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Polls show that most Democrats aren’t too happy with Biden and aren’t thrilled that he’s the party’s designated nominee, and New Hampshire also shows that they’ve decided to stick with him no matter what.
New Hampshire gave Dems the perfect chance to sideline Biden. Not only is the state somewhat independent-minded, but Biden wasn’t even on the ballot because his people were too afraid that he would lose. Instead the state party, humiliatingly, organized a write-in campaign for him.
Biden didn’t campaign in the state, Rep. Dean Phillps, his only real opponent did, and still lost badly to a write-in campaign for a guy who didn’t show up.
Was anyone taking part in a write-in campaign for Biden because they’re enthusiastic for him? Nope. It’s party discipline.
And this is what’s putting Dems on a path to defeat.
It’s also why the party is having so much trouble dislodging Biden. Obama clearly thinks Biden should go, but hasn’t even clearly said it out loud. Much like 2016, there’s the air inside the party that it’s sleepwalking into a disaster that it can’t do anything about because so much of their vote is semi-automatic with pre-programmed electorates, bloc votes and ballot harvesters who will turn out the vote for whoever the party candidate is. Political machines are a strength, but like most forms of collectivism, also a weakness offering no market tests for candidates and setting the stage for general election disasters.
Chris Shugart says
Two words: McCain and Romney. GOP voters didn’t really like either of them, but they couldn’t find anyone better. And we know how well that worked out.
Algorithmic Analyst says
They are crossing over to vote for Haley in the Republican primaries.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, those debased scumbags. And they actually claim to be morally superior to us normal people. They swamped the poll stations and fake voted on the R ticket.
jeremiah says
It’s exactly what we need to do if big mike enters. Republicans need to crossover and make xhiden win the primary.
Ugly Sid says
An obedient Democrat will urinate upon an electric fence should the party so require.
Jeff Bargholz says
I hope they all do.
Jeff Bargholz says
I pissed on an electric fence once, back when I was young. You know how dumb kids are. I remember thinking ” I wonder how much this will hurt?”. Brilliant thinking. Why would I want to find that out? It did hurt. And I swear an electric blue lightening bolt shot up from the fence right onto my dick. I was pissing all over. the place after that.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Mark Cogley says
The Democratic hierarchy will find a way to excrete Biden in time to have a compos mentis candidate – say, someone who has already lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for eight years.
jeremiah says
I read the tea leaves a little different here Mr, Greenfield. NH was a huge win for Xhiden and now surrounding events and the results of the NH primary indicate it is more likely there is a grim future for Trump in the general election..
Resolving any question or making the best guess involves asking the right questions. The right is without the services of a sycophantic press propagandizing for them. The left knows that, so they always get to paint any issue the way they want. In fact, they are making it a popularity contest more than usual this time. We are always fighting on their ground. Always.
We never target macro issues or beliefs, move the Overton window and basically can’t with the press and the leftist institutions against us.. Do you know what their campaign strategy against Donald Trump almost singularly involves? Turning him into Adolph Hitler. Making Trump so repulsive and toxic with the constant pounding, that people just want him to go away, if they aren’t already horrified and disgusted with him.
So is it working? I would say from the NH results their strategy is working splendidly. People hate Trump so much they crossed over to vote namarata and wrote xhiden in. I look at it as likely a strong showing of anybody but Trump votes. If you read the recent Susquehanna poll highlighted in a Red State article, they may not even have to cheat this time. That’s how successful they have been.
We’ll see, but at least one conservative is not too thrilled. with the NH primary results.
NAVY ET1 says
It’s been estimated that roughly 72% of NeoCon Nikki’s primary votes came from Democrats, and the remaining idiots who did the write-in for Biden with ZERO delegates at stake prove the intelligence of the base.
These are the same people that protest in support for Hamas. When a Jewish reporter went to one of these protests recently and asked, “When you say from the river to the sea, what river and what sea are you referring to?”, not one answered correctly. Enough said.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Illegal voting worked last time. Why will that successful strategy be abandoned now?