Chivalry isn’t quite dead yet. But the New York Times would like to kill it dead. And the military.
The paper ran not one but two hit pieces on the JROTC program.
“The only word I can think of is ‘indoctrination,’” the subheader of one complains.
The other, from the faction that claims people can change sex by thinking about it, complains “J.R.O.T.C. Textbooks Offer an Alternative View of the World – Descriptions of civic life and some key historical events differ from the way they are taught in typical public school textbooks.”
In an era when women are fully integrated into combat jobs, an Army textbook details how men should not sit “until all the ladies at his table are seated.” It recommends that men help women sit down.
“If a lady leaves the table at any time, the gentleman who seated her rises and assists with the lady’s chair,” the book says.
Politeness and elementary manners are now a hate crime.
Other Timesian complaints are exactly the sort of thing you expect from the compulsive liars who don’t know anything, but try to fact check everyone else.
One textbook implies that Kurt Cobain died because of a heroin addiction, omitting the fact that it was a gun that ended his life
The gun just shot him on its own?
Cobain was using insane amounts of heroin. He overdosed a few times and killed himself while high on heroin.
The J.R.O.T.C. textbook knows what it’s talking about more than the paper of record does whether it comes to chivalry, which the New York Times obviously knows nothing about, but also heroin, which you would think it would. But it would like chivalry to be as dead as Kurt Cobain.
Where is the humanity?
Severely lacking, in radical leftists and muslims 🙂
I was just thinking about Chivalry recently, maybe after reading Raymond Ibrahim’s new book. Chivalry is a fundamental part of the Western Way of War, as opposed to the Muslim Way of War, which exalts treachery and deceit.
One could start a long debate on whether it is a weakness in war, or not. Obviously it has its drawbacks when fighting Muslims 🙂
Manners are an expression of hospitality and graciousness in civilization. War is dedicated to defending it by the killing and destroying of all who are its enemies. Chivalry is not at odds with the roughness required to protect one’s home and family. In fact, I think chivalry finds its fullest flower under this kind of existential stress.
Except that chivalry, as defined in the JROTC manual quoted above, implies that women are weak and in need of men’s help for such elementary actions as getting out of their chairs.
The fact that this constituted “elementary manners” for a long time (for a specific group of people, mind you, at a very specific time) does not mean that it is appropriate for today. You need to explain why it is appropriate, rather than commit what logicians call the fallacy of “appeal to tradition” (i.e., whatever used to be is good).
Perhaps you think women are weak and inferior. Fine. At least have the courage to say so. Then there can be an actual discussion.
My confidence is fortified by having an authority on weakness and inferiority available for real time input.
Only the weak, conflicted or self-abs0rbed woman interprets gentlemanly manners as a comment upon her capacities or virtues.
besides being an irrelevant idiot, you’re a crashing bore – fix your man bun, take your man purse and go away, loser.
If you think that helping women out of chairs or holding doors open for a lady was due to the belief that women could not get out of chairs or open doors, you’re a hopeless woke caricature who has no concept of the past
I don’t think they’re weak… but apparently, you do. Good manners are a show of respect, you dimwit.
Your argument is weak, NOT women!
Etiquette was drilled into my young head. Men rose when a lady entered the room and when she rose from the table. They pulled out her chair. Walked between her and any danger or traffic. Opened her door. Removed their hats upon the threshold.
Everyone dressed for dinner respectfully in clean clothes. Food was lifted to the mouth, and the mouth NEVER went downwards to the food. Utensils made no noise of scraping or clanging. Mouths kept quietly closed while chewing. Food was cut with elbows at one’s side, one or two bites at a time and not all at once.
My own parents heard “sir” and “ma’am” when we spoke to them. We never talked back. Doing so was a violation of the “second table” of the law — an offense against oneself, one’s parents and ultimately against God.
Being offended by good manners says only bad things about the offended. Manners reflect good character, even if they can be aped by a scoundrel:
And healthy women enjoy a man whose character is in keeping with his good manners.
I was taught the same, but I remember my first family dinner on leave after basic (where we’d get 5 mins to eat if we were lucky). After grace I dug in, and after a few minutes noticed it was kinda quiet. I looked up, face about three inches from my already over half empty plate, fork in one hand, spoon in the other, and everyone was looking at me in amazement. Dad had a knowing look, but said nothing and mom just said, “Nobody’s going to take it from you, Cowboy.” I had to consciously relearn my table manners.
Oh you make me laugh!
I had 5 children in quick succession. When 4 of them were in diapers, I found myself wolfing down my food over the sink!
Reminded me of my Dad 🙂
Good storyfor your kids…AND grandkids!
