Originally published at IsraelNationalNews.com.
Wise people have advised us already in the past, that “Not to Vote Is to Vote and Not to Speak Is to Speak” but many individuals think that their vote will not count anyway and therefore, they will not even try to go and cast their votes.
At the same time, many of those who do go to vote will cast their votes without taking into consideration a variety of factors of serious consequences to their own well-being.
It is no wonder that many millions of dollars are invested in election campaigns intended to convince those who do go to vote, to cast their decisive vote in favor of certain candidates.
A responsible wise person who has a clear mind and understanding of the dynamics of the relentless pressure, which is imposed on the people, by a variety of media outlets and campaign operatives, will have to step back for a responsible reflection, before casting their votes.
One of the major points to consider is the sober evaluation and comparison between the real actions which were taken in the past, and the manipulation of the information and the doubtful promises which are being made by those who run for office, and their supporters. In addition, it is imperative to know, that much of the relevant information is not readily available in many of the media outlets.
Everyone will have to consider the fact that whatever decision that they take, will affect them and their families, personally and directly.
The character of the people running for office is important, but their overall policies may be even much more significant. Since nobody is perfect, one may not like the character of a certain politician, but many other considerations will have to be considered before casting a vote.
For example:
- Do we want to have economic security in our country?
- Do we want to allow an out-of-control inflation to take away much of our hard-earned money?
- Do we want our leadership to manage the wealth of our country in a responsible manner?
- Do we want an honorable, strong, and effective police to protect the citizens from criminals?
- Do we want to have a strong military to protect us from cruel enemies, foreign and domestic?
- Do we want a reliable and powerful national stability, to prevent hostile challenges from our enemies?
- Do we want a responsible border management to protect the resources and security of our country?
- Do we want to prevent criminals from poisoning and killing our future generation?
- Do we want to preserve our liberty and freedom of expression?
- Do we want to be able to protect ourselves from criminals, should the police be late to arrive?
- Do we want an equal opportunity to excel throughout our lives?
- Do we want to be energy independent?
- Do we want to transition into renewable energy in a responsible and gradual manner?
- Do we want to secure our food supplies for years to come?
- Do we want to nurture creative education and research, to be able to excel internationally?
- Do we want to use the time spent in our educational institutions efficiently and productively?
- Do we want parents to have a say in the choice of education of their children?
- Do we want to share fairly our historical facts and our traditional Divine values of equality and justice to all?
- Do we want to learn from our past and encourage valuable success, and discourage mediocracy?
- Do we want the parents to have a say in the healthcare choices of their minor children?
- Do we want a fair and trusted justice system, where everybody is treated equally under the law?
- Do we want to be able to be treated equally and fairly by our government?
- Do we want to encourage individual initiatives and creativity to promote innovations?
- Do we want to limit the greatly expanded size of the government?
- Do we want to limit the heavy-handed taxation of productive individuals?
- Do we want to prevent politically motivated persecutions?
- Do we want our leaders to follow our laws?
- Do we want leaders we can respect and admire?
I am confident that the majority of the people will respond affirmatively to most of the points that I have mentioned, and therefore, I hope that each person, will take a serious look at the facts, ignore deception and manipulation, by self-serving individuals, and will vote in a responsible manner.
This most important decision to vote will have to be done, irrespective of any previous political affiliations, should they be on the left, on the right or anywhere in between.
May we have a better future to the benefit of all of us.
Doc Moore says
In the words of Mark Twain, “If voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it.”
Sebastien Zorn says
Nonsense. There are many people who rely on “entitlements” like Medicare, Medicaid, rent controls, student aid who are not property owners who would otherwise agree with the Trump Republican platform. We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. And you forgot support for Israel which is the top issue for many otherwise Republican. leaning American Jews such as myself.
TRex says
Agreed. In essence, a large portion of the citizenry has been bought off and none of the questions posed by the author will have any effect on their vote. Along with them is the mass of govt employees whose interest depends on an ever growing govt at all levels. Both may vote in large numbers but not for the reasons we would hope. I have little faith that voting the “right way” is the way out of what has become a self-perpetuating monolith whose objective is at odds with ours.
Daniel says
“Only a fool participates in a rigged system” — George Carlin
Whether Republican or Democrat, the results are the same. Just look at our country today. That equates to a rigged system as sure as I’m breathing. George Carlin is right.
Fred says
The list mentioned in the article “Do you want” is a very good list. Unfortunately, neither the Democrats or Republicans will support more than 10% of the issues listed. So the other 90% will never be acted upon after the election. So what has been accomplish by going to vote?
The American people are slowly beginning to realize what I have written before and that is “We have a government of the politicians, by the lobbyists, and for the special interest groups.” That will not change after the mid-term elections or in November 2024.
The United States is in a state of decline and I do not believe anything will change in the near future.
Have a nice day.
Ted Weiland says
To vote is to be complicit in the constitutional framers’ usurpation of Yahweh God of the Bible’s exclusive election authority, per Deuteronomy 17:15, etc.
One of the dumbest things the constitutional framers did was to usurp the Bible’s One-God/One-Vote election system, thereby turning election “discretion” over to We the People the majority of whom, according to Christ in Matthew 7:13, are in the broad way leading to *destruction.* If ever you’ve wondered why America is precipitously teetering on the precipice of destruction, now you know!
Add to that Article 6’s Christian test ban by which mandatory biblical qualifications (such as, Exodus 18:21) were eliminated and you have the perfect recipe disaster, which is exactly where America finds herself today, precipitously teetering on the precipice of moral depravity and *destruction.”
The very best you can ever get from the Constitutional Republic’s unbiblical election system is the lesser of two evil. Sometimes, the worst of the worst. And always, the evil of two lessers.
For more, see blog article “Constitutional Elections: Dining at the ‘Devil’s Table,'” at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Search title on our Blog.
For how the Bible’s election system operates, see blog article “Salvation by Election.” Don’t be fooled by the title.
For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective.” Click on the top entry on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 9.
Truth in Tension says
Thank you for the wonderful comment and explanation.
Blackgriffin says
This platitude in no longer true.