Apologize for what?
“My gosh, I was always telling fake stories about wolves and calling the people I was telling them to ‘racists,’ and then some wolves really have shown up, and none of those racists believe me!”
So, the authorities finally got around to releasing the 911 call and bodycam footage from the Paul Pelosi hammer imbroglio, and now the left is demanding an apology from everyone who refused to accept the regime’s twisted, Swiss-cheese narrative about the whole attack. While there are still unanswered questions – which no one would be asking if the regime media had not tried to blame conservatives for the actions of the Berkely nudist – the cop body cam footage appears to show a nut and his victim and not much more. Yeah, there was a lot of speculation early on about what really happened, partly from the fact that the stories being pushed by the regime were contradictory or incomplete or just bizarre, but mostly because we have been lied to so often that the regime no longer gets the benefit of the doubt. Some guy walks into the house of the woman who was third in line to the presidency and whacks her hubby on the skull? Sure, it’s San Francisco, but that’s weird, even for Hobo City.
Not that the speculation people engaged in was utterly insane. After all, once or twice dudes have gotten together for some sexy antics while the wife was away in the City by the Bay. Occasionally, people have partaken of controlled substances in Frisco. And Paul Pelosi has been known to enjoy the occasional snifter of port. So, in the absence of answers and a tsunami of stories that do not make sense, yeah, people are going to fill in the blanks, and it might not be pretty.
Mad about it?
Too bad.
The only rational response from regular people when faced with some bizarre tale about one of our putative betters is to reject anything the elite tries to tell us. All we get from it are lies.
The Hunter laptop.
Russian collusion.
MAGA extremists.
Normal people who own guns have blood on their hands.
You are racist.
You are sexist.
You are transphobic.
You are racist again.
Everything that comes out of the filthy pieholes of these jerks is a lie and a scam, and yet we’re supposed to not only trust their (everchanging and utterly insane) story du jour and – and the “and” is important – we are not only supposed to blindly believe but to also accept our own personal complicity in this whole John Henry scenario. Yes, this was on us, they insisted. As the real story was being obscured, the left was actively promoting the “This was some sort of MAGA, right-wing, Jesus, gun-conservative, Republican, NRA guy” narrative. In other words, the left was engaged in actively lying about the provenance of the mutant illegal alien who their perverted petri dish of Bay Area social pathologies created.
Are you dirtbags going to apologize to us?
Then you best not hold your breath waiting for us to say, “Oops, sorry.”
We’re not sorry. The regime brought this on itself, not only through its track record of lies but its total refusal to hold leftists or leftist-adjacent family members accountable for their actions. People believed the worst about the regime because the regime is the worst.
If their story – and again, it was not just one story but a bunch of different versions of this sordid tale – was true, true-ish, or even true-curious, then that’s the first time in years that something they have told us was not outright bullSchiff.
But it appears that maybe, to the extent that their story was that some guy broke in and attacked the guy with a hammer for no good reason and that there were no erotic or dope-fueled tangents involved, they were generally right about that part. But they were also consciously lying by blaming us for it at the same time, and yet we were supposed to defer to them. We were supposed to take their word that this guy was an innocent victim.
Not happening.
No, you lost your benefit-of-the-doubt privileges.
There are consequences that come from lying to us all the time, and this situation casts a spotlight on them. You cannot lie to us and expect us to choose to buy the story that you prefer. No, the void that honesty and trust used to fill now gets filled with something else. In this case, the speculation that this was a close encounter of the kinky kind.
Now they want apologies?
For what?
For not believing them?
We’re not sorry about that. Not believing them is standard operating procedure. It is the only rational and reasonable response to an elite and its toadies fibbing to us about anything and everything. They want our trust? No. They shattered that with their figurative mallet every time they lied to us for short-term advantage. Remember 50 national security pros insisting that Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation? Well, we do.
They want an apology from us for not believing them? I hope they’re not driving because they must be hammered.
