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The American Left is just Pol Pot in slow motion. The global warming scam is just an excuse to take everything away from you to save the planet.
Everything? Yes, everything.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Chief Climate Officer and New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala today released the city’s first integrated greenhouse gas inventory, which incorporates emissions from the production and consumption of food. Those emissions represent 20 percent of New York City’s overall emissions — the third largest source, behind buildings (35 percent) and transportation (21 percent).
Just like cars and individual liberty, the food will have to go. New Yorkers will look back nostalgically for the days when Mayor Bloomberg merely wanted to cut salt and ban soda. They’re coming for your meat, fish and eggs.
In response to the new inventory, Mayor Adams and Mayor’s Office of Food Policy (MOFP) Executive Director Kate MacKenzie also announced that the city will reduce absolute carbon emissions from food purchases across its city agencies by 33 percent by 2030.
Just wait until they do an inventory of carbon emissions based on population and announce that they’re cutting the population by 33% by 2030. If you don’t think it’s coming, look to the history of the Left.
“New York City is leading the world when it comes to combating climate change, because we’re using every option on the menu in our fight — and that includes changing our menus, too,” said Mayor Adams. “This new emissions report shows us that plant-powered food isn’t just good for our physical and mental health, but good for the planet as well. We’ve already made great strides in reducing our food emissions by leading with plant-based meals in our public hospitals and introducing Plant-Powered Fridays in our public schools. Now, we know we need to go further. That’s why today, we’re committing to reducing the city’s food-based emissions at agencies by 33 percent by 2030 and challenging our private sector partners to join us by cutting their food emissions by 25 percent in the same time period.”
Our “private sector partners”.
If you think that this is just going to affect public school students and patients in hospitals, you’ve got another thing coming.
Mandates will come to restaurants and then grocery stores. Food accused of carbon emissions will be taxed appropriately.
First, they’ll starve the elderly though. It always seems to start with children, the sick and the elderly. Probably because they’re the most vulnerable.
“In Fiscal Year 2023, the New York City Department of Aging served nearly 3 million nutritious meals to older New Yorkers, and under Mayor Eric Adams we continue to make changes to these programs to reduce the negative environmental impact they have” said New York City Department for the Aging Commissioner Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez.
No more meat, chickens, fish, eggs or milk (you can’t afford them anyway and that’s the plan.
The new inventory shows that 20 percent of New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions come from household food consumption — primarily from meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products.
Comrades, let us starve and eat soy together so that the planet may thrive.
“Fighting the climate crisis requires a comprehensive, all-of-the-above approach to reducing carbon emissions in our city,” said U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler. “I’m proud to support today’s commitment which will reduce food-based carbon emissions by 33 percent while also engaging the private sector to do their part. Together, these initiatives will bring New York closer to fulfilling the carbon-neutrality goals of the Paris Agreement.”
Just wait until the “private sector” does its part to eliminate meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy the way it’s doing its part to push critical race theory in the workplace and sexual grooming into public schools.
Enjoy your soylent green. Don’t ask what it’s made of. The important thing is it’s saving the planet.
THX 1138 says
First cow farts had to be eliminated.
Then human farts.
Save planet Earth, sacrifice cows and humans to Goddess Gaia.
KBB says
My sis wanted to cut back on eating meat. So for 1 1/2 yrs, she ate plant-based “meat” and other foods. She wasn’t feeling so good so she went to her Dr. and discovered she had a fatty liver caused by her plant-based diet. She promptly trashed it and went back to eating real meat. Took her awhile, but she eventually recovered.
K says
I didn’t recover. I had many undiagnosed and untreated conditions despite having insurance so I tried raw vegan. Some things got better for a time but I got the fatty liver and lost my brain. Still have the fatty liver and the brain part is questionable. . . 🥴
VietVetInOhio says
Maybe they’ll start sending city assassins out on the streets to
kill those they deem not worthy of life. Do not laugh!
Paul S Smith says
Like mayor adams….just sayin.’
