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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Since 2001, suicide rates increased by around 40% and religious identity fell by 25%. These seemingly random statistics are data points in a web defining America’s postmodern malaise.
Within a generation a nation that had been a global model of a modern society has imploded. Old demons like racism have come roaring back in a country that is more divided than ever. Another civil war, once a farfetched science fiction tale, now seems almost inevitable. In nearly every statistic that touches on our social bonds, America has become a disaster area.
From individuals to our families to our cities to our nation, we are coming apart. Suicide rates, drug overdoses, urban collapse, crime waves, hate, violence, fear and economic decline are everywhere. The majority of Americans don’t believe that the future holds anything better.
There are many explanations for what is happening, but a basic one is that we are the plane plummeting from the sky after all the rivets holding it together had come out. The rivets were those things which politicians blather about, the ones that hold us together, and without them we are defined only by those things which divide us. We’re separate parts falling down to earth.
Religion was a fundamental unity. Commonalities of faith allowed America to weather crises like the civil war or the civil rights struggles because underlying the anger were shared values. We no longer have shared values and while religion is not the only issue, it is a major indicator.
The deconstruction of country and faith left us with little more than accidents of geography, social class, race, tastes, politics, and the other things which divide us as our defining identities.
The moral motive force of a deconstructionist society in which nothing is sacred is to be defined by what we are against. Negative outrage, rather than any drive for the good, came to be the highest value. After the fall of Communism, the leftist ideology that transformed the country lacks any credible vision of a better world. The feeble gesturing toward Europe’s health care or China’s rapid trains quickly give way to a movement that is defined by its hatred of what is.
The class warfare conspiracy theories, tales of oppressed workers, strikers battling with the bosses, bomb throwers sabotaging capitalism, revolutionary vanguards overthrowing kings is where the moral passion of leftists always lay, but in the past this had been dismissed as a temporary stage. Now the violence and hate have become not the journey, but the destination.
Anti-racism contends that racism will exist as long as whiteness does. Wokeness holds out no hope of a better world, only a resistance that destroys the old but, even if it eliminates all the white people or heterosexual males, will likely never be freed of the intellectual residue of whiteness, patriarchy, heteronormativity, cisness and other thought crimes yet to be revealed.
Wokeness is an admission inherent in the long failed drives toward ‘True Communism’ in Russia, China and other totalitarian red states that utopia will never arrive. All leftists can do is sign up for an Orwellian perpetual cycle of purges against the enemies of their ideals.
That sort of ‘Oppositionism’ was the inevitable consequence of trying to actively realize an impossible ideal and then, out of the throes of its failure, defining the movement around a perpetual hostility to conservatives and traditionalists with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Oppositionism is what remains in a society where nothing is sacred and all that’s left is hatred of the other. If nothing is truly sacred and there is nothing higher to aspire to, then what defines us is what divides us, and we no longer need to know who we are, only what it is we hate.
The madness of oppositionism leads Democrat moms to take their toddlers to drag shows and buy them copies of Ibram X. Kendi’s ‘Anti-Racist Baby’ board book because these are the things that the people they hate now hate and so it’s incumbent on ‘progressives’ to embrace them.
At the rate we are going, if conservatives came out against child sacrifice, there would be a line all through wealthy woke suburbs to deliver their children to Moloch. In a society where things like human life and the innocence of children are sacred, such things would be inconceivable, but in a ‘nothing sacred’ society, what appears sacred must give way to what we hate.
Nothing sacred, certainly not religion, but not even that which even the most primitive barbaric tribes value, like the protection of women and children, can stand up to the power of hate.
And the need to destroy what we are to differentiate ourselves from that which we hate.
A generation ago, few college women would have been willing to throw away the hardwon feminist privilege of female sports to cater to a handful of mentally ill men. But the combined forces of woke identity politics and, almost as importantly, conservative opposition made it a tenet of faith that men who say they’re women have transcended biology and questioning that is a hate crime.
The postmodern moloch of wokeness asks of its followers that they sacrifice what is most precious to them, children, born and unborn, masculinity, femininity, athletic opportunity, honor and morality, in order to not only signal their virtue, but to differentiate themselves from the hated other tribe that they have been cursed to temporarily share parts of the country with.
The ancient pagans castrated themselves to worship the ‘goddess’ while the new pagans castrate themselves to reject toxic masculinity, traditional gender roles and everything that they have been taught is evil. The end result of people who define themselves by the rejection of what they hate is that they lose themselves and destroy their bodies and their souls.
