Nice of the paper of establishment big government Democrats to admit the obvious.
The Cuban mass protests were met with media denials and attempts to spin the protests as purely economic and caused by the embargo. But propaganda tells you more about the narrator than the story. As the media becomes increasingly rooted in its own fake news worldview, the Freudian slips keep on coming.
Like this New York Times headline, “Shouting ‘Freedom’ and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country.”
No other major American paper has done as much to uphold Communism as the New York Times. From Walter Duranty to the paper’s more recent series celebrating the achievements of Communism, the Times has served as a propaganda rag for a murderous leftist ideology that killed millions.
Calling ‘Libertad’ or ‘Freedom’ an anti-government slogan is revealing, not just about Cuba, but about America.
To socialists, freedom is an anti-government slogan. And what then does that make government?
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