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There are many lessons in the murder of Salwan Momika, who was murdered in a shooting late Wednesday night in Sweden, but it’s unlikely that those who need those lessons the most will take any notice of them. Momika, an immigrant to Sweden from Iraq, had been a hunted man for quite some time because he had repeatedly burned the Qur’an in public, maintaining that Sweden’s stated support for the freedom of expression allowed for this, and that it was necessary in order to call attention to the many evils that the Islamic book contained, condoned, and exhorted its believers to perpetrate. Swedish authorities disagreed, and that is why Momika is dead today.
The collapse of the West’s will to defend its own values and culture is thus the first lesson of the murder of Salwan Momika. The Swedish government states that “the constitutionally protected right to freedom of expression includes the right to express thoughts, opinions and feelings through speech, writing or images without interference by the authorities.” There is, however, a big caveat: “This freedom can only be restricted if it is necessary for the fulfillment of certain purposes specifically set out in the Constitution, and a restriction may never go beyond what is necessary to fulfill these purposes.”
All right. So Swedish government officials would likely insist that they tried to impede Momika’s activities because of their concern for the welfare of Swedes in general, and fear of what Muslims might do in response to his burnings of the Qur’an. While that may seem to be a reasonable stance, Swedish authorities don’t seem to realize or care about the fact that when they made it clear to Muslims in Sweden and around the world that they would not stand up for the freedom of expression, they only ensured that there would be more challenges to it. Bowing before violent intimidation always leads to more violent intimidation, and yet Western officials never seem to grasp that basic fact, one that we should have all learned on fourth-grade playgrounds.
Swedish officials made matters even worse by charging Momika with “agitation against an ethnic or national group.” This was absurd on its face, as Momika was not some goose-stepping National Socialist agitating for the supremacy of the white race, however much the leftist establishment wants to smear all opposition to jihad violence and Sharia oppression as white nationalism. He was an immigrant from Iraq who knew from personal experience how the teachings of the Qur’an could deform the soul and lead people to do evil and think they were doing good.
This didn’t fit the paradigm of the political and media establishment in Europe or North America, and Swedish authorities hounded and persecuted Momika, trying to deport him back to Iraq and certain death, and generally treating him as if he were the source of the civil strife in Sweden, not the jihadis who were out for this blood. This is, in fact, a quite commonplace view. On Friday, Agence France-Presse ran a story entitled “Salwan Momika, The Quran Burner Who Sparked International Tensions.” The first sentence of this story was “Iraqi refugee Salwan Momika, who was shot dead late Wednesday in Sweden, stoked international controversy with his Koran burnings.”
In reality, Momika didn’t stoke any controversy at all. The Muslims who raged against him, threatened to kill him, and ultimately succeeded in doing so are the ones who stoked the controversy. If they had taken his burning of the Qur’an as a matter that affected him alone and didn’t impugn them at all, or if they had understood and accepted the importance of the freedom of expression for any free society, there would have been no controversy. The controversy came from them, not from Salwan Momika.
The Swedish government effectively sided with those jihadis when it opted to hound and harass Momika instead of hailing him as a courageous defender of the freedom of expression, and providing him with full protection. After Momika burned a Qur’an in July 2023, the Swedish government issued a statement: “The Swedish government fully understands that the Islamophobic acts committed by individuals at demonstrations in Sweden can be offensive to Muslims. We strongly condemn these acts, which in no way reflect the views of the Swedish government.”
Not a word about the importance of the freedom of expression, or about the necessity to resist erupting in violent rage if someone doesn’t like your holy book. Swedish authorities instead chose to condemn “Islamophobic acts.” We all must love Islam now, on pain of charges of “Islamophobia,” and if we dare not to do so, the fate of Salwan Momika awaits us. He got what Swedish officials wanted for him. But if they think that his death will solve their problems regarding Islam, jihad, and “Islamophobia,” they’re in for a series of ugly surprises.
“We strongly condemn these acts, which in no way reflect the views of the Swedish government.”
The Swedish government in no way reflects the views of the Swedish people. It reflects the degenerate views of the islamopithecine invaders. The Swedes should overthrow their government, which is as degenerate as Islamic culture it champions.
As President Donald Trump is trying to do for our country and let’s all pray that he succeeds in restoring our country to a constitutional government.
Just today President Trump told all the FBI and DOJ officials who worked on the January 6th case to resign. If they try to refuse, he’ll fire them like he did the J-6 prosecutors last week. He also fired 6 of the 7 top FBI executives (criminal deadbeats) and the heads of 20 field offices, including the scumbag DC head who colluded with the J-6 set up of MAGA supporters by the Dirtbagocrats. He was obviously a Dirtbagocrat operative, just like Christopher Ray.
He gave Mexico a 30 reprieve on the 25% tariffs he’d imposed because the Mexican President kissed his butt and promised to send 10,000 federal troops to the border to interdict cartel scum and attempted illegal aliens.
The President of Panama canceled China’s control of the canal because he knows President Trump will take it if he has to. Trump reiterated that he would again today.