That is what is happening to America.
The idea that some positive unifying vision would emerge in the twilight of religion was always a delusional fantasy. Religion was replaced by cults of personality, like that of Hitler and Stalin, and more contemporary examples, by a cannibalistic consumerism, and by a politics that pervaded everything.
Leftists promised that their politics could realize what religion only promised in exchange for total commitment and submission. Their failures cost a hundred million lives as a down payment. With the theoretical underpinnings in ruins, the politics is still everywhere, its promise is the destruction of everything else. Only when everything is gone, something better might emerge in some undefined fashion. But no one holds out any real expectation that it will.
This is oppositionism at its starkest, with no hope and no future, only the ruins of victory.
A sacred society is working toward something while an oppositionist society is nihilistic, existing for the destruction of its enemies, hoping and dreaming for nothing except death. Oppositionism cannot win because it has no concept of what victory even looks like. It barely bothers to dwell on the subject because deep down it has despaired of man and doesn’t believe that it can win.
The decline of religion, of the conviction that there is a ‘sacred’ worth building and protecting, has left behind passing emotions, mob movements, and outbursts, but nothing that endures. The sacred conviction of one moment, as in the aftermath of 9/11, is discarded when a new outrage comes along. And in oppositionism, there are always new outrages and convictions.
A sacred society is not a call for a theocracy, the coming together of the church and state is unhealthy for both, but for the importance of what we believe in. Movements, like wokeness, that cannot even summon up a plausible conception of the positive tend to form in societies that have lost the knowledge that life matters and that there is a higher purpose to our existence.
The sacred imagination looks in awe beyond the horizon in search of what moves us to be more than we are, while the oppositionist imagination is bent on dividing us to justify its cynical view of human nature. To the sacred, we are children of a higher power, while to the oppositionist we are biological meat machines driven by genetic predestination and crude impulses that are easily manipulable to those with the cleverness and the daring to impose their will on us.
That is the unexpected but fundamental breach between the sacred and the radical: is man free or a slave, was he made for better things or to be part of a mob, can we rise above ourselves?
Answer the question and you understand the movement, its nature and its misery.
Why shouldn’t biological slaves denied the hope of sacredness or transcendence destroy themselves? Why should they believe that tomorrow holds anything better than today? The icebergs are melting, capitalism is collapsing, extinction is coming and mankind will vanish. What’s there to really stay around except spite and violence against the other tribe?
Religion, true ideals, redeem us from this barbaric despair. Oppositionism, when its grandiose promises have failed, plunges societies back into that despair, and offers nothing more than the opportunity to burn it all down in a final funeral pyre in the ultimate act of social suicide.
This is the final end, individual and communal, of a society in which nothing is sacred.
The outcomes of civil wars are measured not only by what is destroyed, but by what is built. Out of a civil war between loyalists and rebels, came the United States of America. As we approach the precipice of a civil war, we may wish to consider what construction would arise from it.
The few people on earth the better the Eco-Freaks want it after being raised on Ehrlich and his Population Bomb load of total Marlkey but its really ages old and Malthus and their flowed ideas its just Ehrlich like many of his kind are all opposed to certain improvements for Humanity
That fool Ehrlich still teaches, and is never asked bothersome questions about his book.
(Rigoburta Menchu’s hoax book is still required purchase for classes in college.)
A good book would chronicle all the “sky-is-falling” predictions that hyperventilating liberals have made, yet never panned out.
I just read an interview with Professor David Stoll of Stanford who exposed Rigoberta Menchu’s book as highly embellished half fiction. But as you state, it’s a propaganda tool of the university marxists.
You gotta have faith, Daniel, it’s the way through all this dreck we never asked for and don’t deserve. Don’t let them poison your faith the way they’ve poisoned our country.
I could not agree more. Which is why they targeted religion and certain denominations who were most vulnerable.They poisoned them with. woke BS. Some of the most virulent and stupid hate I have heard was in such a setting and from those who should be leading, teaching and inspiring. I hadn’t thought of it as poison but thats a perfect term for it.
I don’t think this is a commentary on DG’s ‘faith’ … this is treatise on the lack thereof on the part of the secular lords and masters who rule over us …
“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
– John 16:33
Satan has already been defeated. It’s a done deal.
But he and his minions will do a LOT of damage before their defeat is final.
Indeed. Daniel, Islam will get us through.
