There was never good to be a good outcome for a mayoral election in a broken city. Especially when that election is effectively decided by Democrat voters in low-turnout primaries that, to top things off, are ranked-choice shoved in there to further undermine and confuse voters.
Ranked-choice rigs an already rigged election and provides lefties with more opportunities to upend the will of the voters. But while the candidates still talked about New York City as if it were a single place, early results paint a picture of an even more deeply divided city.
The divisions are not the ones you see in the media.
Black and Hispanic voters backed Eric Adams because they want him to crack down on crime. White lefties backed Maya Wiley, the AOC choice, because they want her to continue Bill de Blasio’s pro-crime policies. And Asians and Orthodox Jews supported Yang because he seemed competent and moderate which would be a wildly different approach to the city after Bill de Blasio combined radicalism and incompetence. In a racially divided city, the winner can only be determined by rigging the system to favor one group or another.
But that too can backfire.
The white hipsters cheering BLM didn’t expect black voters would support an ex-cop over an MSNBC commentator, but they did. They’re reduced to hoping that enough voters picked Maya Wiley as their second choice in order to elevate the hipster first choice over the first choice of black voters.
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