Have we dropped the “Gentleman,” in the term “An Officer and A Gentleman” Yet? Dems/leftists chuck those quaint old customs of civility and morality, and then wonder why people behave worse than animals.
“In an era when women are fully integrated into combat jobs…” – Well, not fully integrated because women still have lower PT standards. The standards for combat jobs had to be lowered for women, because they can’t lift as much, carry as much, or exert as much force on tools.
Its said that female spies, enforcers, regulators, asassians for the various forms of organized crime (Mafia, Triads, Cartels etc.) are more vicuos and cunning than thier counterparts!
Gee, the left being opposed to any notion of coutesy, civility, or chivalry. Who wudda thunk it?
Full time partners on the battlefield?
Realities of inescapable gender based physiogamy disparities are willed away by motivated wokeness?
Like the JIA troops destined for perpetual victory because of their advantages in “fighting spirit”?
Morale and fighting spirit do matter, but not as much as superior firepower and supply.
A Japanese prisoner who was being debriefed once said, “Americans are not good jungle fighters. But after Americans have been there for a few days, there’s no more jungle.”
Nobody reads the Times, except geriatric Upper West Side leftists that listen to Pete Seeger and still mourn the Rosenbergs. I don’t know how the stay in business.
Sunday coupons, probably, or the parent company is diversified enough they can lose money for the cause..
Follow the $$, more than 2/3rds of the poulation (that are STILL alive)) have taken 2 + “shots”. I know acouple folks who have taken 5! And are willing to take several more because of U.S. PUREBLOODS!
Trouble is the VAXXED are SHEDDING thier spiked protiens on to you know who. WE can protect ourselves against this through several means, which are too long for this reply so do your research!
Think of evrybodies first reaction to HIV back in the day…Even more so with Ebola.
All we get from the New York Slimes(Times) is their is their load of fake news and Malarkey and fake news in print aa waste of Trees and Fossil Fuels(Foe the paper and ink)as well as freedom of the Press to continue to print this liberal rag
Chivalry? How medieval! What we need more of are rappers describing women in crude ways and treating them as disposable toys. That’s progress! /s
The NYT’s could learn to be civil instead of trying t o influance the votes in favor of Democrats/Globalists
Heres a woman’s view of chivalrous manners….or just manners. It communicates some thing meaningful and essential to a female (we tend to be smaller and less physically strong then men- no, not always but on average). Manners communicate that the man is not a physical threat to the woman and is not a threat to her safety and her life and role in her life whatever that may be.
Manners are the opposite of Islam bundling women up because the men are assumed to have no manners or self control. Manners are the opposite of some rap song lyrics that are derogatory regarding women.
Manner communicate that we are in this civilization together and mean each other no harm.
Chairs and doors aside, fellas, a polite man is automatically a handsome, attractive man.
Cat says: I wish I could find a LADY such as yourself.
I really don’t care what the libers say! I’m 70 and grew up WITH MANNERS!! Open doors for ladies and really anyone else walking close behind me! Open the car door even if no one is watching! Well, most of the time! Stand when a lady enters the room and even later if I find out she’s no lady! Remove my hat when entering a home! Just being a GENTLEMAN who appreciates WOMEN – where would we be without them??
I was an Officer and Gentleman by act of Congress, but my mother taught me good manners long before that
Kurt Cobain had a massive over the top amount of Heroin in his blood stream and the Gun was laying by his Right hand whereas he was a Left handed guy….
So he took a massive amount of Heroin and then picked up the Gun in his Right hand and shot himself….
I guess the folks that believe that do not know what happens to a person when they shoot up a load of Heroin.
I was opening a heavy wooded door some years ago for a young lady when she started screamed at me, Im a mature Heterosexual European American gentleman, she told me that she didnt need me to open the door for her and so I just let it go causing it to slam into her and she almost fell down… I laughed and walked away.
Dont mess with us older folks, we got nothing to prove to anybody anymore, anyhow.
SHAME on you! You, you CAD!!
What YOU should have done is hold the door open till she eithier came through or retreated a step or two’ THEN you “gentley” close it
If the shrew is now on your side of the door, with patience and a slight smile let her finish out her diatri,be, when she stops a beat to catch her breath give her a BIG smile say “THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN” spin around to the direction of your choice and calmly walk away!
Thanks, I was going to comment on the Cobain part of the story, but don’t know enough about the death part. I would say, pain can be so terrible, that I would excuse people who use painkillers to reduce their pain.
THANK YOU!! People notice when a man (or old fart like Moi) is chivalrous, and hopefully pass it on!