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In early January, FrontPage Magazine’s story, ‘The Greatest Islamophobia Hoax in America Exposed’ about the “anti-Palestinian” hate crime in Burlington, VT that never was, went viral. It was picked up by Townhall, Newsbusters, Real Clear Investigations, Instapundit, HotAir, Legal Insurrection, as well as Larry Elder, and a twitter thread on it went viral.
NBC News, which I had specifically called out in my coverage, returned with a defensive interview with the three Muslim men who had been shot in a confrontation with a mentally unstable local organic farmer who, contrary to their narrative, hated America and was pro-Islam.
The Muslim activists at the center of this case once again tried to tie Israel’s campaign against Hamas terrorists to the incident. In reality, as a local news outlet already documented, James J. Eaton, the man who shot them, was an anti-American leftist who expressed support for Hamas.
After weeks and weeks of non-stop media coverage and claims by the Muslim men that the attack was a “hate crime” and had something to do with Israel and hatred of Muslims and ‘Palestinians’, not a single piece of supporting evidence turned up. Opposing evidence did.
Eaton, a Bernie Sanders supporter, had actually tweeted that “the notion that Hamas is ‘evil’ for defending their state from occupation is absurd. They are owed a state. Pay up” and “What if someone occupied your country? Wouldn’t you fight them?”
He commented on a video of a Muslim man, saying, “people of faith constantly impress me.”
Local accounts describe him as violent, unstable, “progressive” and a “hippie guy”. His LinkedIn bio stated that his causes included, “civil rights and social action” and he argued that, “we can build the world we want. First we need to redistribute wealth and income.”
Biden, Kamala, Bernie Sanders and various state officials were rushed into making statements denouncing “islamophobia” even though there’s zero evidence of any “hateful” motive.
“Anybody who steps out from a porch and attacks three random passerby, for whatever reason, is expressing a form of hate,” Police Chief Jon Murad argued.
That makes every random act of violence into a hate crime.
Murad however admits that the attack was random. And, bowing to pressure from Islamist groups like CAIR and local politicians, he’s redefining all crime as an act of hate. Or, as he told CNN, the difference between “a hateful act and a hate crime”. And the difference is evidence.
“Although we do not yet have evidence to support a hate crime enhancement, I do want to be clear that there is no question that this was a hateful act,” Susan George, a Soros DA, argued.
How can there be “no question” of something and also no evidence for that same thing?
While local authorities are backing away from the idea that Eaton, a leftist who supported Hamas, was motivated by hatred of Islam or the Hamas-Israel war, the media is doubling down.
NBC News had the men suggest that James J. Eaton, the man who shot them, “may have seen them before and was possibly waiting for them that day.”
How would Eaton have known when they would be coming home from a family birthday party?
Was he waiting on a porch with a gun for hours a day in the hopes that, in a 97% white city, three Muslim men would come walking down the street so he could go over and shoot them? Wouldn’t it have been easier to just go to a mosque if he wanted to shoot some Muslims?
Hisham Awartani, one of the Muslim men, told NBC News that “systemic dehumanization” of the Arab Muslims settlers in Israel who claim to be ‘Palestinians’ caused Eaton to shoot them.
“It’s something that, you know, has always been the case, like, in, Western discourse through the media. Like, the Palestinian is assumed by default to be terrorist,” Awartani argued. “And when he saw us, it was like — he just connected the dots.”
How would Eaton have even “connected the dots” that they were ‘Palestinians’?
The shooting took place at night on a small residential street with no streetlights. The Muslim men were walking on the other side of the street.
The NBC News story once again repeats the claims by the men that two of them “were wearing keffiyehs when they were shot and all three of them were speaking Arabic with occasional English words woven in.” Keffiyehs are worn by every other hipster and if Eaton were shooting anyone in Burlington wearing one of the terror scarves, he would have run out of bullets.
Eaton would have needed the night vision of an owl to spot their scarves from his porch across a dark street. He would have also needed excellent hearing to make out what language they were speaking from that same distance. And psychic powers to decide they were ‘Palestinians’.
In their account, as retold by NBC News, “as they walked they saw a man standing across the road come down the porch of a home, pull out a pistol and shoot them.” And all of this happened as he somehow managed to make out their scarves and recognize their Arabic.
