Environmentalism is a godless religion. It exists to show up at the feast and denounce the guests for destroying their planet with their gluttony, and then demand that they tithe to save the planet from themselves.
The latest episode of Nobody Expects the Green Inquisition broke out at the New York Times with, “How Does Your Love of Wine Contribute to Climate Change?”
Somebody should ask Hillary Clinton about her chardonnay habit.
The New York Times proposes that wine drinkers save money by switching from wine in heavy bottles to boxed wine. I can’t imagine anything less likely than that your average Timesian will start ordering boxed wine while leaving the imported French wine back in France.
Sorry, if you want champagne, use New York grapes. Not even California wine. That has to be transported 3,000 miles. Think of all that carbon.
Will Timesians switch from imported Italian and French wines to upstate New York wine in a box? Obviously not.
The scam concludes, as it always does, with buying carbon credits, drinking the French wine and then raising prices on wine to deter the lower classes.
For social justice.
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