastating message to Nadler and to the left in general: a massive segment of the American public isn’t willing to play pretend, close our eyes, and proclaim that all these guys flooding into and dominating women’s sports are just ordinary women. Nonetheless, Nadler and Co. certainly seem to have won the day, as what should have been a bizarre phenomenon that was stopped after it happened just one time has now become increasingly commonplace. LifeSite points out that “there are at least 12 examples in 2024 alone of female athletes losing out to men who claim they are women.” And it’s only April.
LifeSite also points out that “in 2022 and 2023, there were numerous other examples. Male athletes beat out women in sports where physical differences would clearly make a difference, including cross-country running, track and field, and golf.” The real women’s sports advocacy group SheWon.org “calculates that beyond titles, men have taken nearly 900 awards, scholarships, or other honors from female athletes across 428 competitions in 29 sports.” These include “297 stolen first place titles, 263 second place titles, and 250 third place titles.”
This is happening largely because the fascist gatekeepers of opinion don’t hesitate to punish dissidents as severely as possible. The presence of men in women’s sports is bad enough; even worse is that even the victims of this lunacy are expected to play along with a smile — or else. The steady diminishment of freedom of speech and the inability to question the hegemony of the woke agenda is not just a concern for the future; it’s already here. Nadler is not just a fool and a company man — he’s a paradigm, a model the left wants us all to emulate.
I support transgender men competing in women’s sports if, and only if, they have their genitals removed.
It’s still just dress-up. Junk attached—obvious dress-up. Junk cut off—surgically/chemically assisted dress-up. Nothing transitions to anything else. No normal person is required to play along by supporting the lie.
Like Renee Richards, who played “tennis without balls”. And as I recall, despite her towering 6’1′ height and size 13 tennis shoes, Tracy Austin and Chris Evert had nothing to worry about.
This is the same disgusting blob that said there was no AntiFa, so when this bed-wetter says no “men” have wormed their way into women’s sports, you know they indeed have.
Yeah, Nadler is just a liar.
So the round mound of progressive stupidity actually believes there are no men competing in women’s sports. I suppose that, technically, in NoNads blinkered world, that would be true since he actually believes men can become women and therefore compete in that arena.
Reagan was right. They know so much that isn’t true. Eventually NoNads will be forced to see the light when this effed up fairy tale ends or he is kicked out of office, or both.
Of all the stupid beliefs in the world of the Left it is the tranny situation that makes the Left look the most stupid.
Would a LESBIAN date Lia Thomas, and if not, why not? Wow…. tall, good looking, and that body… she should be on the top of the hit list and I bet she is when she enters a gay club.
Date Dr. Rachel Levine?
THE WAY TO END THIS which I told to Riley Gaines here at UNM: “You’re testifying in Congress, NCAA panel, or school board, then there is a bathroom break. (GET YOUR CAMERA READY) The women in the panel are walking down the hallway heading to the bathroom. When, Pelosi Kamala, Dr. Jill, AOC, Omar, (panels) are about to go in, DR. RACHEL LEVINE (Trans), holds the door open for them. (CAMERA) DO THEY GO IN? Pelosi: “I have a call I need to make. I’ll see you all in ten minutes.”
OR… they go in and Dr. Rachel Levine is standing there ready to go into one of the stalls, enters, stands, splashes, misses, gets on the shoes of a person who doesn’t know it’s him… oops her, next door. (SMILE, YOU’RE ON CANDID CAMERA!”
Take the clip into the hearing room, “The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, you’re okay with Trans in the bathrooms, the others on this panel are okay too, but look at this, (comes on the screen) THE DOCTOR, A WITNESS, HELD THE DOOR OPEN, NONE OF YOU WENT IN but then you want me to be okay with it, in the locker rooms too?”
Well, in a sense he’s right (although for sure not in the way he intended). No man would be so lacking in self-respect and be so sniveling and depraved to demand to play against the girls.
