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There is no bottom for Democrats to hit, so if you’ve been waiting for one of them to stand up and express outrage about anything related to any of the damaging policies they push, don’t hold your breath. Murdered Americans at the hands of illegal aliens? Yawn. Random women being punched in the face by thugs and goons on the streets of New York? Whatever. Are Americans unable to fill their gas tanks or afford groceries? Who cares? You morons don’t know how good you’ve got it anyway, ingrates.
That’s the attitude of Democrats, at least, and they mean it. They hate you. Seriously. Hate them back.
Not like you need more evidence or reason, but there was something that happened this week on MSNBC that was particularly illustrative of what’s wrong with Democrats. No, it wasn’t the firing of Ronna McDaniel, though that was bad enough. It was about the border.
We know Democrats don’t give a damn about the border, at least insofar as securing it goes. They love the border so much that they will do nothing to secure it at all, kind of like how they treat voting – the sanctity of it is so important that anything is done to ensure its integrity, no matter how commonsensical or obvious, must be banned. Their policy toward voting and the border makes zero sense, which means they’re not simply “wrong” by accident, they’re wrong by choice – because pushing the wrong thing helps them.
While not giving a damn about the border, MSNBC can’t ignore it. Even the most dedicated Rachel Maddow zombie knows people are flooding across it. So, the left needs to find a way to talk about something that outrages their base about something other than the dead bodies from illegal alien murders or drug overdoses. What did these sociopaths come up with? Abortion.
You might wonder how abortion fits into the border, but that’s only because you’re a sane person. If you really thought about it, you could probably conclude that the issue relates to all the sexual assaults and rapes illegal aliens suffer on the long march north, and you’d be right. But not in the way you think.
In a truly amazing segment, MSNBC expressed outrage not over the cartels and their kidnapping of women they are smuggling and holding them to be repeatedly raped by their fellow “migrants,” nope. It wasn’t about that. Nor was the segment about the horrors women face in third-world cultures like those Democrats are playing international red rover with on our border – no one on the left wants to talk about that, they’d rather whine about a lie like the “wage gap” than cultural rot they’re inviting to overwhelm our neighborhoods and schools.
Nope, MSNBC brought on nepo baby Paola Ramos, daughter of racist Univision “anchor” Jorge Ramos, to lament how illegal alien rape victims have difficulty getting abortion pills once they enter Texas illegally like Border Patrol agents should give it out like gum at an onion-eating contest. Swear to God.
The employment by network of Ramos, someone who couldn’t be more of a prototype of an MSNBC employee if the network had access to all the parts to build their own human – Hispanic, uses “LantinX,” lesbian, worked for Obama and Biden, hardcore left-wing activist – has never stirred controversy the way someone genuinely dangerous like a person who holds opinions different than those of the Democratic Party. No on-air rage-fueled monologues about how casually she and host Jose Diaz-Balart gloss over the sex slavery of women encouraged to run that cartel gauntlet by Joe Biden and his open border, only the outrageous concept of a state being able to decide on its own laws.
Ramos opens her segment on illegal alien women being unable to find abortion pills with, “Well, Jose, as you can imagine, they are horrified. They’re traumatized. I spoke to women that had been held by the cartels, some for a week, some for over a month, as they were being sexually abused, but I think, Jose, this is a reflection of a larger problem that we’re seeing, right? Where there are migrant women who are stepping into the United States with rape-related pregnancies and as they’re then trying to navigate this complicated legal anti-abortion landscape and so the question that we have is: what does that look like, right? What does post-Roe look like through the eyes of one of those migrants and here’s what we found.”
It’s unbelievable, but true.
The repeated rape isn’t the problem, the third-world mentality flooding into the country resulting in sexual assaults here in our country isn’t the outrage, it’s the difficulty in finding abortion pills. It’s not the problem itself – hell, Democrats don’t see the rape as a problem, they’re still in a refractory period from a fundraiser celebrating Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, it’s only an inconvenience – the problem is a lack of free abortions.
They’re sick people. They’re evil.
Democrats have their priorities, not a single one of which is American citizens. They want illegals, they need more people dependent on the government, and the current crop is getting restless and flirting with straying. They’re terrified. They’re also worried about their Ponzi scheme of Social Security crashing down around them, lest they import more suckers to force into it.
