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“America’s Navy values diversity, equality and inclusivity,” the woke Navy leadership claims. “We believe that when a diverse group of individuals come together to do a job, they can do it better because of their differences.”
The Year of Hate helped accelerate the woke destruction of the US Navy.
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday announced that he wanted to change the Navy. While the title of the video of his remarks was “One Team, One Navy”, its divisive message was that the Navy was racist and only “conversations” about race would help.
Gilday “shared” videos of naval personnel claiming that America was racist and that they were angry. “Being African-American in America is not fun,” an aviation technician claimed.
A lieutenant commander claimed that he had experienced “systemic racism” and “implicit bias”. A white corpsman urged that “we can stand up for change” and declared that, “tomorrow’s Navy will finally stand on the right side of history when we realize that black lives matter.”
“I have become very aware of my privilege as a white person,” a female musician confessed. Then she claimed that “this country has a history of systemic racism” and called for creating a “country that is more equitable and just.”
The video closed with Gilday vowing to eliminate “systemic racism” with a new task force.
How’s that working out? The “diverse group of individuals” can’t seem to get anything done beyond DEI sessions.
The Navy’s top admiral and civilian secretary have still not responded to questions about a damning Navy report released Tuesday outlining the sweeping failure of the Navy and its industrial partners to make expected progress on two submarine programs, an aircraft carrier and a new class of frigates.
The delays, from one to three years each depending on the program, come as the Navy and Pentagon pour billions into modernizing and upgrading shipyards in an attempt to build and repair ships more quickly and keep pace with China. Beijing’s navy has already surpassed the U.S. in size.
The revelations came in a one-page fact sheet the Navy put together outlining the findings of Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro’s 45-day shipbuilding study which he ordered in January. Neither Del Toro or the service’s top officer, Adm. Lisa Franchetti, released a statement or commented on the report, which shows a total of 11 years worth of delays across the affected programs.
Two classes of nuclear-powered submarines lead the list of delays, one of which will be the main carrier of the nation’s sea-based nuclear missiles.
Aware of the issues for years, the Navy is still unsure how to fix them.
“We don’t have detailed plans of action, milestones, initiatives — we are identifying and deeply looking into where we are now in a ‘get real, get better’ approach,” Nickolas Guertin, the Navy’s senior acquisition executive, told reporters at the Pentagon on Tuesday after unveiling the results of the Navy-ordered 45-day study.
“We found that we have issues that need to be resolved,” he said. “But we don’t have all those things completely nailed down yet.”
More videos about systemic racism should do it. And diversity. Diversity can fix anything.
We may no longer have a US Navy capable of taking on China, but at least everyone is respecting everyone else’s pronouns.
Thanks Joe Biden.
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. Another masterful piece of sophistry by Mr. Greenfield, who, among other things, is an expert on naval strategy, and who has no qualm about quoting himself as evidence in his “analyses.”
You, the master of sophistry, are throwing out that accusation? That’s funny.
How many years do they have to get behind, before a problem is self-evident enough for you Mick? They had to admit they have a big problem, and they’said they haven’t even figured out what it is, much less how to fix it. Obviously, sophistry wasn’t enough to cover it up anymore.
So, tell us where Daniel is wrong? And by all means, defend the bs in those videos. But you can’t can you?
Something Else, Joe Biden
And Obama and Bush and many more wokesters.
“They want you, they want you
They want you as a new recruit…..”
…..up the butt.
Denying Excellence & Integrity
I know how they can fix it, more diversity, more “affinity group” meetings, more DEI classes. You know, the important stuff.
Liberalism destroys everything.
It’s not liberalism destroying everything, it’s leftism calling itself liberalism. Liberalism is what we founded, that’s why they must destroy the word itself.
Its been under the Democ-Rats we have cut back of National Defense to appease the left and the UN and the small minded Liberals who wants Military Bases turned into Commune with the Earth Centers
Great analysis, thanks Daniel!
It just takes leadership, one strong man like Henry J. Kaiser, who turned an SF Bay port into the most productive shipbuilding area in the world during WW2.
