Below are remarks by Freedom Center founder David Horowitz to the Restoration Weekend:
I’m sorry I couldn’t be with you this Weekend, but at 83 my doctors have advised me that I have sufficient underlying conditions that it would be prudent of me not to travel. I am missing seeing you all more than you can imagine. Mike Finch with whom you are all familiar – or should be – is the president of the Freedom Center and manages all its operations. I do not know what I would have done to continue this work if not for Mike. I am repeatedly blessed to have him as a partner. The same goes for my executive assistant Elizabeth Ruiz and all the Center staff.
As it happens, almost everyone working for the Center today has been with us now for 20 years. They are an extremely talented and dedicated crew. I think our flagship website,, is the most aggressive, take-no-prisoners and tell-it-like-it-is publication on the right, reflecting our determination to be a vanguard organization in the war to save our democracy from its would-be destroyers.
As we have been saying now for several years, these enemies of our great country now control the Democrat Party and all three branches of government and have taken us to a point where we might be one election away from losing our country altogether.
Despite our modest size, we have had a big impact on this life and death struggle. My favorite aspect of this impact is the way we have given an early boost to many of the younger stars of the conservative movement – James O’Keefe, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, and Ben Shapiro — and a home to others: Robert Spencer, Lonny Leitner, Daniel Greenfield, Mark Tapson, Todd Snider, Caroline Glick, Bruce Thornton, Danusha Goska, John Perazzo, and Raymond Ibrahim.
A small but not insignificant sign of our impact was brought home to me the other day. I was on a radio show whose host happened to be a trustee of one of California’s K-12 school districts. He told me that at a school board meeting the other week, a protesting parent shouted out, “David Horowitz says, ‘Don’t call them liberals.’”
The K-12 schools have become the latest battlegrounds of the left’s efforts to dismantle our country’s constitutional order and replace it with a socialist tyranny. The weapons of political war are words. If the other side is calling you “racists,” “white supremacists,” “insurrectionists,” and “domestic terrorists,” and you are calling them “liberals” and “progressives,” you are not going to win that war. That has been a key message of the Center for more than 30 years.
Republicans and conservatives seem intent on preventing our political enemies from being embarrassed by the malignant plans they have in store for us. Over the past seventeen years Democrats have conducted a relentless war against the First Amendment, have blown up our southern border, and flown unvetted criminals, COVID carriers, and terrorists to unknown destinations in our country in the middle of the night. Everyone knows they are doing this to rig future elections and create a one-party state. Are they ruthless and unprincipled enough to do this? They have locked up hundreds of individuals arrested in the Capitol on January 6th and put many of them in solitary confinement for 10 months. The crime these “insurrectionists” are charged with is “trespassing.” You bet Pelosi and Biden and their entourage are ruthless.
Don’t call them liberals, and don’t call them progressives. What is progressive about wanting a re-run of the Third Reich or Stalin’s Russia? They are fascists. They are now holding the fourth or fifth show trial of Donald Trump, the most popular president in American history. They are presenting their show trial of Trump as an “inquiry” into what happened on January 6. They have absolutely no interest in an “inquiry.” Every member of their committee voted to impeach Trump on bogus, partisan charges. These show trials are designed to demonize the former president and his followers as “domestic terrorists.”
At the same time, they are attempting to replace 18,000 local police forces with social work agencies. For actual policing they are proposing to expand federal police forces with another 80,000 treasury agents or T-men as we used to call them. This is a gestapo in the making. The IRS is an institution weaponized by Barack Obama, which has been harassing us and organizations like ours, and seeking to put us out of business for years.
This is all part of a transparent plan to demonize political opponents as “domestic terrorists,” and strip them of their rights as Americans for opposing the imposition of a fascist state. In October, at the behest of the White House, the Justice Department, whose agents led the break-in on January 6th, authorized the FBI to wield its police power against parents protesting the indoctrination of their children in hate-America Marxist ideology. Hate your country – this is the Democrats’ lesson for public school children. If you’re white, hate yourself.
The agenda of the Department of Justice’s memo is intimidation. When I was a youngster in the early years of the Cold War, the FBI parked a car in front of our house all day long. Agents took notes of the comings and goings. It was intimidating. But the reason they were there was that my parents were hiding an East German communist agent in our basement, whom the government rightly wanted to deport. My parents were school teachers and their union local 555 was entirely controlled by the Communist Party. Unlike the Virginia dragnet which was designed to intimidate patriotic parents from protecting their children from leftist indoctrination, my childhood experience was a proper, democratic use of the FBI.
We are losing our country. But it is not to liberals or crazies or rogues off their rockers. Biden and his thugs know exactly what they are doing. Nancy Pelosi is a criminal, a pathological liar, and a fascist. She has shredded the Constitution, over and over and over. She has appointed Jew-hating and America-hating fascists to the Foreign Affairs Committee and other leadership positions. She knows exactly what she is doing, and she is supported by the Democrat Party as a whole.
How close are we to living in the first stages of a fascist state? We have been hosting these Restoration Weekends for 27 years since they were generally passed on to us by its founders Laura Ingraham and Jay Lefkowitz. In 19 of those years we have held them at the Breakers Hotel here in Palm Beach. In all those years we have never missed a payment to the hotel or had a complaint about our events.
Indeed, the Breakers has had a lot to be proud of because of our presence. In the course of our events we have had five members of the president’s cabinet, including three United States Attorney Generals, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and HUD Secretary Ben Carson – all as featured speakers at our events. We have also had the director of the President’s domestic policy and two presidential advisors and a presidential son.
To address our guests, we have had four Speakers of the House, the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a couple of dozen senators and representatives, including Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Devin Nunes, Andy Biggs, John McCain, Fred Thompson, Ron Johnson and Lindsey Graham, and Democrats Alan Dershowitz and the mayor of Washington DC, and a half dozen military heroes, including two Congressional Medal of Honor winners.
We are a very American, patriotic organization whose efforts in behalf of this country have been recognized, appreciated and supported by its elected leaders. Yet this year we have been informed by the Breakers’ management that we are too controversial and will not be welcomed back again.
When the corporate power structure joins an anti-democratic ruling party to perform its dirty work in shutting down free speech and demonizing its political opponents, you have the classic definition of a fascist regime.
Like many other Americans, we will not be silenced or intimidated by these tactics. And we will conduct our fight by calling our would-be silencers by their right names.
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