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The FBI is still blocking release of Audrey Hale’s manifesto that could reveal her motive for gunning down six people at the Covenant School in Nashville on March 27, in the run-up to the “Trans Day of Vengeance.” While revelations await, Hale’s youngest victims can testify through their recently released autopsies. Consider, for example, Hallie Scruggs, daughter of Covenant Presbyterian pastor Chad Scruggs.
The nine-year-old girl sustained an “indeterminate range gunshot wound of the head,” that caused injuries to the scalp, left temporal bone, and left temporal lobe of the brain. An “indeterminate range gunshot wound of the pelvis,” entering at the left lower abdomen, caused injuries to Scruggs’ left femoral artery, vein and soft tissue.
Hale also shot Scruggs in the “lower left extremity,” on the “left proximal thigh.” The shot caused injuries to multiple ribs, lungs, spleen, kidneys, thoracic vertebra, thoracic spinal cord, diaphragm and liver. A bullet was recovered, with “a small amount of green paint at the tip,” an indicator that Hale deployed the 5.56/223 Remington caliber ammunition. The trajectory of the shot was “left to right, downward, back to front,” with “the entrance wound on the left upper lateral back.”
Forensic pathologist Kevin B. Jenkins, M.D., also found “a 1-1/4 inch gaping exit wound on the left back located 12 inches from the top of the head.” There was also a “3/4 inch gaping exit wound on the right lateral chest,” from a shot in the back. The exit wounds are “are consistent with exit of the bone fragments.”
According to forensic pathologist Emily H. Dickinson, M.D., nine-year old William Joseph Kinney suffered a tangential graze wound “through the scalp, skull, and bilateral cerebral hemispheres,” causing “subgaleal hemorrhage, skull fractures, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and lacerations of the brain.”
Hale also shot the male child in the torso and right arm, causing perforation of the ribs and thoracic vertebrae, right lung and soft tissue of the right arm. The victim also sustained “spinal cord laceration with associated epidural and subdural hemorrhage, and thoracic vertebral fractures.” The direction of the shot was “left to right, back to front, and downward.”
William Kinney also sustained a “perforating gunshot” of the abdomen and a “graze gunshot” of the left wrist. Hale also shot the boy in the torso, perforating the left shoulder, two ribs, left lung and diaphragm. The entrance wound showed stippling, evidence that Hale shot the male child at point blank range. Kinney’s right arm and forearm also showed stippling and the pathologist discovered “minor blunt force trauma of the body.”
Dr. Dickinson also performed the autopsy on Covenant School student Evelyn Dieckhaus. The nine-year old female suffered a perforating gunshot wound of the bilateral arms and torso. The shot damaged both lungs, the aorta, right brachial plexus, right axilla, right humerus and soft tissue of the right arm. Hale also shot the girl in the “posterior torso,” perforating the left lung, seven thoracic vertebrae and the spinal cord. The direction of the shot was “back to front,” and shooter Audrey Hale wasn’t done.
The nine-year-old Evelyn Dieckhaus also suffered perforating gunshot wounds in the left arm and right hip, causing tissue hemorrhage and crest fracture wounds to the right buttock. Hale also shot the child in the left leg, left thigh and left buttock, causing soft tissue damage and fractures.
Another shot grazed the child’s abdomen and a shot in the pelvis caused wounds to the vasculature, the bladder, and a fracture of a lumbar vertebrae. The direction of the shot was “from back to front.”
Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney and Hallie Scruggs all died from “multiple gunshot wounds” and were “shot by another person,” which indicates “homicide.” The three youngest victims were also shot “in school,” the same school Audrey Hale had attended. The shooter gathered school yearbooks, drawn maps and surveilled the site for months.
On March 27, the 28-year-old Hale armed herself with an AR-15-style rifle, with a retractable stock labeled “CRUNT///,” in bold white letters. Hale also packed a 9mm Kel-tec SUB carbine, a Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun, and significant ammunition. She shot her way into the school and her first victim was African American custodian Mike Hill, 61.
Hale gunned down schoolmaster Katherine Koonce and substitute teacher Cynthia Peak but children were the primary targets. Hale shot the three nine-year-olds in the head, back, abdomen, pelvis, legs and arms. She shot at indeterminate range, and close enough to leave stippling. The shooter also took the time to apply blunt force trauma to William Kinney.
Each shot would have been enough to maim and kill the children but Audrey Hale kept on firing, unleashing 152 rounds in all. Homicide investigators call this “overkill” and it should not be surprising from Audrey Hale, who thought she was a man.
As Bruce Bawer explains, the trans movement is a “revolution against reality itself,” and with the loss of reality comes the loss of humanity. Empathy and reason go missing, replaced by hatred and violence. Those who adhere to biological reality are smeared as “transphobes” presumed to be guilty of “genocide.” That, in turn, justifies any action against them.
The Trans Resistance Network proclaimed that Audrey Hale “had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others.” On March 27, 2023, she did.