Have I mentioned how they’re evil? Can you imagine a way in which they could be even more evil? Let’s not allow them to try.
“Have I mentioned how they’re evil? Can you imagine a way in which they could be even more evil? Let’s not allow them to try.”
Any suggestions on how we not allow them to try? Hint: “Vote harder!” is not going to fly.
George Washington: “That’s why we gave you the 2A – wise up America.”
GAW, nor any other Founding Father, ‘gave’ we, The People nothing; but for their Lives, and their Fortunes, in defense of Liberty for We, The People.
neither does our Constitution confer, grant, bestow, authorize, any one of our Rights God Given; let alone of all.
such adoption of terms created/misapplied/misused by the enemy, hands to that enemy not just the bounds of the discourse, but also makes the enemy the ‘referee’ of terms.
usage propunded specifically to obsure, even redact that fact, that Rights are From God only, by defininition, moves every overton leftward, even as such terms make all but impossible even the proper comprehensions of any/every topic, esp of subjects most dear to defence of Liberty Under Law as the bedrock premise of FedGov.
In the picture the cop is saying to Biden: ” Look Mr. President, it’s easy. Just put one foot ahead of the other, and the the next step is the same but reversed, and then the next step, and the next. Very good Mr. President.. See we are walking.
Biden: “Thanks for your help, officer. It’s always hard for me to walk when I have a load in my pants.”
Good one, Snuffy!
There is another more obvious way the border relates to abortion. Democrats are still killing their own unborn children at a suicidal rate. The only way to replenish their ranks is to import an unlimited numbers of illegals and give them the right to vote.
Without a doubt!
Looks like Democrats have run out of things to hate about America. So now one must take up the fight for abortion pills for illegals. That’s some pretty rich stuff there to add to the list of “Things Democrats Want Americans to Care About.” That list would be the appendix to the “Things Democrats Hate About America” list. Undecided voters might decide to make up their minds after reading those.
Not only evil, but stupid. They WANT to live in the awful place that they seek to create on the bones of the USA, and ease the discomfort they feel in a free meritocracy.
The Democ-Rats wants Open Borders and a Disarmed American People they want America under the Paris Climate Accord they want to eliminate all competition and they want to be Emperors and rule for Life
There are borders, and there are “Borders”, and not all of them are sacrosanct. SOME “Borders” must be defended at all costs, like Ukraine’s “Border” with Russia. Some borders are totally not recognized by the World; the Gaza border with Israel, the Lebanon border with Israel, the Syrian border with Israel, and the Egyptian border with Israel. All “NATO” borders are sacrosanct, but ONE NATO Nation does NOT HAVE BORDERS anymore. They have been “disappeared” so they don’t exist. A Nation without borders. “The Borders are Right”, “Come on down!”. We welcome the three or four Military Divisions of Chinese Men who have “crossed over” for “FREEDOM”, or whatever. I, for one, want to know what the “WHATEVER” is, or in simple English, WHAT THE ‘EFF ARE THEY DOING HERE??? If we don’t hold the current POTUS accountable for his traitorous activity, we will owe Benedict Arnold a SERIOUS apology, with reparations to his progeny. I am disgusted.
I have disliked Jorge Ramos since the first day i heard him make a “report”.
Imv, he should not be allowed in America. He is not journalist. He is a communist party spokesperson.
All of the women raped at the Border by the Cartels are, I assume, Catholics, due to coming from south of the Border and speaking Spanish so how could these American Far Left pricks think that handing out abortion pills would help these women more than actually defending these women from being raped in the first place and there is a easy way to do that.. Close and control the Border… Duh…
As long as the Queer Kenyan, Soros, and Schwab sit on Satans board of directors they can and will become more evil. I think no one but we the people will be able to stop them because Lord knows no one else is even trying.
Idk exactly how I found this site and this article and its attached comments, of which I read maybe half a dozen, but man.. you guys would be a lot happier if you sloughed off all this right wing victim fantasy stuff. I’m a liberal myself, but I come from a Republican family, and I’ve got to tell you, no one among my family or Republican friends talks like this.