Justin Trudeau also backed down from his false bravado and promised 10,000 troops or Mounties or whatever on the border and declared the Mexican cartels a foreign terrorist organizations just like Trump has. The cartels operate in Canada as well as Mexico and America.
He’s only been President for 14 days and he’s firing corrupt criminals in government as fast as he can line them up, and signing slews of Executive Orders to restore our government. Hell, he’s making it better than it ever was. He just signed more today.
Who ever called Islam the Religion of Peace must be a total Liberal Atheist or total fool who must be the types who thinks Kwanzaa is a Real Celebration
That would be “W’ Bush Sept. 11, ’01 about 8 PM. He said it so many times, I knew it had to be a lie.
Bush’s “religion-of-peace” wasn’t exactly a rallying cry to victory.
He also made a nauseating, suck-up trip to a mosque with his shoes off.
He also felt the need to invite imams to the White House & give ’em a foot rub.
That all told me he was more intent on winning a Congeniality contest, rather than destroying islamic terrorism.
The lackluster 43 also kept Clinton holdover, Norman Mineta in as Transportation Secretary. Mineta made sure islamists could have a safe platform to sue airlines after staging a dry-run & fought to keep pilots unarmed.
“W” Bush was a dumb ass. Likely the dumbest president this country has ever had. He was also a vile warmongering neocon.
George was definitely a dumbass but NOBODY has ever come close to Jejune Joe’s level of stupidity.
“W'” was a dumb ass but he wasn’t stupid. Joe Bite Me (Joe Biden) on the other hand, was a demonstrably stupid moron with sh*t for brains.
Bush43 had lackluster intelligence, but Sleepy Joe was renowned for his jaw-dropping stupidity . . . WELL before his dementia started.
As even B. Hussein has commented on Sleepy’s ability to fock everything up that he touches, we have to agree Biden will go down as our stupidest president.
Bush43 was too timid to ever go against the grain. (As demonstrated when he signed Campaign Finance, after admitting it was unconstitutional.)
🦜 Islam is a peaceful religion ~
🦜 Islam is a peaceful religion ~
🦜 Polly wanna cracker ~
🦜 Islam is a peaceful religion ~
🦜 Bwaak. ~~ Bwaak ~~~
🙈 ° 🙉 ° 🙊
Burning Korans is too much fun to give up. ~
Rather than direct burning, I have several terror group CAIR supplied terror guides (korans), that I take to the range with me. I purchase Israeli made IMI ammunition (diamond cut hollow point), and go have some fun.
As an alternative, especially when making grilled pork chops, I put koran pieces on the charcoal for some added koranic flavor.
I use the IMI ammo as well. I like their 9mm, their 77 grain and the green tip.
Midway has it for great prices. Always on sale
On camping trips, qurans can stand in for toilet paper.
(Then tosses in the campfire to burn.)
I hope you aren’t cooking hot dogs over that fire. 😛
Momika went to my country, Norway, and sought asylum, because Sweden wouldn´t give him permanent residence permit. Norway said No, because of “security reasons” (the cowardness is so terrible that it hurts hard, though I expect nothing from my officials, they left morality a long time ago). So Norway sent him back.
And now he is dead. One day before he was supposed to meet in court (hate crime/incitement, you know).
Norway has blood on its hands.
His friend, Salwan Najem, was one of these days convicted for hate crime or incitement against ethnic group (suspended sentence). Unbelievable. Murder no hindrance.
To hurt someones feelings is violence, while the real violence – always from the followers of the peaceful religion – is just normal. And think of all the churches, in Scandinavia and Europe, that are desecrated.
Very many say now that Sweden is at, or beyond, the point of no return.
Nobody has listened to us for years. And now Norway also has great problems with swedish gangs.
The border is long.
Please pay attention to everything that involves the religions of peace.
Remember, they define “peace” as “islam rules”.
Sweden needs to realize that importing angry young men of military age who are as hot of blood as they are dim of mind is no way to build a successful nation. Send the lads home!
Put them in catapults and launch them into the Baltic and North Sea, whichever is closest If they’re too far inland to make it worth a long trip, just launch them into mountain sides. Or feed them to polar bears.
Why waste a perfectly good Qur’an by burning it when it is well suited to be used in an outhouse.
Civilized Nations should not allow even ONE muslim to enter! Their ideology is inconsistent with civilization. Now I sympathize with people who are subjected to it’s authority and insanity, but that’s no reason to allow it to infect Our Nation! When have the Baptists or Methodists or even the Snake Handlers demanded others to bow to their religions? Can you even recognize any of those on the streets? Surely no Baptist has ever recognized ANOTHER Baptist in a Liquor Store! So WHY even allow ONE seventh century savage in?
Look what they did to Iran after they overthrew the Shah – total devastation of human rights and dignity! Can’t let that happen in OUR GREAT NATION! Illegals first and then those who cannot abide by OUR CONSTITUTION! Oh, wait, better qualify that to muslims since so many DEMOcrat Americans also cannot abide by OUR CONSTITUTION!
I’ve said it before on these threads – Islam is an infection and nothing else. It needs to be treated as a disease, a poison that eventually kills its host. Just look at the UK, Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, elsewhere. EVERY nation that opened its doors to Islam suffered violence against its non-Islamic population. So why are we not paying attention???
