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Well, this was inevitable. It was only a matter of time before Leftist Christians, marinating in the relentless insanity of their pet causes, would fashion gods in their own image: trans, queer, woke, and whatever else the Left is idolizing. The Church of St. Paul the Apostle, a Roman Catholic parish on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, has shown itself to be only too happy to forsake the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for the Left’s idols of the moment, so it was the perfect place for a recent exhibit celebrating everything the Left cherishes most: narcissism, perversion, delusion, and madness. The church has put up an exhibit entitled “God is Trans: A Queer Spiritual Journey.”
One never knows in these heady days of the woke Pope Francis, but this exhibit seems to run directly contrary to the Catholic Church’s position on these matters. Back in 2019, the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education issued a document entitled “‘Male and Female He Created Them’: Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education.” It stated that the transgender ideology was a “fictitious construct” and that the ideas of “intersex” or “transgender” led to “a masculinity or femininity that is ambiguous, even though (in a self-contradictory way), these concepts themselves actually presuppose the very sexual difference that they propose to negate or supersede.”
The Vatican added that transgenderism “has the effect of obscuring the fact that a person’s sex is a structural determinant of male or female identity.” In other words, you were born a boy or a girl. Your gender identity was not, as the fashionable parlance would have it, “assigned” to you. This is common-sense stuff, which is rare enough these days, and it didn’t fly at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle.
The UK’s Daily Mail reported Monday that the exhibit, which was created by an artist named Adah Unachukwu, “features somewhat abstract colorful paintings which appear to show where the personal meet[s] the spiritual, with videos of the artist among more traditional holy imagery.” That sounds innocuous enough, but the exhibit itself actually states: “God is Trans maps the queer spiritual journey by three significant points: Sacrifice, Identity and Communion.” One painting, Sacrifice, addresses “the need to shed an old life and personhood in order to be able to focus on your spiritual need. There is no devil, just past selves.”
That last bit goes way beyond even what the advocates of transgender madness have asserted before. We’re told that calling a man who has decided he is a woman by his old male name is the unacceptable sin of “deadnaming,” but now at St. Paul’s, the former self of a person suffering from transgender madness is not just dead, but demonic. And the rest of the statement, about shedding the old life and personhood, is a woke caricature of the actual Christian faith, and of Jesus’ statement: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24)
The exhibit inadvertently pointed up its own narcissism and self-absorption in saying: “What does holiness look like? What does your god look like? Are those two portrayals that can be merged?” The answer for the Left is that their god looks exactly like them, as they have made themselves into gods in claiming that sex is “assigned,” not embedded in every cell, and can be changed at will.
Not everyone was thrilled with this idolatry. The New York Post reported Sunday that one parishioner declared: “The church should not be promoting this. I understand there are transgender people. I pray for all people but enough is enough. It seems like they are trying to force the agenda on others.” Gee, ya think? The same person added: “Also, when a friend asked a priest about this they didn’t answer. You can’t put this out on the altar and then hide. That’s what gets the church in trouble.” Indeed. If the clergymen at St. Paul’s are going to embrace and proselytize for woke pseudo-Christianity, they should own up proudly to what it is doing, not skulk around in the shadows hoping to snare the unwary.
This being Manhattan, others were quite happy with the exhibit. One woman said: “I don’t understand the art, but this church is very liberal, which is why I love this church. They are really in the present when others are not.” Great. But the idea of the Church is not to be “in the present,” but to express eternal truths. St. Paul’s has instead opted to push the fashions of the moment, bringing to mind another one of Jesus’ statements: “Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)
Some are going to answer for this kind of Blasphemous stuff when they croak
God doesn’t punish His children. He’s not cruel, and He’s not a moron.
You assuming that the fools selling this evil are born again. If they’re secular fools who’ve crept in unaware, they aren’t God’s children.
If not born again, they’ll weep & gnash their teeth as they realize the gravity of their names not being recorded in the Book of Life.
If they are born again, they’ll be in a seriously low pecking order in the world to come. (They’ll have squandered all their crowns & rewards by their actions here on earth.)
Time you learn the diffefence between God’s “Creation” and God’s “Children”.
“John 1:12…” But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name”:
John 3:3…”.Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”.
All through Scripture, we see examples of God ‘punishing’ His children. So I ask myself if you are knowingly misleading people with your comments or are simply ignorant of Scripture ??
BTW, “Leftist Christians” equal atheists.
Rev. Roy…………>
He allows them to be punished.
Sodom has already conquered America. They are simply in mop up operations now sorry of like getting the Japanese out of the caves in WW2 Pacific at the end of the war. In this case, orthodox Christian’s are the Japanese
This is ONE church. This is in the news because it’s freakishly rare.
Nope. It is becoming commonplace in most ‘religious’ churches. That’s what ‘religion’ will get ya.
Jesus didn’t come to strat a religion, but a relantionship so that some of His ‘creation’ would have a chance to become His ‘children’..
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus………..<
Rev. Roy………..<
It was in 1869 that Pope Pius IX changed Church teaching and said that ensoulment happens at conception. At conception? Yes, after a long history of mainly holding that ensoulment, or life, begins upon quickening, Pius move the point forward when there exists nothing more than a single totipotent stem cell. Pure absurdity became hardened dogma. New eternal truth?