Htos1av says
,,,and Gaia was always “trans’…
Michael Lofton says
Starving the population will undoubtedly lower emissions. But will not effect the climate or planet an iota.
CO2 is .04 per cent of the atmosphere
Algorithmic Analyst says
Controlling the external world is their religion. Rather than focusing on the spirit.
On a tangent, one must appease physical hunger to make it easier to focus on the spirit.
THX 1138 says
Wow! You really are strongly under the influence of the false dichotomy of the “Soul-Body Dichotomy”. Just one more reason you find Objectivism so unpleasant.
Man is an indivisible unity of body and consciousness, you can not separate the two. A body without a consciousness is a corpse, a consciousness without a body is a ghost.
“You are an indivisible entity of matter and consciousness. Renounce your consciousness and you become a brute. Renounce your body and you become a fake. Renounce the material world and you surrender it to evil.” – Ayn Rand
“The Soul-Body Dichotomy”
Phuck Biden_hard says
Obviously just another false “dichotomy”, right?
Noah Andeark says
They want us to eat my food’s food?
Alexander Scipio says
“Vegetables aren’t food. Vegetables are what food eats.” – Alf.
Dr.Ernesto says
“Vegetable taste like sad.” – Uncle Roger, YouTube star
Mickorn says
Nobody’s taking away your food. The idea to reform the food production and distribution system in light of the facts of climate change is both reasonable and necessary.
Nobody’s taking away your car. The idea of having cars run on cleaner technology, and of the government slowly working to replace the current fleet of highly-polluting vehicles, is reasonable, economically advantageous (it will create lots of jobs, despite the lies peddled by DG and others), and necessary. Climate change is real (despite the lies).
Nobody’s taking away your freedom. Here you are, expounding your hateful, racist, anti-scientific claptrap.
Stop whining. Open your eyes.
commonsense says
Racist? …Oh, I get it. You’re calling Greenfield a racist for criticizing an individual whose ideas and policies he perceives as stupid and destructive, and articulating why this is so. That these ideas and policies happen to be those of a Black individual is immaterial. But you predictably play the race card. Typical of cultural (or actual) Marxists, like yourself. Dishonesty is your modus operandi.
Kasandra says
The Left always resorts to ad hominem attacks – the very lowest form of argument as it does nothing to rebut the arguments made by the other side. This keeps them from having to actually support their arguments with what non-post-modernists know as facts, which they can’t.
THX 1138 says
Conservatives do it too. I’m constantly being attacked on an ad hominem basis here at FPM. Especially by religious conservatives.
But then again Judeo-Christianity is based on unreason, on the unprovable, the unobservable, the unpercievable, on faith in an allegedly existing supernatural dimension beyond the perception of our natural senses and natural reasoning minds, on claims that contradict the facts of reality.
If unreason and unreality are the basis of Leftism, and they are as exemplified by Transgenderism, then religion is also a form of Leftism, and it is, as can be shown by the brutal, theocratic, tyrannical history of Christianity.
Chief Mac says
Then go away moron
bigD says
All religions are based on what you describe. Why point out Judeo Christianity? Broaden your horizons.
Jumpmaster173rd says
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Now that is funny!!!!
CowboyUp says
As usual, you’re lying. Your AGW buddies are quite open about it. They’re even coming for your rice.
Ask a Sri Lankan how the leftists’ idea of AGW reform of food production and distribution works out in the real world. Most of the people leftists are starving are ‘BIPOC’ so if anybody are racists, it’s your crowd.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, rice has probably been the main staple food in human history. Like in Asia. Not much protein, but with lentils (an even earlier agricultural product than rice) and dairy (Sacred Cows) enough to survive on pretty well, as in India.
THX 1138 says
Man-made, catastrophic, Global Warming, now changed to Climate Change, after the Global Warming government funded, government controlled, fake scientists’ e-mails were leaked about 17 years ago, is a damn LIE and a collectivist, globalist, scam. and scheme to implement globalist-socialist-fascist tyranny.