Funny, some of the things I’ve been thinking about today, almost word for word.
Personally, I’ve been subjected to hate from various leftists for 50+ years. The leftists are also so righteous in their hate, like they don’t seem to be aware that their own hate is hate.
Lefties think their hatred is virtue.
And righties also have a lot of hatred thinking it’s virtue
Objectivism is the answer, but you won’t listen. Objectivism is all about the SACRED.
“[There is one] possibly misleading sentence . . . in Roark’s speech: “From this simplest necessity to the highest religious abstraction, from the wheel to the skyscraper, everything we are and everything we have comes from a single attribute of man—the function of his reasoning mind.”
This could be misinterpreted to mean an endorsement of religion or religious ideas. I remember hesitating over that sentence, when I wrote it, and deciding that Roark’s and my atheism, as well as the overall spirit of the book, were so clearly established that no one would misunderstand it, particularly since I said that religious abstractions are the product of man’s mind, not of supernatural revelation.
But an issue of this sort should not be left to implications. What I was referring to was not religion as such, but a special category of abstractions, the most exalted one, which, for centuries, had been the near-monopoly of religion: ethics—not the particular content of religious ethics, but the abstraction “ethics,” the realm of values, man’s code of good and evil, with the emotional connotations of height, uplift, nobility, reverence, grandeur, which pertain to the realm of man’s values, but which religion has arrogated to itself . . .
continued below…
Your philosophy has a following and less than 12 people on the planet earth obviously, if it was a superior thinking, it would garner more attention. It’s a good philosophy with intellectual mumbo-jumbo.
You are correct T. No one will listen, because you are a bore.
No one will read this two part wallpaper post/spam because, as always, Rand is incomprehensible. No one cares about her hesitancy to write something in The Fountainhead. And Gary Cooper always looked and sounded ridiculous reciting Rands endless soliloquies.
You seem to have picked up the verboseness habit from her
Religion’s monopoly in the field of ethics has made it extremely difficult to communicate the emotional meaning and connotations of a rational view of life. Just as religion has pre-empted the field of ethics, turning morality against man, so it has usurped the highest moral concepts of our language, placing them outside this earth and beyond man’s reach. “Exaltation” is usually taken to mean an emotional state evoked by contemplating the supernatural. “Worship” means the emotional experience of loyalty and dedication to something higher than man. “Reverence” means the emotion of a sacred respect, to be experienced on one’s knees. “Sacred” means superior to and not-to-be-touched-by any concerns of man or of this earth. Etc.
But such concepts do name actual emotions, even though no supernatural dimension exists; and these emotions are experienced as uplifting or ennobling, without the self-abasement required by religious definitions. What, then, is their source or referent in reality? It is the entire emotional realm of man’s dedication to a moral ideal. Yet apart from the man-degrading aspects introduced by religion, that emotional realm is left unidentified, without concepts, words or recognition.
It is this highest level of man’s emotions that has to be redeemed from the murk of mysticism and redirected at its proper object: man.” – Ayn Rand
Emotions, according to a materialist viewpoint devoid of the supernatural, are the lowest level of mental function, originating in the “reptilian” portion of the brain, and therefore the least worthy of trust or veneration. Your anti-religious screed thereby betrays your deep inconsistency.
Where is that guy who always makes fun of THX? I guess he finally got tired of even bothering with that.
You’re referring to “Intrepid.” Boy, does he hate THX.
I’m here and back. It’s been a tough few days. The AC went out in the house. Bad compressor. Our AC/Heating company brought over portable AC units. They work OK. But it ain’t central AC. Fortunately, we bought a lifetime warranty on parts and labor when we replaced our system. We live in a desert area and we are in the middle of a serious heatwave. Average temps between 110-117 degrees. The dog got sick necessitating a trip to the vet. He’s on the mend. Plus we are getting the garage door repainted.
Looks like the company is bringing us a new compressor today. Sometimes life throughs you a curve that even Objectivism can’t cure.
“Once more in to the breach”…..Shakespeare’s Henry V, after Henry’s celebrated Crispin’s Day speech
Spelling correction: throws, not throughs.
God help you with new air conditioning. Our HVAC people have told us the new stuff coming out on the market is so screwed up with electonic energy saving crap, they are blowing out in two years. He mentioned something about power surges so check with your guy to make sure you have protection.