Joe Biden failed to identify or condemn the shooter, failed to name a single murder victim, and did not attend any of the funerals. Days after the massacre, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.”
Audrey Hale doubtless clarified her motive, but trans activists were adamant that her manifesto not be released. With the FBI involved, the material may never be released in full and true form. In the meantime, the autopsies of Hallie Scruggs, William Kinney and Evelyn Dieckhaus don’t lie. The trans ideology is a justification for deadly violence.
The only way to be seen is to take lives? Do those freaks realize how ridiculous and oftentimes insane they are? Sexual dysphoria is already a mental illness but statements like that make them all seem insane. We’re supposed to accept them and normalize them? Trannies are as abnormal as pedophiles. An what’s the fixation with being seen? Are normal people all blind? They’ve been shoving this tranny perversion down our throats for over a year. I’m pretty sure people see them.
How many women identify as men and parade around in weird costumes?
Been to a college campus or high school lately? Its all the craze.
Weird costumes? Really?
Mental disorders are “normalized” in democrat-world. The undermining of the traditional family, Christianity, education, law & order, and the U.S. Constitution, are target-goals of the democrat party.
“The Trans Resistance Network proclaimed that Audrey Hale “had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others.” On March 27, 2023, she did.” Justifying murder is infantile that no surprise after to be on the left you must be infantile.
Or just bereft of sanity, reason, and decency.
What is “stippling? We didn’t all study forensic medicine.
Unburned powder and debris, causing punctate abrasions on target. Larger and heavier so travels farther. Does not wipe off
Thanks for the info.
Is every single comment moderated?
I’ve had some very mild comments not posted.
Most of mine are. All of them on Greenfield’s articles.
Hi all,
We had a brief glitch with our commenting system starting yesterday, which caused all submissions to end up in the moderation queue. All legitimate comments have since been pushed through. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Site Administrator
Thanks for the clarification.
“ White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.”
Good that they’re under attack-which they aren”t-the ones under attack are the teachers who lose their jobs for callimg a boy “he”-or good that her heart goes out to them?
And the six dead people in Nashville.
When evil transvestite freaks aren’t murdering children, they’re grooming them.
Not even low-rent trash like the Clintons are that depraved. (Although, as Bill flew to Orgy Island with Epstein over 20 times, he’s a pedophile that’s just one step short of it.)
Billdo is a pederast. He went to Orgy Island for nubile underage girls, not prepubescent ones. He’s definitely a pervert.
Are they trying to use these mass shooting incidence’s as a excuse to revoke the 2nd Amendment and bring Gun Confiscation upon us?
Thry bery well may
Of course. They do it every time a lefty, moslem or black goes on a shooting spree.
“A bullet was recovered, with “a small amount of green paint at the tip,” an indicator that Hale deployed the 5.56/223 Remington caliber ammunition.”
Hale used an AR-15 rifle so we can be sure the rounds used were 5.56 or 223. The fact that the bullet had green paint on the tip indicates an armor piercing round. It’s not that an armor piercing round would do more damage to soft tissue. It probably wouldn’t.
The 223/5.56 round would do as much damage.
So the author, while trying to sound like he knows about the AR platform and it’s ammunition, comes off as a wannabe rifle expert. A few minutes of research on the author’s part would have given him a little more credibility, instead of going for the easy cheap shot and some self-aggrandizing.
Other than this small point, I thought article was well written and very informative.
I don’t know anything about rifles or ammunition. I think we should forgive his error. I do know about children. As should we all.
To my knowledge, the last time in history children were targeted and slaughtered without compassion was WWII Nazis who killed at least one million.
If killing children is their method, their beliefs have no validity. Period.
They’re doing it in several Sub Saharan African countries right now.
Most people don’t know much about rifles or ammo, nor should they. I think the author was simply going for the “shock” value of saying green tip bullet to take advantage of the uninformed.
I say this about anyone who kills innocent children. This includes those in the womb too.
I guess we are all learning what kind of monster would so ruthlessly kill children and the adults trying to protect them. There is another kind of monster that a is even harder to understand. The kind that says “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.” No Karine, the trans community was not under attack, the Christian community was/is under attack especially its children. As self described “historical figure” Karine Jean-Pierre turns her icy “heart” away from the victims while defending their killer it’s hard not to believe that she is as bad as … or worse than the psychopaths she has aligned herself with.
Agree. KJP is a vile, evil creature.
Everything KJP says is a lie and designed to gaslight us. She is truly evil and vile.
Just today or yesterday she maintained that Burisma Biden didn’t lie when je said he had no knowledge of his business. dealings. Seriously, what’s the point of telling a lie when EVERYBODY hears it knows it’s a lie, and the liar knows that they know? Sure, it’s her job to lie in service of the Alzheimer Joe administration but some lies are beyond the pale.
Are you paying attention yet? Gays are just an alternate sexuality. Trannies are psychotic, demented, dangerous people. All of ’em. Nuff said.
Thanks for the info.