He’d never even built ships, had he? And look at what he did. Hitler didn’t believe his production numbers. We built 2700 12000 ton Loberty ships in Ww2.
Thanks Cowboy!!! I used to walk through those former shipyard areas.
A fantasy of mine AA, I run mere machining centers, waterjets, and CNC break presses. That’s macrofabrication. And they were doing it with slide rules. I’ll never be dumb enough to think I’m smarter than the people that came before me.
I hope that there are still savvy officers in the military. We may be needing them more than we know. If I were in command of some unit, my battle cry would be, “Eff diversity. You’re all soldiers, Shut up and fight.”
I’m counting on the NCOs to keep any competence going. They’re what makes the military happen. The officer corps is too politicized, and they’re making inroads into the NCOs. But somebody has to make it happen, and the NCOs feet are usually on the ground, by neccesity..
Those videos are absolutely sick! This quote outlines the issue. “I may be crazy. But it’s no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” This once great Country is finished.
Why would anybody defend a country they think that of?
Those people have no reason they’ve been made aware of to defend this country. They might protect their own asses, if they even can, but not those they’re sworn to protect.
I expected dems to make it Brewsters agaimst A6Ms again, but I didn’t foresee them destroying the core professionalism and meritocracy of the US military. If these videos are any indicator, they’ve done it.
The Navy doesn’t build ships. Private companies like General Dynamics and Ingalls build ships. What you’re complaining about here is that private industry can’t meet objective constructions standards because they’re too busy lining their own pockets with defense money.
You mean the Navy won’t pay them because it’s spending its bloated budget on trannies.
It’s just as likely the navy brass making changes, mid construction, as they are fond of doing. They also have a bad habit of overspeccing (coffee machines that can operate at 40,000 ft, in freezing temps, while pulling 3 positive or 1.5 negative Gs), and depending on systems that may not be ready in time, or not at all, and having to go back and redesign for what they do have. Most of the procurement problems and waste I’ve found are on the political end.
Most of the lining comes from the government end, usually from not taking delivery of what they buy. The contract is for X ammount, whether the government takes delivery off all the contracted units or one of them. That’s how we bought 20 B-2s for the price of 132. It went from $200 million a unit (a 747 was $170 million at the time), to $650 million a unit. Every time the government cut the production run, the unit price went up proportionately. I didn’t check, but I would bet the F-22 program was the same, 175 for the price of 750 in that case. And the F-35 iprogram s such a charley foxtrot, beyond why you’d put one engine on a plane that expensive in the first place (didn’t we learn that for sure, for naval aircraft at least, over half a century ago?).
With aircraft, spare parts and contractor maintenance is usually included in the contract, so that gets pocketed by the contractor too when the taxpayer, er, politician, doesn’t take delivery.
Then there’s all these wonderful additional dem government regulations that make production and maintenance so expensive. Stealth aircraft require climate controlled hangers. That would be relatively easy and cost effective for us, half a century ago, but it no longer is. And just what does running those garbage “biofuels” do to the performance, maintenance, and longevity of the gas turbines they run them through? We’ve gone from the highest performance possible, to the lowest performance possible
The defense contractors aren’t going to lose money signing contracts, the politicians will get to claim they’re cutting defense spending when they aren’t, and the taxpayer and the poor bastages depending on what they give us, of which I was once one, get to pay the real price.
Well, some excellent points. Thanks Cowboy! I learned eventually that making changes in the design after the project is underway is hugely inefficient.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
Hey, the guys on Studio 6B used my Jeffimism “D-Bags” today. Twice. everybody steals the cool catch words from the Heff. They stole “short-bus” and so many others from me but just wait. “Dirtbagocrat” and “tardmo” are next. Yeah. Just wait. They’re Unca Joe approved.
I guess the hordes of illegal aliens from Mexico will fix up the US Navy.
America is getting closer to being berserk depraved and psychopathic as the Islamic world is.
Woke leftist DEI BLM lunatics need to be purged from the US military.
This is a simple truth.