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More on Queen Rania of Jordan’s false claims can be found here: “Jordan’s Queen Rania: Israel had one October 7, the Palestinians have had 156,” Jerusalem Post, March 13, 2024:
Queen Rania claims that the “dehumanization” of Palestinians is “systematic” in Israel and that it is unjustifiably ingrained in Israeli society to believe “if we don’t kill them, they’re going to kill us” regarding the Palestinians. She says that she blames “hardline leaders for keeping their people in this perpetual state of fear of an existential threat that doesn’t exist and making them feel like just killing Palestinians and killing Hamas is going to be the solution to the problem.”
So Israelis are kept in a “perpetual state of fear” by their own leaders? They have nothing to fear from Arab states that tried to destroy Israel in 1948, 1967, and 1973? Nothing to fear, in 1948, when Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League, promised that the coming war between the Arab states and Israel would be a terrible one for the Jews. “This war,” he said, “will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongol massacres and the Crusades.” And in 1967, Gamal Abdel Nasser promised hysterical Cairene crowds that soon enough Egypt’s army would be in Tel Aviv, and Israel would no longer exist. In 1973, the surprise attack on Israel by the armies of Egypt and Syria almost led to an Arab victory. And ever since the 1970s, the Israelis have endured the scourge of terrorist attacks: the hijacking of planes, the murder of thousands of innocent Israelis shot dead on busses, blown up at Passover seders and in pizza parlors, run over or shot while waiting at bus stops and car washes, stabbed to death while shopping in an Arab village, or while walking through the Old City, whole families murdered when the parents were driving their children home from school in the West Bank, and on and on. It is not Israel’s leaders who keep the people of Israel in a “perpetual state of fear,” but the unending terror attacks that unnerve some in Israel. And yet despite these attacks, most Israelis have not succumbed to fear, but are fighting back against a ruthless enemy with cool determination, like the 360,000 IDF reservists who immediately showed up when called to help the professional army in Gaza to fight against Hamas. Israelis are not cowering in fear. Since 1948, they have given the world a lesson in bravery.
Queen Rania concluded the interview by saying, “We in this part of the world need to find a way to share these holy lands in peace.”
Israel has tried to make peace with the Arabs several times. In 1947, the Jews accepted the UN’s partition plan for “Palestine,” but the Arabs turned it down. In 1949, Israel offered to make the armistice lines into permanent borders, but the Arabs turned that offer down. After the 1967 war, Israel offered to make peace with the Arabs, who responded at a meeting of the Arab League in Khartoum with “the three No’s” — no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel and no negotiations with Israel. Israel eventually made a separate peace with Egypt, which in return for a promise of peace in 1979, got back from Israel the entire Sinai that Israel had won in the Six Day War. In 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty. Israel and several Arab states have become members of the Abraham Accords, with those states agreeing to a “normalization of ties” with Israel. They include Morocco, Bahrain, and the UAE. That is now the best way to enlarge the circle of peace in the region. Queen Rania doesn’t mention it.
In 2000, Ehud Barak made a generous offer to Yassir Arafat, to return 92% of the West Bank, with compensating territory taken from Israel and given to the Palestinians. He also offered to give the Palestinians control over the Muslim and Christian Quarters of the Old City. Yassir Arafat wouldn’t even discuss it; he simply walked away. In 2008, Ehud Olmert made an even more generous offer to Mahmoud Abbas, which included giving the Palestinians 5.8% of Israel’s territory to compensate for the 6.3% of the West Bank that Israel, for security reasons, wanted to annex. That 5.8% of Israel was greater in area than the 6.3% of the West Bank that Israel wanted to retain. Olmert also offered to implement a five-nation trusteeship for the Holy Basin surrounding the Old City of Jerusalem.
Like Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas simply walked away. Yet here is Queen Rania, claiming that it is Israel that does not want to make peace.
