It’s a tragic statement about the decline of the West that such a thing as a “TikTok influencer” even exists, but transgender actor Dylan Mulvaney, 26, has successfully ridden that train to the notoriety he so clearly craves, with over ten million online followers. His video series titled Days of Girlhood, in which he flounces about in a parody of girlishness so inauthentic that no one would ever mistake it for true femininity, has garnered over a billion views – another sad commentary on our civilization. He has even been invited to the White House for a sit-down interview with alleged President Joe Biden.
Recently Mulvaney posted a video, “Day 335” in his series, in which he flaunted a creepy look featuring heels, a short dress, bright red lipstick, and hair extensions that he couldn’t stop playing with. He declared that he looked so “hot” that he could steal husbands, but reassured his female audience that he would never do that to them because sisterhood or something.
In response, Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, star of the wildly popular documentary about gender madness called What is a Woman? and a fierce activist in the cause of gender sanity, posted a video in which he blasted Mulvaney for what Walsh called the TikToker’s “degrading, woman-faced minstrel show”:
You do not pass as a woman, or at a woman at all, even with fifty pounds of makeup and plastic surgery and clever lighting tricks. Even then, you still cannot escape what you really are and what you will always be…
Your femininity quotient has not increased at a rate commensurate with the loss of your masculinity. You may not be masculine, but you also are not feminine. Instead, you are weird and artificial, you are manufactured and you are lifeless, you are unearthly and eerie…
You’ll never be accepted as a woman by anyone, not even the people who pretend to accept you… Everyone who sees you will see something pitiable and bizarre, something utterly unfeminine in every way…
Check out that video clip from The Matt Walsh Show below, cued up to his segment on Mulvaney:
Needless to say, Walsh’s video predictably triggered those in the pro-trans movement who already considered him a fascist bigot whose rhetoric would cause a literal genocide of trans people. A high percentage of those attacking him seemed to be snobs sneering at Walsh’s high school education and crowing about how their post-graduate credentials in gender theory and queer studies give them the authority to reject biological fact and assert that men can be women. This wasn’t the “win” they thought it was, since it only exposed the intellectual fraudulence of today’s higher education.
But less predictably (or maybe not), he received seemingly as much pushback from fellow conservatives as from the Left. Indeed, for the next several days Walsh was occupied on social media with fending off complaints from the finger-wagging Right that he had been “mean” to Mulvaney in his commentary. He was castigated for his “divisiveness.” He was lectured that his disrespectful approach wouldn’t win us any converts from the gender ideologues. Here is a representative sample:
You didn’t just tell the truth Matt, you chose to use inflammatory and divisive language to attack an individual. No hearts and minds are going to be won by spewing poisonous diatribes. You’re pandering to your base. Wars are not won by doing this.
— Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) February 19, 2023
Walsh eventually posted a video response to his conservative critics, in which he stated, in part,
They all agree that I’m right, that what I said is factually correct. But they think it goes too far by saying it out loud. Mulvaney is running around like some cartoon of a woman passing out tampons in the women’s room and meeting with the president to defend the mutilation of children. But I went too far. You see, this is where we differ. Because in the culture war, I don’t think it’s possible to go too far by speaking truth…
You want me to lie to protect the feelings of our enemies. And make no mistake, Dylan Mulvaney is our enemy. He is an open, visible, and active, and passionate advocate for the abuse of children, the war on fundamental truth, and the destruction of human society as we know it. You wish to defeat this man in a way that will not make him feel bad about himself…
I’m not going to protect your feelings any more than I am going to protect his. You are deluding yourself. We got in this position in our culture precisely by valuing politeness over truth.
The other side is not interested in compromise. They want nothing less than your unconditional surrender. We have to meet them with that same energy or we will lose, or continue to lose…
You don’t convince people by being nice. You don’t. At least not on a cultural level. I mean, where did you get this idea? Where did you arrive at this conclusion? That the way to win the culture is being nice. Is that how the left won the culture? Have you been paying attention at all? They have seized hold our society indoctrinating an entire generation and they didn’t do it with niceness. They didn’t win these flies with honey. They did it by being bold and aggressive and by making their opposition’s arguments seen as not only wrong but utterly horrific and insane. That’s how they did it…
We moderate our tone. We seek to kill them with kindness while they recruit legions by doing exactly the opposite. Again I ask you, when will you learn?