The Church has ceased to be the Enlightened force for truth that it had been when Aquinas championed Aristotle and underwrote the Renaissance. To seal the deal, in 1870 Pius declare himself infallible. Superlatives like infallible, omnipotent, and omniscience had been reserved for the Deity. To be human meant to be limited in these matters. If men can be godlike …
Such arrogance is beyond belief, obviously their power goes to their ego & head they do & say anything they want to. Infallible, omnipotent, and omniscience had been reserved for the Deity, so that means the Pope is God ? Such blasphemy.
Phone the Pope up & tell him to stop talking mind altering drugs.
Religion has prepared the ground for today’s secular irrational absurdities.
If you can indoctrinate the gullible into believing in Noah’s Ark, The Parting of the Red Sea, Manah Falling From Heaven, A Talking Snake In The Garden Of Eden, The Raising Of Lazarus, An Immaculate Conception, A Virgin Birth, The Resurrection, 72 Virgins In Paradise, Camel Urine Cures Cancer, etc., etc., etc.,…
well then, you’ve prepared the gullible to believe a man is a woman, and a woman a man. You’ve prepared them to believe anything or at least pretend to believe it and go along with the pretending to get along.
Because what does religion fundamentally teach us? Don’t trust your lying eyes, don’t trust reason, don’t trust reality, don’t trust your own mind. There is a higher, supernatural, dimension beyond any reality your puny, weak, defective, limited, human mind can perceive or understand. Reject your reasoning mind and just have faith like the rest of us.
It is your mind they want you to surrender, it is your mind they want you to sacrifice, the religious mystics and the secular mystics.
The Christians on the Left are simply being consistent in their mind sacrifice.
How many more times are you going to post this insulting gibberish. The only people who may agree with you are already atheists.
I really think you are trying to foment an insurrection where the atheists begin openly attacking Christians and Jews, simply because you are an idiot.
Oh wait they already have started. An atheist trans freak recently opened up on Christian school. Did that make you happy?
The patterns are always the same. When a leftist message isn’t getting through to the normals the next step is always violence.
“Reject your reasoning mind and just have faith like the rest of us”. Have faith in what ?? Ahh, you must have meant the only alternative to religion, Darwinism. You want us to have faith that everything came from nothing. Poof !! That’s as bad as believing a man can become a woman or any of the other woke insanities satan has poisoned the world with.
But I do agree with you about religion. Jesus didn’t come to start a religion but a relantionship so that some of His ‘creation’ would have a chance to become His ‘children’..
But your little diatribe ….(If you can indoctrinate the gullible into believing in Noah’s Ark, The Parting of the Red Sea, Manah Falling From Heaven, A Talking Snake In The Garden Of Eden, The Raising Of Lazarus, An Immaculate Conception, A Virgin Birth, The Resurrection), is so full of holes you could sink a ship. All of those events are historically, archaeologically or scientifically proven facts.
The Christian bible is about 27% prophecy, the foretelling of things hundreds and thousands of years BEFORE they occurred and has never been wrong once. Jesus said “I have toild you these things now so that when they happen, you will believe me”
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus………..<
Rev. Roy……….<
As Ronald Reagan said of the Left, and I paraphrase here: It is amazing how you know so much about people that isn’t so.
Trans-substantiation? Cough.
That’s a good one! 🙂
It was only a matter of time before Leftist Christians, marinating in the relentless insanity of their pet causes, would fashion gods in their own image: trans, queer, woke, and whatever else the Left is idolizing.
Remember what God did when Moses came down from the mountain and found the Israelites praying to a golden calf.
Just sayin’.
Gumption can be considered a technical term for a desirable personality trait completely absent in certain pathetic specimens of our species.
anyone who has read the ” two babylons ” will know that the catholic church is a pagan entity . but then the left are not pre disposed to facts and are spiritually dead as are all who reject the bible as GODs infallible word . death comes to all and then you will know if there is an afterlife by then it will be too late for a change of mind and heart . as the bible says often , ” the fool has said in his heart there is no god ” .
In today’s world of madness Monty Pythons Flying Circus and The Life of Brain would not be made or allowed as some snowflake would get upset about something, some joke that didn’t fit in with their feeeelings.
If you don’t have a sense of humor then it just aint funny and not much is funny in today’s world of madness.
Im glad Im old.
I think it is ok to have fantasies of being the opposite sex. But we should leave it at that and live in the real world where there are men and women and all the trans ideology is a perversion of morality. I know someone who claims that opposing transsexuality is expressive of bigotry and insensitivity. But that is leftist boilerplate and not a realistic response to the real world we live in. We should accept our body as it is and appreciate the advantages of being what one is, a man or a woman. The leftists are trying to make a political weapon out of an unrealistic fantasy raised to the level of an obsession or a perversion.
@“God is Trans: A Queer Spiritual Journey.”
No surprise from a church that gave us thousands of altar boy-loving priests.
Men will be “trans” *in heaven*, in the sense that they will identify with the Church, Bride of Christ.
But on this earth, we are to be male and female, to let our earthly marriages foreshadow that bridal mystical reality.
Mom and Dad matters!
Jesus will say “I never knew you”,
– including to those who wear vestments and speak in pulpits – to those who propounded this latest demonic attack and those who allowed it….
Whatever your denomination, if you are in Christ, get OUT of that denomination that gives the slightest leeway to this abomination. And don’t just say ‘it’s only one church’.
“Is it better to obey God or man”.