Every good progressive knows that President Trump is the new Hitler who hates “brown skinned” people and that ICE is the new SS.
They even made a play about it.
So infuriated Latino voters should be gearing up to… uh not so much. Ride along with the New York Times into the dark heart of white prog privilege where the aforementioned are forced to realize that the people on their plantation don’t seem to care the way they should.
New York Times: As Democrats Court Latinos, Indifference Is a Powerful Foe
It’s like the left built a fantasy world in its own head, distributed it through the media, only to realize that its target audience doesn’t care.
Children ripped from their parents’ arms and held in sweltering tent cities. Immigration raids outside hospitals, schools and courthouses. An onslaught of ads and speeches delivering insults and racist remarks.
With the hard-fought midterm elections less than three weeks away, Democratic Party strategists hope Latino voters who are angered by the Trump administration’s policies and divisive language will help deliver resounding victories in many of the races that will decide political control in Washington. If ever there were a time to cast protest ballots, they reason, it would be with President Trump in the White House.
But interviews with dozens of Hispanic voters in Nevada and Arizona, two key battleground states, showed a more complicated picture that is deeply alarming to Democratic Party officials.
More “complicated”.
A recent NBC-Wall Street Journal national survey showed a spike in interest in the election among Hispanic voters, but part of the challenge for Democrats is the sharp divisions among those voters. Latinos are not a monolith, and their political decisions are also shaped by age, region, and the immigration histories of their families. Exit polls after the 2016 election found that nearly 30 percent of Latino voters supported Mr. Trump, though some surveys put that figure closer to 20 percent.
At the local level, Hispanic voters are even more willing to support Republicans they know, creating difficulties for Democrats in an election where some of the most imperiled G.O.P. incumbents are not be as vulnerable as they may seem on paper.
The Times never gets around to admitting that plenty of Latinos who vote Republican oppose illegal migration. That would be too triggering to the paper’s white lefty readers. It would kill too many of their fondest dreams.
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