We should not take advice on athletics from a morbidly obese man who has fecal incontinence.
Wadler also claims there’s no turds in his diaper. But I suspect he’s wrong about that,too.
Nadler is a transelephant.
You sure? Doesn’t look as though any surgery or pretending was necessary.
This fool is a spokes(person) for leftists. Or is it “spokes-it”? As such, he does not have the real cognitive ability to know the difference between 1 and 2, day and night, male and female, reality and fantasy, etc. So why should ANYONE waste their time listening to or reading what “it” says.
What type of voter in “its” district supports this scum?
It was nadler who petitioned bill clinton to commute susan rosenberg’s prison sentence (she and her terrorist group detonated a bomb in the US Senate). She now sits on the “board” of the fraudulent BLM scam. That blob supports communist terrorists, yet bleats about the Jan 6th bullschumer “insurrection”. What an evil diaper soiler.
Please explain to me how these lamos get elected over and over.
Come on real people, get out there and vote!
Nadler the Toad doesn’t know what a real man is because he only knows Democrat guys.
How ironic that the wokie left is now the anti-science contingent. Maybe they just don’t like the words “man” and “woman.” May I suggest a more clinical gender description?
A) Human Species DNA Chromosomes XY
B) Human Species DNA Chromosomes XX
There ya go. And you’re welcome.
Nadler is an embarrassment not only to our country, but to all humanity as well.
There are perverted, democrat-male cross-dressers in USA WOMEN’S sports – not actual “men”, however they are in no way “women.” Nadler is a worthless S.O.B..
Let’s not forget to thank Bruce/Caitlin Jenner for opening the door to all this BS. He’s now leading the charge to get trannies out of women’s sports. Oh, the irony. Just like that English guy who has argued against Christianity for decades is now claiming to be a “Christian culturist”. Someone needs to tell them you can’t have it both ways. You can’t lead the charge and then complain about the damage you’ve done.
The problem with THIS problem, is we have the labels wrong! Instead of calling them “Men’s” sports and “Women’s sports, they should be re-named to be “Penis Sports” and “Vagina Sports”. “Men” with a vagina play on the “Vagina” teams with women who have a vagina, and “Women” with a penis play on the “Penis” Teams with Men who have a penis, and the problem is solved!
The first step into the world of this leftist reprobate insanity is to reject the God of the Bible that so convicts a person of his/her lost, spiritually dead condition. After that there is no morality but emotional impulse or popular opinion. One also has to surrender the idea of real consequences following specific actions.
Visit any city where leftists have been in ‘leadership’ for a while.to get the real world picture.
Nadler is not the outlier in the issue. This idiocy goes wide and deep in the world of the left.. The left are the People of the Lie. Lie about the little things to gain advantage, and soon enough truth itself is a meaningless concept.
I doubt that even liberal men have hormones that will go along with the lie. The trans babe with the five o’clock shadow is the last one on the swim team that any man with actual gonads would opt to have actual real sex with.
In a just world, Nadler would be sentenced to licking trans pussy until he figures that his lies are just that gross.
A female at the local college who was, and IS, an admirable young adult, was on the women’s swim team. She “transitioned” and then tried to compete on the men’s team. She admitted in the school’s newspaper that a downside of her decision was that her times were “no longer competitive.”
I suppose this miserable little Polecat wants to sell us a Bridge
Nadler is a baf oon who sleeps his way through Congress only to wake up to get the tail in of a conversation and of course we all know which way he is going to lean so I wouldn’t hold anything he says as fact more like fiction—-really don’t know how he has lasted as long in Congress s he has—– an ultra-Liberal with the press & money to back his mouth !!!
Nadler is another one that needs to be removed…. and removed now!
He’s just as bad as Joe, Maxine, and Pelosi, to just name a few. They have been in office for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years,….. they should know by now what is bad and what NOT to do to us our country, and they also should know what is good, and what is good TO DO for us and our country,………….
……………………..and do it with their eyes closed! DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!