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This new Glazov Gang episode features Dr. Naomi Wolf, a bestselling author, columnist, and professor. She is the cofounder and CEO of the DailyClout.io. Her new book is: The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human. Visit her on Gettr.
Naomi discusses Don’t Think Regime Change is a Panacea, askingWill all really be automatically better with a change of administrations?
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch our 10-Part Series on The Hidden Agenda Behind the “Pandemic”.
[1] Naomi Wolf: We’re in a Biblical Moment – What side will you serve?
[2] Leo Hohmann: The Biggest Propaganda Operation in Human History – How the Biden admin recruited ‘trusted messengers’ everywhere to pressure Americans to get injected with the experimental vax.
[3] Patrick Wood: The Globalists’ Endless Manufactured Crises – How the global elites are building their technocratic dystopia – on the ashes of their planned destruction.
[4] Dr. Naomi Wolf: Covid Vax & Rise of Disability in Humans, exposing The “perfect crime.”
[5] Patrick Wood: The Globalists’ Take-down of Humanity Via Technocracy – A harrowing glimpse at the global elitists’ plan to rip the world apart and rule it.
[6] Dr. Naomi Wolf: CDC & White House Colluded to Silence Naomi Wolf – How the Powers-That-Be conspired with Twitter to censor Dr. Wolf about the Covid Vax’s damage to human reproductive health.
[7] Dr. Naomi Wolf: No Mojo in the Air – The Vax’s Killing of Sexual Desire. How the whole life force/flirtation vibe got switched off.
[8] Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: The Globalists’ Transhumanist Agenda.
[10] Celeste Solum: Inside the Deep State’s Attack on Humans’ Genetic Code.
Subscribe to JamieGlazov.com.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The king is dead, long live the king.
As I wrote a couple of days ago, at this point in time what’s the difference between the Swamp on the Democrat side and the Swamp on the RINO side?
Right now there are no longer two oppositional parties in America but a Mexican style Uni-party with two public faces but an alliance behind closed doors— a tagteam against America and Americans — heads they win, tails America loses.
The American voter who votes for freedom and liberty is being fleeced, robbed, deceived, hoodwinked, betrayed, and disenfranchised in an orchestrated shell- game of “three card monty”.
To paraphrase Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff, precisely because of their pretense, the Republican Party is morally lower than the Democrat Party; they are farther removed from reality — and, therefore, they are more harmful in practice. Since they purport to be fighting “big government”, they are the main source of political confusion in the public mind; they give people the illusion of an electoral alternative without the fact. Thus the statist drift proceeds unchecked and unchallenged.
The Democrats are actively and DELIBERATELY trying to destroy our country as a sovereign nation. They want open borders. They want to get rid of the Constitution, abolish free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and the right to self-defense. They want total control over every aspect of our daily lives. They do not want us to own homes or automobiles. They support freeing dangerous violent criminals yet deploy FBI SWAT teams against non-violent political opponents. They support the sexualization of young children. They have dumbed-down education.
“Objectivist”? You can’t see the most obvious facts of daily life.
If I tried a milion years I couldn’t have put it better.
If someone is trying to kill you and you hire a bodyguard to protect you from that mortal enemy and then when your killer attacks you the bodyguard you hired steps aside and does nothing to protect you and even hands your killer more weapons to kill you with — which one is morally lower?
The bodyguard you are voting for (hiring to defend your rights, your property, your life, your freedom, your liberty) is the Republican Party, i.e., Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Liz Cheney, et al.
It is LUDICROUS, at this point in history, and has been for more than a century, to make a distinction between a RINO Party, and the Republican Party — the RINO Party IS the Republican Party and has been since the late 19th century.
“Historically, from the Sherman Act to Herbert Hoover to the Bush Administration, it is the conservatives, not the Leftists, who have always been the major destroyers of the United States.” – Leonard Peikoff
“The Antitrust laws—an unenforceable, uncompliable, unjudicable mess of contradictions—have for decades kept American businessmen under a silent, growing reign of terror. Yet these laws were created and, to this day, are upheld by the “conservatives,” as a grim monument to their lack of political philosophy, of economic knowledge and of any concern with principles….
It was the so-called “conservatives” . . . who ran to the government for regulations and controls [over the broadcasting industry], and who cheered the notion of “public property” and service to the “public interest.” – Ayn Rand
Sooo….., what is your solution??
The solution is Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism. The dissemination of her philosophy throughout the culture, most of all at the university level.
This is not an easy, quick, fix. But it’s the only way to stop America and the West from collapsing into another Dark Age of Unreason.
“All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare” ― Baruch Spinoza
“The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” – Abraham Lincoln
“In the history of mankind it is EARLIER than we think….
It is too late for a movement of people who hold a conventional mixture of contradictory philosophical notions. It is too early for a movement of people dedicated to a philosophy of reason. But it is never too late or too early to propagate the right ideas — except under a dictatorship.
If a dictatorship ever comes to this country, it will be by the default of those who keep silent. We are still free enough to speak. Do we have time? No one can tell. But time is on our side — because we have an indestructible weapon and an invincible ally (if we learn how to use them): reason and reality….
The present state of the world is not the proof of philosophy’s impotence, but the proof of philosophy’s power. It is philosophy that has brought men to this state—it is only philosophy that can lead them out.” – Ayn Rand
I know better than pannaceas, but moving in the right direction does count for something.
The state of all things gov’t is in a hell of a mess and certainly can;t be fixed quickly but it can STILL be repaired with time and hard work.
Yes indeed! Hear! Hear!