[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2012/05/NATO_Summit_Chicago-0727d.gif)The NATO summit in Chicago has produced an impressive list of arrests for demonstrations officially billed by the Left and the compliant mainstream media as “nonviolent.” Some of the alleged pacifists conspired to maim and kill Americans.
The wave of violence unleashed by the Obama-endorsed Occupy Wall Street movement and other elements of the activist Left in recent weeks is part of what left-wingers are calling the “99% Spring.” The actions, which are being cheered on by small-c communist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, are designed to foment civil unrest and prompt change.
Occupy Wall Street and the satellite protests it has spawned in cities across the U.S. and around the world have been spectacularly violent. Radical activists are responsible for hundreds of serious crimes, including murder, assault, gang rape, arson, rioting, and robbery.
Around the NATO summit at least four police officers were assaulted by radical activists and around 45 protesters were arrested by police on Sunday. The city of Chicago’s official website may have been targeted by computer hackers on Sunday when it went offline for part of the day. City and federal authorities are investigating.
Former anarchist activist Brandon Darby warned of the approaching violence weeks ago. In an exclusive interview Sunday, Darby said, “I told you so.”
“When an entire movement does nothing but convince young people that America is evil and must be stopped by any means necessary it makes it inevitable that some of them will take actions like the ones we’ve seen over and over again involving police officers, conservatives, and Molotov cocktails,” said Darby.
Darby has been targeted by the Left ever since it was publicly revealed that the former community organizer saved the lives of innocent Americans by thwarting the planned fire-bombing of the 2008 Republican Convention by two anarchists. (The plot was revealed in my book Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers.)
Also on Sunday, two Chicago-area men were arrested on terrorism-related charges.
Sebastian Senakiewicz, 24, has been charged with falsely making a terrorist threat by claiming that he possessed homemade explosives concealed within a hollowed-out “Harry Potter” novel. He allegedly claimed the device could destroy a highway overpass. Prosecutors said they did not find explosives at Senakiewicz’s home.
Mark Neiweem, 28, was charged with “solicitation for possession” of explosives or incendiary devices. The accused allegedly talked about making a pipe bomb and wrote out a list of the ingredients he believed were needed to make the device.
Neiweem is a convicted felon with a history of violence. At the time of his arrest he was already on probation for “aggravated battery to a police officer.” He was previously convicted in 2009 of “aggravated assault to a police officer,” a misdemeanor, and in 2005 of “criminal damage to property,” according to newly filed court documents.
Authorities said the activities of Senakiewicz and Neiweem were unrelated to another bombing plot involving President Obama’s Chicago-based reelection campaign headquarters.
Three self-described anarchists were arrested Saturday after traveling from Florida to Chicago and allegedly plotting to attack Obama campaign offices, the home of Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, and police stations. Molotov cocktails were allegedly involved.
The men have been identified as Brian Church, 22, of Fort Lauderdale; Jared Chase, 27, of Keene, N.H.; and Brent Betterly, 24, address unknown.
Their lawyers claim the accused men were patsies set up by authorities. “This is just propaganda to create a climate of fear,” defense attorney Michael Duetsch huffed.
Last week demonstrators led a “F*** the Police” protest action in Chicagoland as mask-wearing activists in black clothing carried communist and anarchist flags in hopes of winning the hearts and minds of Middle America. Leftists and union goons terrorized entire neighborhoods, provoking fisticuffs, creating makeshift barricades, dragging dumpsters into the streets, and upending garbage cans.
Less than a month ago several radicals were arrested in Cleveland after plotting to blow up a busy bridge over the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Self-described anarchists Douglas L. Wright, 26, Brandon L. Baxter, 20, and Anthony Hayne, 35, were charged with conspiracy and attempted use of explosive materials to damage physical property affecting interstate commerce. The other two plotters, Connor C. Stevens, 20, and Joshua S. Stafford, 23, were arrested and charged with similar crimes but were not identified as anarchists.
Wright and Baxter reportedly told an FBI informant that taking out a bridge would cause great financial distress. “Taking out a bridge in the business district would cost the … corporate big wigs a lot of money,” Baxter was quoted saying. The duo also talked about blowing up the NATO summit in Chicago, the upcoming Republican convention in Tampa, Florida, and a Cleveland casino, according to authorities.
Wright reportedly said previously that anarchists across the nation would eventually be “rioting and destroying” both Cleveland and Chicago. Cleveland would be reduced to “a pile of rubble and ashes” and Chicago would experience even more chaos, he was quoted saying.
None of this surprises Brandon Darby.
“On the Right we call out our crazies and marginalize them but on the Left they rally around them, attacking law enforcement and launching spin campaigns and doing everything they can to deify and humanize the perpetrator and to minimize the crime.”
“Maybe if the Left would stop defending such crazy actions … then we’d stop seeing such violent atrocities from their ranks,” Darby said.
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