Kinnan Abdalhamid, one of the Muslim men, told CNN, “We see this man on his porch essentially looking away from us. He turns around, looks at us, and without saying a word — it was almost surreal — he went down the steps, pulled out a pistol and shot my friend.”
So in reality, Eaton wasn’t watching for them or even facing in their direction.
The admission that Eaton did not say anything to them is important because the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee had falsely claimed that “a man shouted and harassed the victims, then proceeded to shoot them. We have reason to believe this shooting occurred because the victims are Arab.” In reality there were no words exchanged between them.
Despite this absurdity, Sen. Bernie Sanders (of whom the shooter was a fan) furiously fulminated that, “the idea that three young men walking down the street get shot, perhaps because of no other reason than they are Palestinian, is unspeakable. But I gotta tell you, this is not just a local phenomenon, this is happening all over the country.”
He did not list any cases where ‘Palestinians’ were being shot while walking down the street. Or explain how long Eaton intended to hang out on a porch with a gun until a ‘Palestinian’ came by.
“I don’t know why he’d have a loaded pistol and stand on the porch,” one of the Muslim men admitted.
The obvious answer is that it had nothing to do with them.
Eaton was the subject of 37 police reports in New York State. An ex-girlfriend had asked police to take his guns because she was afraid of what he might do. He had a history of mental illness, paranoid delusions and previously had guns taken away from him. None of this was political.
The gun he allegedly shot the Muslim men with was bought in April and long before the war.
The local police chief and Soros DA were eager to find some basis for calling it a hate crime. After getting access to everything Eaton ever wrote, they still have nothing. No hate crime enhancements were filed. And the authorities have been warning that the evidentiary requirements are too high to expect them to be filed since they do require actual evidence.
“Even as we speak, the ATF and FBI are investigating the tragic shooting of three men of Palestinian descent in Vermont. That investigation, including whether this is a hate crime, is ongoing,” Attorney General Merrick Garland promised back in November.
And, even as we speak, with the ATF and FBI on the case all this time, there’s still nothing.
The three Muslim men and the media keep pushing the claim that Eaton was motivated by hatred of Muslims or ‘Palestinians’, not because they care about holding him accountable, but because they want to use the incident to attack Israel and Jews.
“I don’t think too much about if there’s gonna be hate crime charges,” Hisham Artwani, one of the Muslim men, admitted to NBC News.
Kinnan Abdalhamid, another of the men, told NBC News that he didn’t just want to pin it on Eaton. “I think there’s been a lot of attempts for us to fully only demonize the guy, but we realize this is part of a larger systematic issue.”
Why this disinterest in holding the actual guy who shot them accountable?
Normal crime victims would care more about whether there are hate crime charges than creating the perception of a hate crime. And they would want to demonize the shooter.
Eaton was just a crazy guy with no politically convenient motive. No one wants to talk about him, instead the media and anti-Israel activists, including the men at the heart of the confrontation, want to talk about how evil Israel is. The NBC News interview, like all their previous ones, is littered with smears and false attacks over Israel’s war against terrorists.
Artawni rambles to NBC News that “what’s going on in Palestine, it’s still going on. And, like, that’s more on my mind right now.”
That much is true. The Muslim men would much rather exploit their encounter with a crazy guy, who loved Muslims and supported Hamas, to smear Israel, than talk about the actual shooter.
And the media would rather push the lies, myths and smears than finally tell the truth.
Congrats Daniel!
The universities are the source of this madness which now grips the entire country. Harvard has been a source of bogus information for decades. Harvard’s “peer-reviewed” journal articles are trash, especially their science and medicine articles. The “peers” are other leftwing academics in other Ivy League universities who just rubberstamp everything they get from Harvard and the other Ivies. It’s no surprise that the president of Harvard was a plagiarist. They’re all plagiarists – going back to M.L. King, Jr. at Boston University in 1954. He got special treatment.
Has anyone ever seen Barack Obama’s records from Columbia U and Harvard Law School? I seriously doubt that he actually earned those degrees. Derrick Bell and Charles Ogletree, no doubt “tutored” Obama while at HLS. And Lawrence Tribe crowed about Obama, probably because he had his own integrity issues.