Queen Rania is fetching in her outer aspect. But she is distinctly meretricious in her version of the Arab-Israeli conflict. There is an old French saying: Sois-belle, et tais-toi. Be beautiful, and stay quiet. A word to the wise, Queen Rania. A word to the wise.
In the early seventh century, the Muslims had their newly conquered holy sites in Arabia. They had to use force even there, because their leader was not recognized as a prophet by enough people. Since
then, they have never wanted to “share these holy lands in peace,” as the queen pretends to wish. Instead they spread across continents by force and replaced all the “holy” sites of others that they could.
Does she know that her father-in-law killed thousands of Pali terrorists because they threatened his throne? If they had succeeded we wouldn’t have the ignorant Queen Rania to listen to.
Thanks Hugh! There were many evil queens in history that had a huge disastrous influence on events but the topic is hardly touched.
The Koran was gifted to the Semitic tribes as a counter to the growth of Christianity. The Koran is in effect selective writings from the Talmud. Two thousand plus years of retribution against the Christians.
No idea where you’re getting your information. If it was a “gift,” it was a gift from Satan that damns both the Arabs and others who believe it.
Jordan is a bogus state carved from Palestine byBritain to placate the Hashemite losers in the war against the Sauds in the Hijaz. Her throne is glass, her dream of an enduring monarchy as fragile as Cinderella’s slipper. All that keeps her alive is the IDF taking in her husband’s many enemies.
There is no such a thing as peace, love or friendship in islam.
Islam is the ideology of war, hate and deception.
Ask Queen Rania how her Father In Law dealt with fatah. The fakestinians called it “Black September.”
If anything is an obstacle to peace its due to Arab tribalism. The Hashemites prior to their civil war with the Saud family, lived in the Western Arabian Peninsula and controlled the cities of Mecca & Medina. The Saud’s who hired religious fanatics to fight for them, expelled the Hashemites from their home and took over the religious cities of Mecca & Medina.
The Hashemites fought alongside Britain against the Turks. After WW1, Britain installed 2 puppet and artificial Hashemite kings in the majority of its Mandated property. It gave one brother the Mandate of Mesopotamia, which became the fake nation of Iraq. While breaking off 78% of the Mandate of Palestine to create the fake nation of Jordan.
The Hashemites in Iraq were murdered by a military coup, leaving still the fake Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. If the Arabs really want peace, it starts with the Saudis making peace with the Hashemites and allowing the remaining Hashemites to return to Arabia. Then the fake nation of Jordan can become the fake nation of Palestine. But still don’t expect the Arabs to accept this because their problems are all due to a combination of radical Islam with its desire to exterminate Jews and tribalism. Even creating a fake nation of Palestine in place of Jordan would still not stop the Muslims from wanting to destroy Israel.
Queen Rania’s protestations remind me of an occasion in my childhood, when I and my little sister demolished all the chocolate biscuits in the biscuit tin. “Who ate all my biscuits?” my mother asked. “Him over there”, we said, pointing to my 3 month old baby brother slumbering in his cradle. For some reason, she didn’t believe us. Nasty suspicious minds some parents have.
it all goes back some 4000 years ago with Issac and Ishmael – Issac (Israel) legitimate son of Abraham the one promised from God – Ishmael (Arabs) the son of Hagar who was Sarah.s handmaiden which Sarah gave to Abraham to mate and produce an heir, not believing God’s word that she will conceive even though she was old at the time of Hagar
Gen17:17 And will Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child? But God said, but Sarah your wife will bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; Sarah was 99 years old when she gave birth to Issac and Abraham was 100
for Ishmael
Gen 16:12 “He will be a wild donkey of a man (Bedouin), His hand will be against everyone,
And everyone’s hand will be against him;
The Queen presents a solution to Gaza. Jordan is the part of “Palestine” created for Arabs, Jews not allowed. The population of Gaza should be marched across to Jordan, from the Sea to the River. Problem solved.