I called it at the time, but it wasn’t any kind of great leap of faith.
But don’t worry. There will be investigations. In Palm Beach, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, has promised to investigate how Epstein was able to use his stockade as a hotel and his deputies as private security even though the logs have been destroyed.
There are investigations in New York City and you can bet they’ll be every bit as thorough and useless.
Last month the Florida investigation was wrapped up with a big thumbs up.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has cleared the state prosecutors in Palm Beach County, as well as the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, of any wrongdoing in connection to the work release privileges and lack of criminal prosecution related to the late Jeffrey Epstein.
Jeffrey got to have his own office, fly around the country, and treat the jail like a hotel, and there was no wrongdoing. He was not listed as a sex offender in the three states he lived. No wrongdoing.
Now the verdict is in over his suicide.
Two Manhattan federal jail guard officers accused of failing to keep watch over inmate Jeffrey Epstein the night he killed himself in 2019 have reached an agreement with prosecutors that will result in the dismissal of criminal charges they currently face if they comply with certain conditions.
As part of a deferred prosecution agreement revealed late Friday afternoon, the guards, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, will be kept under pre-trial supervision for six months.
And they must perform 100 hours of community service — “preferably in an area related to the criminal justice system,” prosecutors said in a court filing.
This is all a tedious joke. As is the prolonged battle over Epstein’s estate and the Maxwell case that will also go nowhere. The Epstein case is a black hole and nothing’s ever coming out of it again.
The last chance of that happening ended when Jeffrey Epstein was found dead.
Many questions will be asked. Almost all of them will be the wrong ones. Here’s an old question that few have spent any real time asking.
Remember this whole thing spilled out into the light of day because the media decided to target a Trump appointee. Epstein was collateral damage in a hit piece on Trump’s appointee, Acosta.
He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” Acosta allegedly told his interviewers in the Trump transition.
Acosta was specifically asked about this.
“So, there has been reporting to that effect. And let me say, there’s been report to a lot of effects in this case. Not just now but over the years. And again, I would, I would hesitate to take this reporting as fact,” Acosta said.
That sounds like a “no”, but that’s not actually a “no”.
There’s always been a very simple explanation for the rise and fall of Jeffrey Epstein, his lifestyle, and his seeming immunity. And also his downfall and death.
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