As a fake scientist, funded by the government, you make or break your fortune by obeying the government, a la Anthony Fauci. Disobey the government and become an actual scientist reporting the objective facts and you will be crushed and ruined by your government masters. He who pays the piper calls the tune.
“It has been reported in the press many times that the issue of pollution is to be the next big crusade of the New Left activists, after the war in Vietnam peters out. And just as peace was not their goal or motive in that crusade, so clean air is not their goal or motive in this one…
The immediate goal is obvious: the destruction of the remnants of capitalism in today’s mixed economy, and the establishment of a global dictatorship. This goal does not have to be inferred—many speeches and books on the subject state explicitly that the ecological crusade is a means to that end.” – Ayn Rand, 1971
Daniel Greenfield says
Nobody’s taking away your abortion.
The idea is to reform and improve the abortion process in a sustainable manner by transitioning it to the pregnancy model.
Htos1av says
LMAO! Stealing that one sir! JUST devastating!
Alexander Scipio says
It really amazing thinking people when someone actually posts such drivel, embarrassing themselves, their parents, their schooling, their children.. oh – my bad… You probably don’t have children as that wouldn’t be good for Gaia, right? So you’re just a parasite on other people’s children farming, transporting, extracting, delivering, maintaining modernity, right?
TruthLaser says
Save electricity. Do not read or comment.
marlene says
My eyes are always open. It wasn’t until I read your comment that I closed them. As a volunteer, you’d make a good first specimen for their plans.
W. Layer says
“You rock, you stone, you worse than senseless thing”.
(With a thanks to Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks, that’s a great line. Shakespeare, the genius of the English language.
Deedee says
Is that like no one is going to take away your gas stove? ICYMI Berkeley tried to ban Nat gas and the 9th Circuit overturned the ban
Screw You Tax Payers says
Eric Adams and Rohit T. Aggarwala are not the origin of global warming hysteria, they are regurgitating what they have been told, and the origin is white people in the scientific/academic community, and white politicians, and white activist, and white celebrities.
Therefore, global warming is clearly rooted in white supremacy.
And these white people have never made/make life choices that reflect their global warming hysteria, that’s how you know they are all liars. If they really knew that the world was on the verge of destruction, they would be practicing what they preach.
For example; Hollywood is non-essential, why haven’t the studios been shut down? Why are these white celebrities preaching global warming hysteria, but still make movies that contribute to global warming at the time of production, but also exponentially upon release of the movies?
Think of all the carbon emissions that could be reduced yearly by eliminating movies, television, sporting events, entertainment events/tours , thousand of people not using gas generators, all types of vehicles, motorcycles, planes, boats, thousands not going to theaters/music venues in all types of vehicles, thousands not streaming/watching on television/tablets/phones/computers.
Htos1av says
The “tribe” is NOT “white”, nor gentile. But nice try, anyway…
Screw You Tax Payers says
I speak of global warming hysteria origin, not the “tribe” as you call it. The head of the “tribe” is white, the body of the “tribe” is made of many. And the head, being white, wants supremacy. But nice try, anyway….
Micki says
I see you inhaled the Koolaid, and jumped to racism as expected.
phillip says
You are a troll of the highest idiot rank! Been eating fake food toooo long.
Ed Cane says
Horse manure. My ‘humble opinions’ were silenced and censored. And I’ve been ‘permanently removed’ from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for espousing them. I’ve worked in an environmental science field for over 30: years recording (of many things) the weather. The fear mongering that today’s children are being subjected to is unprecedented and criminal. As far as EV technology is concerned, the damage to the planet outweighs the benefits at this time. And the number one danger to civilization right now is LIBERALISM.
PJ says
Sure thing; however, never underestimate the bureaucrat’s power, which they can assume by the discretion of government authority. Invariably, terror is the only way to run a state-owned economy effectively; that’s why Stalin kept his apparatchiks trembling with fear and with show trials and executions. Even though Stalin managed his army of sticky-fingered bureaucrats, in the end, it collapsed after decades of the corrupting powers of an exponentially-growing government bureaucracy from its own exhaustion.