“It is this highest level of man’s emotions that has to be redeemed from the murk of mysticism and redirected at its proper object: man.” – Ayn Rand
This is a nice minor summation of the doctrine of Antichrist. compare that to what the bible says. “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.
And: “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved”. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10. A man will try to take the place of God in opposition to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
“—the function of his reasoning mind.” given to him by God. Godlessness or Godless Marxism-it’s all the same.
I got a newsflash for you, THX:
Ayn Rand has believed in God, and His Christ, for a long time now,
Probably since at least roughly, oh, .00007 nanoseconds from the moment her brainwaves went flat and her heart stopped beating.
40+ years now, ever since March 6th, 1982, Ayn Rand has very much believed in God.
You always make me sad, THX. I read your words sometimes and hear C. S. Lewis saying, “He would make a most excellent Christian, if only he would stop prattling on long enough to hear His voice instead of his own voice…
PS I’ve always wondered: what is it about that old sci-fi movie “THX-1138” that you like so much anyway?
Tell us…
That movie was amateurish and sucked ass.
Love the C.S. Lewis quote.
I wonder how she justified everything she wrote when she was being judged, before she was consigned to the flames of the underworld.
God will not be mocked.
Thank God for Christianity and Judaism’s monopoly in the field of ethics.
I’m trying to figure out how objectivism has remotely influenced ethics, as you always demonstrate your complete lack of ethics
If life on earth is SACRED then Objectivism is the answer.
Looks like no one believes your garbage. No one will ever believe it. And it is really nice to see more and more people getting on board.
You couldn’t find the ‘sacred’ in anything with two hands and a flashlight.
What a terrific essay! Thank you. This is all, as the Marxists say, “no accident.” Marxism, under its several names, is inherently destructive. Marx instructed his followers to “ruthlessly criticize all that exists.” That line, itself, is a bastardization of Marx’s favorite line, from his favorite character (Mephistopheles) in his favorite play (Faust). That line was “All that exists deserves to perish.” Destuction lies at the black heart of Marxism and now it is here.
Marxism is the religion which believes that “there is no God, and Marx is his prophet”.
Almost every essay by Daniel has a sentence or two that I write down for future reference,
That’s the highest possible praise
The only justification for leftist absolute power is the total demonization of everything that exists.
Without it how could the Left possibly justify the destruction it causes?
That is what we see all around us today.
It was a terrific essay. It captures the vortex of mindless, nihilism that drives Marxists and Muslims into paroxysms of hatred and arson. They are possessed by a consuming evil and only acts of insensate hatred can satisfy their lust for atrocity. An ever increasing percentage of humanity has become possessed by demons. Now we wait and hold our faith dear..
I can’t remember being as upset as I was today after watching what has happened in Israel. I guess 911 would be the closest, but there is a malignancy and a betrayal that goes beyond 9/11.
Obama set this up with his occult partnership with Iran and Biden, his doltish familiar, has enabled Iran to fund every Muslim Nazi in the Middle East to attack Israel with every evil they can muster. This will lead to the first nuclear world war.
May the Lord have mercy on the good and the faithful, and may Israel be spared…I believe she will survive the onslaught.
There has been a moral Kulturkamph that has been ongoing in the YS since the 1960s
mike drop…………
Daniel I believe that is the best work you have written BRAVO
Thank you so much, Jaybo.
Daniel, I am very sorry to see what has befallen Israel. It is sickening and enraging, but the attacks will ultimately fail. Israel will still be standing when Iran is nothing but a radioactive puff of smoke.
I concur. Excellent article.
It’s certainly one of them, but I once tried to select his best articles and failed to narrow it down to one.
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).
In short, it’s good VS evil. It has been for ever.
Who wins? it depends on who’s a better fighter.
When you turn your back on God, you’ve got nothing but the Devil to face…. alone.
Great article!!
One of the best articles that describes the current malaise in America. When you have no coherent purpose in life you become a tool in the hands of the wicked. America is the blind leading the same. If you have no purpose in life your life has no purpose. What is needed today is an invigoration of the soul. Only divine revelation can restore the soul.
The fundamental lie of leftist ideology—that human nature is malleable—sets the stage for what Mr. Greenberg calls oppositionism because normal human beings are a constant disappointment to leftists. Leftists can only oppose what decent people respect and honor: faith, family, responsibility, individual liberty, etc. This makes leftism purely reactive and dooms its adherents to always and forever choosing wrong over right, evil over good, and worse over better. Leftists are incapable of describing the society in which they would be conservatives.
