This is exactly the phenomenon that I had described after the Pittsburgh shootings in, “If the Synagogue Shooter Were Muslim, the Media Would Be Defending Him.”
In 2006, Naveed Afzal Haq used a teenage girl as a hostage to force his way into the Seattle Jewish Federation where he shot 6 women. The Muslim attacker shouted, “You Jews” at the non-Jewish marketing director and shot her in the stomach. The bookkeeper went into cardiac arrest, died at the scene, was revived and died again on the operating table and still lived to testify at Haq’s trial.
“I want these Jews to get out,” Haq could be heard shouting on the phone.
The media attempted to portray Haq as mentally ill. The local alternative paper insisted that his “his anti-Semitic rhetoric” was just a “veneer” on “a man disturbed by feelings of inadequacy and rejection.”
In 2011, Ahmed Ferhani was arrested after plotting to blow up “the biggest synagogue” in Manhattan. Along with Mohamed Mamdouh, he had considered dressing up as a Hassidic Jew and attacking a synagogue with a gun and a grenade.
“I intended to create chaos and send a message of intimidation and coercion to the Jewish population of New York City,” Ferhani admitted at his trial.
Ferhani was defended by Linda Sarsour and many on the Left. Just two years ago, The Nation headlined a sympathetic piece about the synagogue terrorist as, “A Muslim Man Was Ensnared in a Terror Plot by the NYPD—He Just Attempted Suicide”. The Huffington Post ran a post titled, “An Entrapped Muslim Man Just Attempted Suicide, But Does Anyone Care?”
Does anyone care indeed?
Muslim anti-Semitic attackers are invariably suffering from mental illness. And this form of anti-Semitic privilege is also occasionally extended to other minority lefties. Like James Polite, a black gay Democrat activist, arrested in anti-Semitic vandalism.
Because of the Nazi messages, the media immediately played up the crime. Then it realized that the attacker is unlikely to be a Trump supporter, and so now it’s doing its usual full court press defense of the perpetrator.
Man’s Struggles With Mental Illness and Addiction Preceded Hate Crimes, Friends Say – New York Times
Neo-Nazis who attack synagogues don’t get the, “Man’s Struggles with Addiction and Mental Illness Preceded the Horrifying Thing He Did” nonsense. And it shows what a joke the media’s sudden faux concern about anti-Semitism was.
Now it flips over to painting Polite in the most sympathetic ways, he grew up in the foster care system, he struggled with mental illness, and someone took away his favorite pink elephant.
The media is the arm of the Left. And the Left has its priorities. It doesn’t fight anti-Semitism. It covers it up.
The New York Times originally promoted Polite. Now that he’s been caught engaging in an anti-Semitic crime, it’s covering for him.
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