Walsh is correct. In an ideal world, Democrats and Republicans would engage each other like Old School gentlemen with civility and mutually respectful debate. Ideally. But the political reality today is that our parties represent two utterly incompatible worldviews; the Left recognizes this and is waging total war, ruthlessly and relentlessly, to eradicate the opposition while the Right clings to the Marquess of Queensberry rules and keeps taking it on the chin.
This is why, when Donald Trump entered the political arena after the failures of a string of conservative leaders like John McCain and Mitt Romney — men who valued noble defeat over ugly victory — he so galvanized the Right and enraged the Left. The enemy was utterly unaccustomed to having a conservative opponent get down in the gutter with them and give better than he got. Trump understood – as Matt Walsh noted in his video – that you have to meet the enemy with the same (or preferably a greater) level of aggression in order to win or be trampled, and he began to make America great again.
As it happens, Matt Walsh’s winning strategy is the same one that the David Horowitz Freedom Center has been using for nearly 35 years. Horowitz came from the radical Left and understands deeply that his former fellow ideologues are not “liberals” who can ever be seduced out of their radicalism by niceness or fair play or polite debate (hence the Center’s tag line: “Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out”). He understands that they need to be confronted by the bare-knuckled truth.
In that sense, Horowitz’s Freedom Center was conceived not as a think tank, but as a battle tank in the defense of free societies whose moral, cultural, and economic foundations are under assault by radical enemies within and without. And the Center has taken the fight to those enemies unapologetically and uncompromisingly ever since.
Originally posted at Culture Warrior.
It’s not nice to say nothing while someone promotes drugging and mutilating people.
Particularly when those people are children.
These perverts would abuse our children at the drop of a hat and have no regrets because in their heads the children wanted it because…
I heard Matt defending his position yesterday, I’m with him.
There was a time when Dr. Mengele was considered the epitome of evil. Now large segments of our society are playing games with the bodies and psyches of children who need mature, principled, moral guidance and protection, not unrestricted recruitment for satanic rituals in gender/identity degradation. This is evil on a level we haven’t seen since WWII and it is being conducted at our supposedly best hospitals, being cheered on by our universities, and protected by evil politicians….Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for less.
In fact it is an act of extreme cowardice not to mention depraved indifference. there is going to be a reckoning and it is going to be terrifying for these reprobates.
Walsh is spot on. I couldn’t agree more. His punches hurt because they are obsidian truth, and that is what is needed to sift and separate the children of the dark from the children of the light. There is NO common ground between the two., and the evil left knows it. It’s about time we stop speaking in pastels. and lead with unbreakable faith.
We also need to stop shackling people who speak the hard truth with these idiotic rules of censorship that so many supposedly conservative web sites impose in an ill-conceived effort to project moral rectitude fused with political correctness. it is the equivalence to boxing matches where one boxer is limited to slapping. This isn’t a slap fight and those who are afraid to fight will never win.
My comment is awaiting moderation…Once again. Moderation of what? Purpose? Belief? Testosterone? Or the will to win? Ain’t happening.
Good to see you back after all of this time.
Almost everyone’s comments get the “Your Comment is awaiting Moderation” these days.
They took a pretty good comment system and made it worse. No editing and still no block button. Go figure.
Good to see you too. I agree wholeheartedly on the editing function. It seems like I make a mistake every other word..
Welcome back. I’ve missed reading your many thoughtful, well-written comments. It’s been quite a while.
Thanks. It’s strange to think of the relatively recent past as the good old days, but they were further from the consequences we all warned about than today where the consequences are palpable and the nation’s state is dire.
God be with you!
“Obsidian truth.” What a beautiful turn of phrase!
