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They say rights come full circle until they become wrongs. And in New York, a ‘rights’ amendment also appears to legalize discrimination.
Proposition 1… would not only write the most extreme “trans rights” into the state Constitution, it would legalize rank discrimination on the basis of . . . pretty much every far-left agenda item.
Worse, the measure also legalizes reverse discrimination in order to “prevent or dismantle” the banned forms of discrimination.
That is, New York’s left-leaning politicians and judges could mandate discrimination on the basis of race, age, gender, religion etc. as long as they claim to be fighting other such discrimination.
New York, New York, it’s a hell of a town. The wrongs are up and the rights are down. People get mugged in a hole in the ground.
According to the New York GOP, the Equal Rights Amendment would really make some more equal than others.
After outlawing discrimination, it states that…
… on the basis of a characteristic listed in this section.
Discrimination is legal as long as it’s for a good cause, the cause of discriminating on behalf of the aforementioned people listed here.
Jeff Bargholz says
You Jews are probably at the top of the NYC shit list. Followed by white people in general, here in America.
I got attacked by a white guy the day before yesterday. I’m surprised he wasn’t black. I don’t know what his problem was. He wouldn’t STFU, though.Just a random attack. I kicked him in the face. That took the piss and vinegar out of him.
It reminded me of how bad you Jews have it, though. So many people hate you for no good reason. That guy tried to attack me for no reason. Maybe he thought I was a Jew.
MuggsSpongedice says
boy-chick I wave my Jewy Jewy hands in front of you – and poof – now you are a Jew Amongst Us
As frumpy Lewis Black says: ‘there are Jews who walk among you and they will take time out of their very Jewy Jewy day to explain the Old Testament….”
I’m a lox and bagel junkie
I think blintz are funky
BTW…Following the subject and object in the Old Testament book of Genesis, there were 8 days of creation in this here 2nd earth age
Betcha never heard of that before?
Just ask any Jew
We walk amongst you
In our very Jewy Jewy Day!
Jeff Bargholz says
I like lox and bagels, too. And cream cheese. There isn’t as much of that stuff here in San Jose as there was in Seattle, but shit, this place is like a gustatory graveyard. The cream cheese is here but not the Jewish food. There are a few good little mex restaurants and In-N-Out Burgers and Red Robin but nothing like Seattle. Damn, that place has good food and coffee. And there are plenty of places where you can eat it right next to Puget Sound and enjoy the day.
That canned salmon just isn’t the same as the real thing. I used to eat it with lemon juice back when I was a kid in Milwaukee but it isn’t the same as the fresh stuff. I have some in my freezer. I don’t know how fresh it is now. I have some canned, too.
internalexile says
NY NY, it’s a helluva town. Your balls are up, and your ass is down. Apologies to Lenny.
Kynarion Hellenis says
There is a T-shirt that says “Make Orwell Fiction Again.” It is no longer a joke.
Bryan says
So how does this bounce up against “Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard (2023)” where SCOTUS ruled that race-based admissions were unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? Granted, the NY amendment includes non-college admissions but how hard would it be to use the same arguments in a new federal case?
Daniel Greenfield says
I imagine the Supreme Court would have issues with the potential implementation of it.
of course these same folks have designs on the court
When the Demon-Rats run your state we get these results
CTripps says
What do they mean ‘will’ legalize, it already is.
On US military bases that policy has been on steroids for years with command dictating exiting non-DEI employees be replaced by DEI only. Merit promotions have also morphed that way and the effect has been catastrophic.
Qualifications no longer the primary merit factor, the quality of leadership and the ‘replacements’ is having crippling effects on functionality.
The blow-back has been dramatic in itself with the remaining highly qualified staff, no longer seeing careers moving forward, and dealing with the in-your-face reverse discrimination effects, are leaving in droves.
To counter the push back on these policies, mandatory training is pushed for highlighting the current ‘priviledged’ mentality to blame for their ills.
We are not far behind the fall of the UK and EU.
MuggsSpongedice says
Don’t general and admirals know it’s hard to run in those spiked heels?
Jeff Bargholz says
Rachel Levine doesn’t. That guy is an American embarrassment.
danknight says
As an old guy who remembers being an “angry white man” back in the Jimmy F. Carter days …
… I’m not sure how this can possibly be anything more than a victory lap for the everything-evil-is-good crowd on the Left.
Back in the day, there was nothing one could do about it. At this point, the Left’s die-hard base are the only ones who haven’t figured out that the rules may apply to any American at a moment’s notice …
… especially if they’re qualified, competent, talented, or offer some other virtue (except playing children’s games).
Kasandra says
The Constitution and Supreme Court say you can’t discriminate based on race, etc., but New York says you must. What sane employer would locate there?
arnold ahlert says
There’s a phrase that aptly describes the ability of government to literally define “reality” as it sees fit, and punish those who refuse to obey: Totalitarian control