Was there ever any doubt?
Neil deGrasse Tyson, an absurd hack, has a sizable social media following of lefties who venerate every one of his pseudointellectual tweets, and despite serious sexual harassment and even a rape accusation, he’s back.
National Geographic Channel has completed its investigation into “Cosmos” and “StarTalk” host Neil deGrasse Tyson, and will move forward with both shows. The channel didn’t elaborate on its findings, however.
“‘StarTalk’ will return to the air with the remaining 13 episodes in April on National Geographic, and both Fox and National Geographic are committed to finding an air date for ‘Cosmos,’” the network said in a statement. “There will be no further comment.”
So NatGeo launched an investigation, isn’t making the results public and appears to be going full steam ahead. It won’t say what it found, if it had real evidence exculpating Tyson it would have probably made it public, so most likely the result was a claim of insufficient evidence.
And that’s easy enough to achieve if you choose not to look for it.
Just ask Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s office.
National Geographic and its partners are betting that the media’s attention has shifted, that the women in question are unimportant enough that they won’t attract any more attention, and that there will be no other accusations made against Tyson.
I suspect that at least one of those assumptions is false.
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