The fundamental idea of the Left is that people are purely products of genetics, unchangeable, and of society, entirely changeable.
The Left’s entire mandate comes down to transforming humanity by transforming society despite ample evidence that humans are not just infinitely malleable products of society and that society is driven by human interests and needs rather than ‘power systems’, capitalism, etc…
Even as pure products of genetics, no two of us are alike. The odds are a gazillion to one that any individual could actually exist. What are the chances that one particular sperm cell meets up with one particular egg cell? How many millions of these joined cells do not survive the hazards of the birth challenging their combined genetic weaknesses? How many survive to maturity and successfully create their own offspring?
No two people are alike. No one else in the world matches you. Even a twin. What directed that sperm cell and that egg cell to meet under optimum conditions? Think about it long enough, and it almost becomes necessary to posit a divine hand overcoming the odds against.
Pure dumb luck doesn’t cut it. We are not just the products of the society we live in.
We may often go along to get along, try to “fit in” and be one of the cool kids. But how then is it possible to recognize future dangers and decide not to comply with tyrants?
We see this non-compliance with the transformers of society happening now. Those of us not fooled the first time saw some hard times and were definitely not counted among the cool kids. But the seriously uncomfortable and damaging outcomes now coming to light have opened a lot of eyes.
And some eyes were never shut. Thank you, Daniel.
Daniel, this is one of your most compelling articles yet. You’ve articulated our dilemma beautifully. It reminds me of my favorite quote by G. K. Chesterton: “The real tradegy of a man who no longer believes in God is not that he believes in nothing but rather that he’ll believe in anything.” Thanks!
If enough Americans fight back against the collectivist-leftist-materialist insanity now gripping the country, then in 30-50 years–when those who are driving this madness are dead and gone or too old to keep it up–future generations can turn things around. This is a fight for the long haul. While there can certainly be small victories now and again, this is a battle that can only be won after decades of fighting back.
Jason Whitlock summed up the 2020 election as follow: The people who voted for Trump, loved Trump. The people who voted for Biden, hated Trump. And hate won.
And it seems hate is still winning the minds of those on the left, unfortunately.
What a hollow victory it is to win, not because of your own popularity, but out of the hatred of the “other”. I have been so disappointed in our “electorate” ever since the 2020 election. My faith and respect for our fellow citizens has gone down the drain after seeing how shallow so many have become. The saying “we get the govt we deserve” has been proven in capital letters. Mr. Greenfield has put it in terms even the dolts driven by hatred can understand if they even bothered to do a little self-assessment. Instead they revel in their victory while the nation crumbles around them. Chalk one up for the critical theorists. They’ve set their own house on fire.
AMEN!!!! Fantastic quote from Chesterton.
Daniel, you totally nailed it with the statement, “… these are the things that the people they hate now hate and so it’s incumbent on ‘progressives’ to embrace them” … Which goes to prove something I’ve always believed: in reality, the Sodomite left doesn’t give a flying rip about their precious gay rights, abortion, environmentalism causes, etc. If they did, they’d be outraged that the rest of the world wasn’t on board (ie. China and India on CO2 emissions, the Muslim world vs. the gays, and so on), and they’d be hammering on them every day at the UN … No, what entirely consumes and motivates these depraved, morally bankrupt and intellectual frauds is the pathological need to oppose the Biblical-based morality of their own countrymen who simply refuse to sign on … Yes, it’s as basic as that …
They already are sacrificing children in the name of what you call oppositionism; its called abortion and sex change. Great piece. One thing you missed; you mention nihilism, but there is hedonism. And what I call, moral hedonism. They just simply can’t get enough of feeling good about oneself.
How do you explain the secular conservatives?. There are agnostic people who agree with most everything published on these pagers, myself being one of them. There are probably athiests who do as well. The leftists have a religion. It is possible that if they had grown up with another religion they would not have embraced the leftist religion.. I think their religion is not “do what is right” but “do what feels good.”. It is not “punish those who are bad” but “punishing people who do bad things is racist”. The sacred command of the left is “Thou shalt not discriminate” unless you are discriminating against Asians, Jews, White People, Conservatives and Trump..
This article is one of the finest written. You have understood the true dilemma of our country and society and defined it succinctly with passionate spirituality.
It was a disturbing read, one that everyone should.
Thank you very much.
Hate is easy. Hate is free. Hate is something to have when you feel left out.
