Back when everyone was thrilled that someone non-crazy appeared to be on track to over New York City, I warned that Adams was a nutjob, albeit not the rigidly ideological one that De Blasio was.
Eric Adams is running for mayor on a platform of giving everyone in the city healthy food by growing it in the city. Adams, who is polling behind Yang in the city’s upcoming mayoral election, plans to have rooftop farms over schools and hydroponic farms in buildings.
“New York City is a center of innovation and commercialization of new agricultural technologies,” Adams’ report claims. “As its new technologies develop fast, it is crucial that this economy maintain a similarly furious commitment to social justice.”
“They’re going to be skillful in it,” Adams babbles, as he optimistically invokes New York’s children getting jobs as urban farmers in an industry which pays unskilled Mexican laborers 40 cents for picking a 40 pound bucket of produce. “And these are the jobs of the future, because 40 percent of the jobs we’re training our children for now won’t be available because of computer learning and artificial intelligence. But we’re always going to eat.”
Yes, Adams running on a platform of actually having the police do their jobs was encouraging, but the NYPD has limited scope because of pro-crime DAs like Alvin Bragg in Manhattan. And the rest of the city leadership, particularly at the City Council level, has been locked by the Left.
But Adams can always go big on veganism, imposing vegan meals for schoolchildren on Fridays. (Because starving kids or feeding teenage boys soy trash worked out so well for Michelle Obama.) And we’re hearing a lot more about his views on veganism than crime.
Eric Adams, a self-proclaimed vegan, confessed under duress Monday evening that he sometimes eats fish, just hours after refusing to reveal his dietary habits at a morning news conference in Brooklyn.
In a prepared statement released by City Hall shortly before dinnertime, Adams came clean in the wake of reports that he’s been spotted dining out, pescatarian-style, at various restaurants.
“Let me be clear: Changing to a plant-based diet saved my life, and I aspire to be plant-based 100 percent of the time,” Adams said.
“I want to be a role model for people who are following or aspire to follow a plant-based diet, but, as I said, I am perfectly imperfect, and have occasionally eaten fish.”
In other news, crime is up 38%.
Crime in New York city rose nearly 39% in the first month of 2022, NYPD statistics showed, with transit crimes, hate crimes and shootings all showing upticks.
Police recorded 9,566 total crimes in January, compared to 6,905 in 2021. Every mayor index increased, with the exception of murder, which fell to 28 total compared to 2021’s 33 in the same period. Shooting incidents, however, were up nearly 32%.
“The NYPD will forever work to ensure public safety and will never give up this city,” Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell said. “This is our solemn vow to New Yorkers and to New York City. It remains critical that all partners come to the table in this shared mission to combat gun violence.”
How about combating “human violence” instead?
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