Everything the left does is an effort to soften, confuse, blend, merge, camouflage or water down. truth. Truth repels gradation or “a scale or a series of successive changes, stages, or degrees:” Truth is immutable and hard. If one smashes one’s face against the truth hard enough, it will reliably reward with a long lasting memory of the consequent pain. We are now experiencing the pain of not defending the truth we were taught as children.
People babble about freedom, but without any context. Freedom out of context is meaningless. There are two kinds of freedom: freedom from and freedom to. Freedom from tyranny is a meaningful context and that is what our constitution was written to defend, but we don’t defend our constitution and haven’t for generations. Now we face the hard consequences of abandoning that which gave us freedom from tyranny. We careen through our kaleidoscopic licentious culture only to eventually run into obsidian truth.
Your comment is so spot on. I would like to add one thing: Speaking the truth is loving, even when and especially if the truth is “ugly.” Speaking a lie to those who are suffering in its grip is hateful.
Someone once said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
Lies are bars of a cage. No one ever lied for the benefit of another. The curious thing about lies is that the person being lied to is entrapped by the lie but so is the liar. This is the Lose/Lose methodology of the left.
If the denizens of the left’s darkness don’t like the truth Jesus shared with us, perhaps they’ll enjoy the mill stones or the sword He alluded to before he ascended.
truebearing, welcome back!
Thank you. It’s nice to be remembered. I hope you are doing well despite the Blight of Biden.
Hi TB! Where have you been all this time? Good to see you back. And good to read your always worthwhile comments.
Thanks, Lightbringer, I’ve been wandering in the barrens where healthy forests once grew.. I wear a mask to filter the toxic dust blown by hostile winds, but the mask mutes my voice when I protest or try to rally others likewise trapped in isolation..and fenced in by interwoven lies.
One thing I have learned in my wanderings is that visible fences are somehow immoral but invisible ones made with empty lies are very difficult to climb
Matt Walsh is a NeverTrump establishment type.
He celebrated the deplatforming of Alex Jones. Called Trump supporters “fake Christians”. Admitted to being friends with Meghan McCain, Dan Crenshaw and many more.
I know you say we can’t shackle people who tell the truth. But the GOP establishment are NOT on our side. Never were.
Walsh only spoke out about gender ideology after his owners at the Daily Wire told him it was ok. He was quiet as a church mouse when the actual castration of children was first rolled out. Nothing he does is organic.
You need to provide proof of this, because IF true, I’d love to read it.
Bravo Matt & Mark
Foster wrote: “…you chose to use inflammatory and divisive language to attack an individual. No hearts and minds are going to be won by spewing poisonous diatribes. You’re pandering to your base. Wars are not won by doing this….”
Gee, maybe you could have told the Soviets, the CCP and the North Vietnamese that these tactics would never win a war in Vietnam, saving 58,000 Americans… because it’s exactly what the aforementioned Commies have always done to win wars.
Latest example: The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion politburo, not just at every level of the education system, but most recently, and very quietly, dictated into the Federal Gov’t by the POTUS… and like Foster quipped.., Joe’s pandering to his Marxist base.
Insults, guilt trips and threats of urban violence seem to be winning their war.
Walsh’s video is must watching on this issue
Who is Dylan Mulvaney, or as he should be known: Sam Brinton Lite flouncing around in heels, a short dress, bright red lipstick, and hair extensions, and why should I give a crap.
Leftist American “men” are pathetic. I’m starting to think the real “men” on the left are all of the white Karens scolding everyone.
I saw Kemala’s hubby on Tucker last night whining about toxic masculinity. Talk about an emasculated man. Can we say balls in a jar on the mantel piece? I guess he is in touch with his feminine side. Pathetic.
However, yiu all were disingenuous when ‘reviewing’ diana west’s book
Nobody gives Diana West’s brilliant book the credit it deserves. She is a much=maligned prophet in her own country.
To be as confrontational and devoted to the truth (and entertaining) as Walsh is, one must be prepared to lose many former friends and be very much alone. And honestly, it hurts so much, at times, that I choose to back off and remain silent. My shame, if you will.
“Trump understood – as Matt Walsh noted in his video – that you have to meet the enemy with the same (or preferably a greater) level of aggression in order to win….”
