The Israelis collected a great deal of intelligence about Iran’s nuclear capabilities. The Obama administration had no interest in it.
And Prime Minister Netanyahu had staged public releases of that intel. The previous one revealed a vast number of files about Iran’s nuclear weapons program. For the UNGA, Netanyahu brought a new Iranian nuclear revelation.
“What I’m about to say has not been shared publicly before,” Netanyahu said. “Today, I am disclosing for the first time that Iran has a secret atomic warehouse in Tehran for storing massive amounts of equipment and material from Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program.”
Displaying the enlarged photographs of Iranian nuclear sites that have become a Netanyahu trademark, the Israeli leader warned that Iran would attempt to clean out the newly-revealed site in the coming days. He called on Yukiya Amano — the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) — to visit the site before that happens.
“Go and inspect this atomic warehouse immediately before the Iranians clean it out,” Netanyahu urged. “While you’re at it, inspect the other sites. Once and for all, tell the world the truth about Iran.”
Addressing the Iranian regime, Netanyahu said he had one message for “the tyrants of Tehran.”
“Israel knows what you are doing and where you are doing it,” Netanyahu declared. “Israel will never let a regime that calls for our destruction develop nuclear weapons — not now, not in 10 years, not ever.”
Netanyahu isn’t just discrediting Iran. He’s discrediting Iran’s nuclear apologists at the IAEA by challenging them to look into the information.
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