Zundfolge says
Remember the meme: “YOU are the carbon they wish to eliminate.”
Rex J Barron says
“We have met the carbon, and it is us!” (Or SOME of us.)
CowboyUp says
Say, maybe New York is onto something. Shouldn’t New York immediately eliminate “meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products” from the WIC lists? Eliminate air conditioning from public housing, and ban gas stoves there first. There’s all kinds of things that can be done, and think of all the money that can be saved.
Daniel Greenfield says
I’m for it. Let’s start with the parasites, not the patients.
Dr.Ernesto says
Culling 1/3 of New Yorkers seems like it would accomplish the same thing, right?
Publiuswarmac says
The smart New Yorkers are leaving . 1/3 seems a real possibility over a decade.
Kit_Jefferson says
Democrat Lunatics Vs Science and Sanity.
glpage says
What good is killing our economy with idiotic efforts like this when China and India are spewing more and more CO2 every day? Do the leftists believe that the atmosphere doesn’t move and the CO2 the Chinese are producing will stay over China?
CowboyUp says
If you corner AGW hoaxers on this, they say that China has to be allowed to “catch up” to us on the greenhouse gasses we put out in the 20th century. It’s yet another tell that it’s all a hoax.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Something like 27% of the air pollution in San Francisco blows all the way across the Pacific from China.
Onzeur Trante says
Patently absurd, especially coming from a mayor who enjoys dining out in upscale Manhattan restaurants.
bigD says
And rest assured he will continue to do so while the peasants eat bugs.
Cat says
All while we let the elites eat cake ( rich in eggs, butter, and cream with a side of filet mignon)
joe says
The majority in new york city love this.
marlene says
Yes, we know these psychotic tyrants are evil with reprobate minds – Castro, Kim Jong-un, King Abdullah, Mugabe, Omar al-Bashir, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin, Mao Zedong & NYC Mayor, Chief Climate Officer, DEP Commissioner, MOFP Exec. Dir. Kate MacKenzie, NYC Dept for the Aging Commissioner, Representative Jerrold Nadler and their “private sector partners.” But I’m more interested in how they expect to steal our food & starve us to death. With violence? If so, it will met with violence. By starting a civil war? No, because it will be a revolution. Even non law-abiding citizens will fight for their children. This planet will NOT be saved unless these tyrants are stopped
Ginger Li says
How do you like NYC since the darkies took over and are now running it?
Micki says
I like to think people like you don’t exist anymore. It’s sad to see I’m wrong. Your attitude harms the side you think you’re on.
Welldoneson says
So fun that you think reality doesn’t exist until you read about it here. I would think you might have seen one or two videos about just who is doing the mass shoplifting riots. Get smart.
You are not fit to be criticizing anyone here.
Louisa says
If the Leftists really wanted to have action-items to reduce these carbon emissions they are so worried about, then close the borders.
The invasion of third world people are adding to our population and each one of these illegal aliens add to the many burdens that America is now facing (thanks to the Leftists). Close the borders to reduce carbon emissions first.
PlainOldTruth says
another thing/think
elderly, though
Htos1av says
It’s to “grease us up” for a “legal” genocide of whites/Christians/men.
WHEN, whitehats???
300 yards out, at night, silenced…
bigD says
When there is nothing left to lose.
wise-up says
Letting the New World Order that he speaks their language.
John Doe says
Heard this about a. certain group growing up and now know for sure it is true: if they can’’t fuque it they break it. Right mayor Adams..
IBoat says
You think sh!tago was bad last weekend, wait until this sh!t mess starts to smell.
Miranda Rose Smith says
“You’ve got another THING coming?” It’s “You’ve got another THINK coming.”
Algorithmic Analyst says
Trying to eliminate rice as food seems something like trying to eliminate oil as fuel.
I don’t know the statistics, but trying to replace rice with bugs probably makes about as much sense as replacing oil powered vehicles with EVs.