It is perhaps the best reason to love Trump, as I do. Trump is now going to take advantage of the terrible progressive election laws to harvest ballots better than the cheating democrats. THIS IS GREAT. No one exposes the leftist heart better than Trump.
Trump was castigated for one of his businesses declaring bankruptcy. He basically answered that he did nothing wrong – and he was correct. He was being admirably shrewd to protect his own interest.
God bless President Trump. The fraudulent 2020 election results have had catastrophic consequences. It’s not hard to imagine how immeasurably better off we would have been if the fraud – carried out in multiple ways – had been stopped, or used as the justifiable basis to declare the Biden “victory” null and void. If only.
The whole world would have been better off without this election fraud. Every drop of Ukrainian blood is on Democrat hands. As is every drop of Russian blood, and the hunger of third-world people who can’t get cheap wheat from that region. And the cold of the Europeans who can’t get natural gas because someone — probably us — blew up the Russian pipeline. And… one could go on and on. This theft has hurt the entire world.
“Your femininity quotient has not increased at a rate commensurate with the loss of your masculinity.”
Walsh thinks with clarity. A woman is NOT a man minus anything.
Ketanji Brown cannot answer the question “What is a woman?” without referring to experts in biology. Why was she not further pressed on that idiotic answer! That no one can know anything unless he is an expert is a leftist ploy that should be mercilessly mocked and destroyed.
Walsh is 100% correct! As a woman, Dylan is so repulsive to even begin to consider that his behavior resembles anything feminine, that it’s hard to believe that anyone can go along with his “program”.
I believe that what’s going on in schools has to be brought to an abrupt stop. Someone remarked that there ought to be psychological testing done before anyone is employed as a teacher, or in any other position having influence over children. I couldn’t agree more!
This Dylan creature and others like it have a deep-seated hatred of women. That is the only possible explanation of their “minstrel show” prancing.
I’ve heard it put forward teachers could be drawn from the pool of any persons holding a master’s degree in a given subject. That would put an end to hiring only those “certified” by the cultist “teacher’s colleges”. Marrying that to the expulsion of teacher unions would go a long way in thinning out the leftist ideologues currently propagandizing our school children.
Just like facing bullies (which lefties are). You cannot reason with them, be nice to them, appeal to their humanity, explain yourself, try to prove anything to them, respect our differences, or beg them to leave you the alone. Equal force is the ONLY thing they understand. As a victim of bullying as a kid, and later as a young adult in the workforce, I am acutely aware of that reality.
From a religious perspective, you can bet that on Judgement Day it will not be peaches and cream.
with friends like conservatives, who needs enemies.
Wow! talk about cultural appropriation! Its so ridiculous, erroneous, and yes, offensive to present a costume and make up as what a woman, a female human being, is. Its mocking, disrespectful, reductive and rude.
IDK who this trans dude is. But If he can mock women, why on earth can’t I mock him?
Trans rates higher on the leftist hierarchy of victim groups than females, I guess. Its difficult to follow. A few years ago there was no such group as trans. Whats the next fabricated scared victim group? furries?
Women are being erased. It seems to be that simple.
It appears Sam Brinton is skirting that particular fetish (furries). Pun intended.
Tapson, you’re not going to win over leftists no matter how tough you get. Progressives aren’t the audience. It’s the confused middle that’s our audience.
Conceptual clarity and firm adherence to principle clears the confusion and wins respect of those up for grabs. There’s no conceptual clarity on the right which is why we too often resort to punching below the belt. And that only makes us look desperate.
I heard an analogy last night that fits this situation. During our war of independence the practice of facing off in an open field 50 yards apart, shooting at each other until one side succumbed was the “honorable” form of battle. The continental army refused to accept this practice and went all “guerilla” on the Red Coats. It is then when the tide began to turn in our favor. The left has been employing this tactic for decades while some people on the right shake their heads and try to figure out how to fight back under the Marquis of Queensbury rules. If anything, Mr. Walsh is trying to tell us we have to fight fire with fire and until then we will continue to lose the war. It is ridiculous to apply courtesy and decency against a foe that scoffs at both.