Almost all people are left out of the Kardashians, pro sports, Silicon Valley, TMZ, Hollywood…
All those others getting while you are not. Why is that? The other’s race, gender, sex, culture, religion….
The Obamacrats are good at creating the other, when they are the other.
A few words and obvious observations and you become the other. Create the other & create hate.
Create Blame. Create the Enemy.
Hate? Here’s how you get revenge.
Well organize. We’ll get wins even by breaking rules.
Well be clever.
We deserve it. We hate.
Agree with most of your essay, except on one key point: You write that oppositionists don’t have any goals other than merely opposing or tearing down. I think that’s a mistake, and a a critical one.
…..Certainly their philosophy demands tearing down, but instead of having no noble goals, they have the Ultimate: they believe that utterly destroying consumer economies will accomplish something of God-like accomplishment: they believe they can save the planet.
….In reading comments by leftists and eco-freaks what stands out (to me) is their fanatic zeal to save the planet, which understandably imbues them with feelings of grandeur and superiority. In their minds they will have replaced God Himself.
….I think anyone who doesn’t see the quasi-religious fervor in most of these snowflakes will inevitably underestimate their fanatical determination.
The Left is a cult with man as both god and devil, armageddon arising from society unless man becomes leftist and then ushers in utopia
Indeed. It is a cult populated with the likes of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, John Kerry, et. al. and all the minions doing the dirty work will be nothing more than slaves to those who promised them Utopia.
Mr. Greenfield. Your article is so stunning well done I lay here thunderstruck..
I’ve been reading history since a teenager. I am now 77 years old. I believe it was one of the most concise powerful piece of writing in modern times it would compare to any of the greats. I won’t list the names of the great ones that you belong with as I’m sure you’re a humble person. But one come to mind ,you have capsulated the essence of Orwell.
The last eight books on the similar subject took hundreds of pages to express what you did in a short article you’re thinking, was deep, concise, brilliant .
Others have hit the target, but you split their arrow.
God bless you I will pray that you continue your incredible work
Thank you so much. Orwell has been one of my inspirations for writing in a time of madness. Stay well.
If there were no more white people:
No electricity
No clean drinking water
No fuel (gasoline)
No energy production
No sanitation
No food production
No manufacturing
Like Rhodesia when it became Zimbabwe and all the white farmers were killed or run off, the black leadership soon began begging the white farmers to return because the blacks couldn’t feed themselves. The USA blacks besides massacring each other would be wishing the white people would be back again.
Always brilliant. Great article.
“As we approach the precipice of a civil war, we may wish to consider what construction would arise from it.”
Whenever there is talk of civil war the Leftists routinely get on sites like this and arrogantly proclaim they would win because they have the tanks, the guns and the armed forces. What they don’t have is love of country.
They also seem to have forgotten our history. A small band of Minute Men and volunteer soldiers managed to defeat a powerful army fielded by the most powerful nation on earth. Why? The British really had no emotional stake in the country. We did.
It took 7 years but we pulled it off. Our ruling oligarchy today has no stake in America because it answers to an elite globalist group in Europe. And their army is a soft, fat pronoun army.
As long as we are armed these leftist clowns cannot defeat us. There more of us than there are of them. Many are ex-military who were fired by Obama and Biden. And we are patriots. They are latter day Communists.
Let the REALITY of the TIMES guide you and keep you strong for the future.
The Great plan of God. is recognized by the Title Tribulation. The prophet Isaiah called it “The Day of the Lord’s Vengeance,” and the “Year of Recompense,.” Isaiah 34:8
The minor prophet Zephaniah called it “The Great Day of the Lord.” a Day of Wrath, and “A Day of Trumpet and Alarm.” Zephaniah 1:14-16.
Daniel 12:1 describes the Tribulation as “a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.” Jesus Himself revealed “there will be a great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be”. Matthew 24:21.
These descriptions make it pretty clear that the world has certainly yet to encounter the Tribulation.
Several reasons for the Tribulation.
To fulfill prophecy. Daniel 9:24
To defeat Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. Revelation 19:20.
To uphold Jerusalem’s cause and punish those who mistreat the Jewish people. Isaiah 34:8.
Punish those who claim Israel’s land. Ezekiel 36:1-38.
Punish the inhabitants of the earth for their sins. Isaiah 24:1-6, 26 :20.
“When you believe in nothing, all you have is hate.”
That’s why it’s called nihilism.
And suicidalism is the result of that nihilism.