Much like California, which lost 173,000 people, pricing out the working and middle class, and then telling the criminal class that they can steal and stab anyone they like while the political establishment hits new levels of deranged wokeness, those who can will get out of Dodge.
Or Gotham.
Census data released Monday found New York state had the steepest annual population decline in the country between from July 2020 to July 2021, losing more than 1.5% of its people during that 12-month period.
At this rate, AOC will run out of House seats to stack with supporters of overthrowing America in favor of a Socialist dictatorship.
The state’s population decreased by 319,020 people over a 12-month period coinciding with the COVID-19 pandemic. New York in the last year also recorded a net loss of 352,185 of its population due to domestic migration, the Census reported.
Maybe it’s time to build a wall around New York to keep them from escaping to Canada or Texas.
Underscoring how much of a drop the population loss was for New York, the state’s nation-leading decline was greater than the combined decreases in population seen in Illinois, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, Michigan, New Jersey and Ohio.
Texas saw the largest jump in its population, increasing by 1.1% or 310,288 people.
That’s 310,288 people whom Cuomo, Weiner, and Bill Clinton, among other prominent New Yorkers, will be unable to sexually harass.
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