Like the Rodney King tape did they only released “The critical” few seconds of the attack? We are still supposed to believe the actual breaking of the glass door didn’t cause an alarm to sound? So poor Paul Pelosi had to pick-up a phone and call the police because he can’t afford a better security system? These people don’t know any Hollywood types that could reenact a convening break in? The FBI would never be involved in a cover up? Still not buying what they are selling.
Alarms are forgotten by guys somewhat.
Be rest assured that the bltch Nancy will ensure the alarms are set, and the Justice Department will ensure his insider-trading is never investigated.
Well, as I’ll admit when I’m wrong, I’ll apologize.
I’m sorry that a POS that grifted the stock market from insider trading got a taste of what the general populace have had to endure as a result of Nancy’s policies.
(Illegal immigration & soft-on-crime bullshit is normally relegated to unwashed peasants.)
I’m also sorry this incident won’t gender a clarifying epiphany. Paul will still support/advocate the DNC agenda that is destroying America.
The Bible says the wicked will do wickedly.
Once again we see that “the thread of justice is woven into the fabric of the universe”
These 2 insider trading grifters just got their first peek at what karma has in store for them.
If I were Nancy I’d be tested for AIDS.
nasty piglosi looks and sounds like a spastic, twitching cadaver with tourette’s! the AIDS wouldn’t last more than 5 minutes due to all the formaldehyde and chardonnay in her cadaverous carcass.
Nancy Pelosi having sex with someone is almost as disgusting as this story, and it happening willingly less likely than the official story here.
She could join the gay troupe with Paul’s hammer whore and could pass for an ugly dude with him if she needs a new job. Maybe her husband will like her like that too.
The video as the door magically opening while Paul has 1 hand on the hammer while holding a drink with the other. — That in and of itself is incredibly dubious and raise more questions:
How does one open a door with both hands full and busy? 3rd person in the house behind the door?
Why does one defend against an “aggressive attacker” with only 1 hand and be so blase about it that one is holding a drink with the other?
Why the odd language on the 911 call??
This whole thing smells.
He also had zip ties. Maybe all the cocaine made him forget how t9 defend himself. And then he forgot the guy was an intruder from other drugs. That story is easier to swallow than what the homosexual prostitue and nudist wedding priest probably had to and this story to boot.
This is the end result of a Gay Cocaine filled dirty Weekend binge while Nasty was in DC doing the work of the Devil as Paul was arguing about how much he was going to pay a Male Prostitute he invited into his home and then called the Cops in his underwear..
Thats pretty obvious to me.
I started out thinking it was the typical mundane incident, namely some crazy guy breaks in and opportunistically whacks Paul based on the situation at the time. After all, most things turn out to be pretty mundane when the facts are known. But then all the bizarre contradictions in the official stories and withholding of information made it easy to believe alternative theories.
He broke in, both of them stripped down to their underwear. He got a hammer, so Paul Pelosi got zip ties to protect himself and was lovingly patting the intruder before he said something to the Cops. Wheras he was a happy home intruder before, now he was an angry one and attacked.
I can make more coherent patterns in the snow with natural yellow dye than this commie crap story.
To me, DePape looked like he was wearing shorts – a common thing in California and anywhere else. In recent years, I even see men wearing shorts and t-shirts in cold weather.
Justice for the gay hammer man, Paul Pelosi obviously wasn’t paying. I don’t think that’s why he had zip ties though.
Life is hard for homosexual prostitutes trying to make a living off the most powerful men in the world, he was just trying to survive in a tough world why is no one on the left helping him. Do they want to force all homosexual prostitutes to take the hammer and zip ties into their own hands like this?
Paul Pelosi should apologize to him publicly and maybe they can do their nails or whatever they do together again
A very strong article. The very people who try to blame mainstream, law-abiding conservatives for the occasional acts of madmen are the same people who would be shocked if we did the same thing by blaming them for the attack on Scalise (and a dozen other Republican congressmen), the Waukesha massacre, the murderous attack on Dallas police by BLM supporters, or any other crime by people explicitly or demographically associated with the left.