WHEN THE SLEEPER CELLS, especially Iranian, AWAKEN, whose side will many Americans be on?
Surely, some will hide behind Patriots, that a spit on a minute before, so that person could take the bullets for them. I bet they’d still piss on their grave! “White Supremacist Islamophobe!!!”
Mocking Jesus is allowed, even paid for by the NEA since it’s “art”. Would the NEA pay for a mocking of Mohammad, and if not, why not? “It’s Art, right?”
ISLAMOPHOBIA and HOMOPHOBIA??? That’s nothing compared to JewPhobia and MAGAphobia!
— If they had taken his burning of the Qur’an as a matter that affected him alone —
That is the severest possible indictment of Islam: It’s not an individual’s faith, but a social-political system that demands the control of all people. It fails the best test of a wholesome creed: the Law of General Benevolence (Cf. C. S. Lewis) and is therefore unfit for human consumption.
Islam is not even a religion in the usual sense, but an aggressively expansionist militant utilitarian collectivist ideology under color of religion. It bills itself as a total way of life, which is, on it’s face, totalitarian. It is a universal economic failure everywhere it does not have money coming out of the ground and makes for very unhappy societies when one man can have 4 wives and 3 other men have to go without, and resort to homosexuality which is only superficially forbidden by Islam, and then there is boy play, Baza Bachi, widely practiced in Afghanistan. (see the documentary The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan) Often in Muslim families the youngest boy becomes the sexual outlet for the father and older sons. Imagine how that poor kid grows up. Inbreeding is rampant under Islam with first cousin marriages being the norm, which also does not make for a happy or prosperous society, nor does the fact that Islam makes men it’s slaves by giving them their own slaves, their women. That brings us to female genital mutilation (FGM) which is done to restrict all pleasure in sex to the male, and then there is honor killing, all of the victims of which are curiously female.
In 1997 Islamism was eating its own. In Algeria the main Islamist group, the GIA, saw themselves as being 100% pure Muslims, and of course they could not see that purity in anyone else. Their leader, was a chicken farmer Mr. Zouabre, who killed everyone who disagreed with him. In his final communique he declared that the whole of Algerian society should be killed, except his band of followers, because they were the only ones who knew the truth, the only 100% pure Muslims.
I’m sorry, I’m just not feelin the love for Islam.
Winston Churchill understood the threat posed by Islam and Muslim culture. Many of his statements/writings are still relevant today, but too often viewed through the lens of political correctness, unfortunately. He knew what Western civilization was up against, something leaders today are afraid to openly admit. Churchill’s grandson summed it up like this: Islam poses two threats to the West:: terroristic and demographic — on display now in the EU and soon in the US.
If any of these Swedish governmental officials ever read the Quran and understood the dictates enclosed between the front and back pages, they would clearly comprehend that they have given shelter to evil among their people as have other countries across Europe.
That they apparently have no requirement to read it but then judge others out of their ignorance and fear is yet another example of their unwillingness to confront evil.
They are the representative cowards of their country sacrificing innocents because of their own fear and terror of Islam.
Mankind repeatedly is slaughtered by evil, manifest over and over again because human beings REFUSE to see evil for what it is regardless of where or from whom it originates!!
Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Crusades, the Ottoman Empire, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Hamas, Hezbollah, et al.
Hear no evil, See no evil, Die by evil!
Eastern Europeans seem to be the only ones smart enough to keep the islamopithecines out. I guess they remember the oppression of the Iron Curtain and recognize totalitarian minded scum when they see them.
Islam is a pustule on humanity’s ass.
I love Islam…….. In the same way I love the stench of a well used Port-O-Potty on a hot summer’s day!
I do not love Islam They want to kill me? Come let us make war. I haven’t forgotten how.
I have no interest in going to war with them. Instead, I have every interest in wiping Islam and its practitioners from the surface of the earth.
An uncensored Internet will very soon unravel the lies and cult of Islam.
Fornicate Islam.
God Bless Israel.
If we do not defeat our Leftist traitors,
we will all be Salwan Momika.
G-d help us all.
… or vice versa.
CRIMinal iSLAM (CRIMSLAM) is an evil violent, criminal movement concocted by a Petran warlord to weaponize Arabs to be his cannon fodder. Watch Trey Smith videos for details.
Uhh, since this wasn’t on the British news I’m guessing that means they think he had it coming and it’s not newsworthy.
We’re way past accusing them of “cover-ups” now aren’t we?
You will love Islam or they will kill you.
I’ve known many Muslims over 22 years in the military and serving in Islamic controlled areas. To be 100% honest, I’ve only known 1 (one) that I’d trust, and it was a woman. They are a nasty people, without decent morals, and no respect for human life. They debase their women, rape their little boys, and keep their girls uneducated. Facts are facts. I’d no more want a Muslim living anywhere near me than any other terrorist.
For those that repeat the mantra the Islam is a religion of “peace and tolerance”, read these verses from the Q’uran:
“And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killi ng.” Quran 2:191-193
“O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not guide an unjust people. -Quran 5:54
Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme – 8:39
“Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. – 2:191