[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2013/05/chiefkeefuzi.jpg)To hear the New York Times tell it, Chief Keef is the new Shakespeare, Dickens or Dylan. Or all three combined.
All wrapped up in a teenage hip hop performer whose work The Times calls “the defining document of the current Chicago sound.”
A few more quotes from the Times’ recent coronation. (And by all means, read the whole review.)
“Chief Keef serves as a reminder of what’s been whitewashed out of the hip-hop mainstream: a sense of the struggle bedeviling the communities that produce much of the music.”
“It’s a surprise that Chief Keef is beginning to gain traction because there’s strikingly little room for what he does in the hip-hop mainstream, which is preoccupied with success and, probably even more impossible for him, melody.”
Whitewashed? That is what critics call it when black rappers stop acting black and start acting white. I would pay to hear The Times tell us what that means.
Someday pop historians will be examining this moment as a seminal time in the birth of something very important, says The Times. Maybe by then The Times will reveal its policy of how it expects black people to act.
Note to The Times: If you are having trouble with that, just Google the term “minstrel show.” That ought to do it.
You are welcome.
For all the attention The Times devotes to the author of this “defining document,” the Chief Keef’s own words do not appear in the article.
You won’t be seeing them here either. That is because the fuddy duddies who run FrontPage don’t like printing words that if you said them on radio, you would get fined $500,000.
That’s pretty much every line. Drugs. Violence. More drugs. More violence. Sex. Drugs. Sexual Violence. Over and over and over. Often expressed in the kind of black mob violence I document in White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of racial violence and how the media ignore it
And the hopeless squares who run FrontPage also do not think too highly of layering those lines over a video of several 17-year olds smoking reefer while … well, this old fuddy duddy doesn’t even know how to describe what is going on in a way that fits a family-style news site.
Unless of course you are a member of the Manson family.
If you cannot wait for the verdict of future hip hop historians to learn about the birth of The Next Big Thing; or if you want to see a video of how The Times sees black people in their pre-whitewashed condition, you might want to check this for yourself.
First read the review. Then check this out to see what they are talking about.
Here’s a link to a video of his big hit “I Don’t Like” with lyrics.
Let me know what you think.
And the next time you wonder about how a culture becomes coarse and vile and despicable, or where teenagers get the idea that coarse and vile and despicable are OK, even admirable, don’t ask Chief Keef.
Ask The Times.
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