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#HAPPENINGNOW: An incredible scene and proud moment as we have assisted @CityCollegeNY in restoring order on campus, culminating in raising Old Glory once again on their campus flagpole. 🇺🇸@NYPDPC @NYPD1stDep @NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYPDnews
— NYPD Deputy Commissioner, Operations Kaz Daughtry (@NYPDDaughtry) May 1, 2024
I’ve written quite a bit since 9/11 about where I expected the growing battle between America and Islamic terrorists to go, but this is still a stunning moment.
There’s the NYPD reclaiming a portion of a New York City campus, lowering a terror flag and raising the American flag again.
There are echoes here of the flag at Ground Zero and of the Star-Spangled Banner.
This is literally a battle for our country being fought on college campuses between the NYPD and Islamic terrorists and their Marxist allies.
It’s all the more stunning in contrast to what’s going on in Los Angeles at UCLA.
UCLA UPDATE 🚨: Still ZERO law enforcement present, dozens of people needing medical assistance, and this man appears to be bleeding profusely in his right arm. Security ordered to stand down, no LAPD presence. A Jewish woman said multiple men assaulted her, no security help.
— Anthony Cabassa (@AnthonyCabassa_) May 1, 2024
No one in the LAPD is talking in these terms. The LAPD is refusing to answer calls from people under attack by Hamas supporters. As bad as Mayor Eric Adams and the NYPD may be in some ways, they’re still fighting where most police forces in liberal cities have surrendered or switched sides.
We will remember moments like this in the years to come and they may well define the final outcome.
Greg says
Are they occupying Wall Street again?
Jeff Bargholz says
No, that’s been left to the rat population.
Steven Kardas says
Will the school expel ever one of these miscreants for disrupting ever one else who is there trying to get and education ?
Jeff Bargholz says
Well no because their professors put them up to it and the administration backs its professors.
Kynarion Hellenis says
A good sign in New York, and a bad one in L.A.
The “givens” of left and right are no longer shared. The left does not recognize our Constitution or the rule of law. This being so, we have only two choices: surrender or fight.
Who will control the police? The military?
I will not go gently into that good night.
Domenic Pepe says
Depraved psychopathic berserk Mayor Karen Bass of Las Angels should be expelled from Los Angeles.
She is a scourge on the City of Los Angeles and its law abiding citizens.
truebearing says
Every America loving American citizen should own at very least one semi-automatic 12 gauge shotgun and at the very least, 100 rounds of OO buck. We live in the time of either/or…. Self-defense is essential.
Fred says
Will some enterprising journalist (ok, I’m exaggerating. little) please ask Gavin Newsom his opinion on terrorists intimidating a minority group? And stopping education at what used to be an elite educational institution?
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, I feel sorry for those cops at the city college (a community college?) because they work under da racist Mayor, hizzoner Boogie Adams. He just held a mercifully short press conference with an all blackish and all racist panel where they all assured the public that they would strive not harm the rioters, even though the public wants them harmed grievously, and affirmed their commitment to protect the Columbia faculty, who are the criminals who put their students up to their riots. The innocent bystanders and counter protesters who’ve been attacked didn’t even get lip service.
Oh! The LA pigs finally responded in the middle of last night……….in answer to calls from Hamas supporters under attack from people! “No joke,” as a certain lying retard would say. Fed up citizens threw fireworks at their tent camp and beat them with sticks.
The fireworks and sticks make me wonder if they were ethnic Chinese or other Asians. Sticks are kind of their thing and Chinese New Year came and went recently so maybe they had some fireworks left over. I still have some Chinese candy but I finished off my last fortune cookie last night. “My emotional nature is strong and sensitive.” a cookie wouldn’t lie. 😛
I’m glad this America and Jew hating Hamas terrorism isn’t happening in San Jose. Our new Mayor, Matt Mahon, gets a lot of criticism from conservatives but maybe he told the truth about an effort to reduce crime. The last mayor, Sam Licardo is a piece of shit who allowed the Black Lies Murder Monkeys and the Antifa pajama boys to run wild on a nightly basis and locked us down over the scamdemic and destroyed countless businesses while he hung out at parties with scores of people. He’s running for Congress or the State Legislature based on fake accomplishments which are reverse reality lies. Figures.
MuggsSpongedice says
As retired from law enforcement, I do not like the term pigs for police. Majority of law enforcement on the street do their utmost to be professional and continue their education to be better at their chosen profession. I left commie Kalifornia 7 years ago and it’s not that much better in Arizona from the coup d’etat we are in from 2 stolen elections, 2020 and 2022 here in Arizona.
Jeff Bargholz says
I can understand that and knew somebody would say that. My sister is a sheriff and my other one used to be. Neither of them would help Hamas supporters against citizens and I bet for every “cop” who showed up to protect the terrorists, ten refused. I have nothing but contempt for the ones who protected the anti-American terrorist Jew haters.
The Chief of the LAPD and Mayor who ordered the police to stand down while jihadis occupied the UCLA campus and attacked people at will should be lined up against a wall and shot.
I used to live in Golden Valley AZ and yes, the Maricopa County area has election cheating honed to a CA level and it dominates the state. Too many Californicator carpet baggers there. No way did Kari Lake and those others really lose.
All those Hamas Gutter Dwellers and supports should all be returned to Palestine one way and no returns we don’t need these bottom feeders
Jeff Bargholz says
Mike Johnson just signed a bill over 3 billion dollars to relocate Paleosimian subhumans to America. 3.2 or 3.5, I think.
No wonder Marjorie Taylor Greene wants him gone. He promised to tie spending on border security with that huge pork bill he just signed too but obviously lied.
MuggsSpongedice says
What will it take for these punks to leave campus, to be law abiding citizens? The vile punk men that assaulted my Jewish sister definitely need to be prosecuted and incarcerated! Their mentality is infantile, They have never been disciplined to be a good law abiding citizen and critical thinking so the only thing they will understand is harsh punishment and physical beat downs. There should be mature men to enter these campuses enmasse and beat down these f’ing punks! And this is what it’s going to take for all these diapered cry baby lunatics that have no clue what it takes to survive and be successful in life!
Jeff Bargholz says
Concerned citizens went into the terrorist tent camp at UCLA and started beating the Jihadis.
LAPD came and saved them.
RS says
The NYPD are the finest team of officers. God Bless them for their courage!