The UK media is the same but ours is mostly owned by Saudis and therefore will never criticise islam, plus it’s now illegal to do that anyway.
You can still criticize Islam as much as you want. Just call them the Borg. Are UK authorities going to throw you in jail for criticizing mythological Star Trek characters? Oh wait…they might.
Once again NBC proves why its mostly leftists Propaganda not news they haven’t learned their lesson after their fake news story about GM Trucks back in 1993 and their Waiting to Explode on their fake news program Dateline
Some sites have leftist editors who take normal articles and insert leftist spin.
The LeftTwats problem is that he acted just like an Islamofascist and shot three people because he is crazy.
Question….what are 3 islamic males doing walking down a dark lane Burlington VT for crying out loud?????, What are islamic males doing in Paris? Fargo ND. ?Boston ? Bonn Germany? Dublin? Miami? Denmark?
ah, about that
It’s weaponized demographic migration from third world shitholes to white western civilization. The objective is white genocide. Thats what happens when you elect a man named Hussein Obama right after being attacked by a man named Osama.
What are they doing there? They call it Hijra, referring to the walk that MoMo took from Mecca to Medina. Another name for it is conquest by invasion.
I hope this follow up article hits more nerves, exposes and shatters more lies than the first. It’s a miracle that it evoked a further incriminating response on major media, which, as a result, provides more information to peel away more layers of Jew/Israel hatred, whose core is deceptively called Islamaphobia, fear of Islam, instead of what it really is, Israelodium, hatred of Israel and Israelinvidia, Israel envy. Be strong and of good courage!!!
when a counter-narrative goes viral, the media responds without acknowledging often what it’s responding to
it’s a kind of invisible war to most people
Brown University, my alma mater, of course is running with the false narrative and carrying on about “”Islamophobia”. I am tempted to mail my degree back to them,. They know very well that the vast, vast, majority of hate crimes are committed against Jews and do nothing to protect Jewish and pro-Israel students on campus.
Keep your degree. Just claim it was issued BCM. Before Cultural Marxism. My degree from the City College of New York is BOE – Before Open Enrollment.
Do better than that – organize a campaign of Brown alums to defund the university and kick its trustees off of boards. Rich Communists really hate it when someone kicks them in the bank account.
Part of a vast propaganda campaign against Israel, aimed at deposing Netanyahu, to cause chaos.
This is very true. Netanyahu is patriotic, plain spoken and effective and the fuzzy muzzles can’t have that. I wonder why so many wealthy effites enjoy funding Islamic genocide. Do you think it’s the joy they get from living vicariously through them?
Our garbage “news media” are just activists for the Left. If NBC had a scintilla of integrity it would also have put on an interview, perhaps of Mr. Greenfield, setting out the facts of the case or at least would have mentioned Eaton’s known views, posts, and history. But, no. It is, instead, just a transmission belt for the Left’s narratives.
Indeed. The media is a leftist propaganda organization with zero concern for anything except indoctrination.
but that’s the outcome of the anti-racist ideology
to be anti-racist is to be committed to nothing short of total ideological indoctrination, anything else is racist
CNN Communists News Network
It’s so funny to watch Rachael Maddie or Joy Reed. Amazing that anyone sees them as anything other than scripted morons for the intelligence agencies. The View is my personal favorite – my husband calls them the screeching banshees, but I call them the Nazi Power Hour.
Truth …? Truth … ?
Palestinians/Hamas/Islam don’t need no stinkin Truth.
These Palestinian/Hamas supporting punks need to go back to Gaza.
Thank you, Daniel … I wrong again … but that’s par for the course …
… but …
Given the circumstances …
… maybe it’s demonic …
… I’m not saying Eaton was possessed by a demon …
… because a demon would know exactly who was coming, and how unstable was, and what to whisper to him to create an incident, and to take advantage of the situation …
But then again … to always assume a highly improbable coincidence is simply the result of operation of an alien spacecraft with an Improbability Drive … h/t Douglas Adams …
… is itself a form of irrational skepticism …
Just a suggestion …
WIth practically every MSM article, the first thing I do is try to figure what kind of BS they are pushing.
The Original NBC Peacock in the retirement home of Corporate Mascots glad he no longer has anything to do with the Fake News of the NBC News